Concept And Principles Of Teaching Flashcards
What is teaching?
Teaching is interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another person. It is watching systematically.
According to JB Hough and James K Duncan; Teaching is an activity with three phases,a curriculum planning phase,an instructing phase and an evaluating phase.
What are the objectives of teaching?
•Acquisition of knowledge
•Development of understanding
•Development of conceptual,intellectual and subject specific skills
•Development of values.
•To improve the learning skills of students
•Change behavior and conduct of students.
What are the nature of teaching?
•An interactive process
•A process of development and learning
•Bring about a change in behavior
•It is observable,measurable and modifiable.
•A complete social process
What are the characteristics of teaching?
•It facilitates learning
•It is both a conscious and unconscious process
•It is from memory level to reflective level.
•It is a continuum of training,conditioning,instruction and indoctrination.
Define conditioning,instruction and indoctrination.
•Conditioning is the modificador behavior and learning habits and it’s done by the repetition of behavior to be acquired.
•Instruction is telling someone what to do to impart knowledge of specific subjects.
•Indoctrination poses the believe that there is only one solution to the problem.
What are the levels of teaching?
•Memory level of teaching
•Understanding level of teaching
•Reflective level of teaching
What is the memory level of teaching?
-Covers only the knowledge based objectives of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
-The students learn to identify,recall ideas or objects and retain them in memory.
-The teacher plays a dominating and authoritarian role.
-The teacher’s role is primary and active while the student role is secondary and passive.
-The evaluation system include oral,written,and essay type examination
-Acquires by rote learning and it basically cramming.
What are the classification of memory?
-Immediate memory
-Permanent memory
-Personal memory
-impersonal memory
-Active memory
-Passive memory
-Mechanical memory
-Rote memory
-Logical memory
What is the understanding level of memory?
Understanding is to perceive the meaning,grasp the idea,and comprehend the meaning.
-Helps to build the thinking level of students
-It focuses on mastery of the subject.
-It provides the opportunity for students to develop skills of memory+Insight.
-The evaluation system is mainly objective type questions and essays.
-The teacher and students both play an active role.
What are the steps of Morrison understanding level of teaching?
What is the reflective level of teaching?
-It is the highest level of thoughtfulness on the part of the teacher and the learner.
-It means giving careful thought to something over a period of time.
-It consists of problem raising and problem solving.
-It involves the use of scientific method to understanding the problems with which a person is confronted.
What are the important factors affecting teaching?
-Learners psychological/individual characteristics
-Teachers and class room supports
-Environment and other surrounding factors.
What are the teacher factors?
-Educational Qualifications of the teacher
-Skills of the teacher which should include;communication skills,use of teaching aids effectively,proper selection of teaching methods,passion for teaching and human relations skills.
-Experience of the teacher
-Subject Matter
What are the learners factors?
-Instructional facilities
-Learning environments
-Socio-economic factors
What are the main components of effective teaching?
-Learning objectives
-Instructional activities.
What are some major principles of teaching?
-Develop a sense of respect among the students
-Visualise things
-Work as a team
-Make mistakes
-Arrange for the required technologies
-Encourage connection among students and faculty
-Encourage energetic learning
-Emphasize time on task
-Respect diverse skills and ways of learning