Concentration and Dilution of Urine Flashcards
Production of Concentrated Urine
- Hyperosmotic urine: urine osmolarity>blood osmolarity
- Produced when circulating ADH levels are high
- Water deprivation
- Hemorrhage
Corticopapillary osmotic gradient in High ADH
- Gradient of osmolarity from cortex to papilla
- 300 mOsm/L to 1200 mOsm/L
- Composed mainly of NaCl and urea
- Established by countercurrent multiplication and urea recycling
- Maintained by countercurrent exchange in vasa recta
Countercurrent multiplication in the loop of henle
- Depends on NaCl reabsorption in TAL
- and countercurrent flow in descending and ascending limbs
- Augmented by ADH that stimulates NaCl reabsorption in TAL
- Increases size of coricopapillary osmotic gradient
Urea Recycling
- From inner medullary collecting ducts into medullary interstitial fluid
- Also augmented by ADH
Vasa Recta
- Capillaries that supply the loop of henle
- Maintain corticopapillary gradient
- Serve as osmotic exchangers
- Blood equilibrates osmotically w/ interstitial fluid of medulla and papilla
Proximal Tubule in presence of high ADH
- Osmolarity of glomerular filtrate identical to plasma (300mOsm/L)
- 2/3 filtered H2O reabsorbed isosmotically
- w/ Na+, Cl-, HCO3-, Glc, AA, etc
- TF/Posm=1.0 thru out proximal tubule b/c H2O reabsorbed isosmotically w/ solute
Thick ascending limb in presence of high ADH
- Diluting segment
- Reabsorbs NaCl by Na/K/2Cl- cotransporter
- Impermeable to H2O and TF becomes more dilute
- Fluid leaving TAL has osmolarity of 100 mOsm/L
- TF/Posm<1.0 due to dilution
Early distal tubule in high ADH
- Cortical diluting segment
- Reabsorbs NaCl
- Impermeable to H2O
- Tubular fluid further diluted
Late Distal Tubule in Presence of High ADH
-Increases H2O permeability of principal cells
-HO reabsorbed from tubule until osmolarity of TF equal to surrounding interstitial fluid
300 mOsm/L
-TF/Posm=1.0 b/c equilibration
Collecting Duct in presence of high ADH
- ADH increases H2O permeability of principal cells
- As TF flows thru collecting duct, it passes thru the corticopapillary gradient (increasingly higher osmolarities)
- H2O reabsorbed from collecting ducts until osmolarity of TF equals that of surrounding interstitial fluid
- Osmolarity of final urine -that of bend in loop (1200mOsm/L)
- TF/Posm>1.0 b/c osmotic equilibration occurs w/ gradient
Production of Dilute Urine
- Hyposmotic urine
- Urine osmolarity<blood osmolarity
- Produced when ADH levels are low
- Water intake
- central diabetes insipidus
- Produced when ADH is ineffective
- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Corticopapillary osmotic gradient with No ADH
- Smaller than when ADH present
- B/c ADH stimulates countercurrent multiplication and urea cycling
Proximal Tubule if No ADH
- As w/ ADH present, 2/3 filtered H2O reabsorbed isosmotically
- TF/Posm=1.0
TAL of Loop of Henle w/ No ADH
- As w/ ADH present, NaCl reabsorbed w/o H2O
- Tubular fluid further diluted
- Not quite as dilute as in the presence of ADH
- TF/Posm<1.0
Early Distal Tubule w/ No ADH
- As w/ ADH present, NaCl reabsorbed w/o H2O
- Tubular fluid further diluted
- TF/Posm<1.0
Late distal tubule and collecting ducts w/ no ADH
- In the absence of ADH, impermeable to H2O
- Even though TF flows thru corticopapillary osmotic gradient, equilibration doesn’t occur
- Osmolarity of final urine will be dilute, as low as 50 mOsm/L
- TF/Posm<1.0
Free Water Clearance
-Used to estimate ability to concentrate or dilute urine
-Free water (solute free water) produced in diluting segments
-Absence of ADH: free water excretion (C-H2O is positive)
-Presence of ADH: free water not excreted (C-H2O is negative)
C-H2O is free water clearance
V is urine flow rate
Cosm is osmolar clearance
Urine that is isosmotic to plasma
- Isosthenuric
- C-H2O is zero
- Produced during tx w/ loop diuretic
- Inhibits NaCl reabsorption in TAL
- Inhibits TAL dilution and gradient formation
- Urine cannot be diluted during high water intake
- Cannot be concentrated during water deprivation
Urine that is hyposmotic to plasma
- Low ADH
- C-H2O is positive
- Produced w/ high water intake (ADH release suppressed)
- Central diabetes insipidus (insufficient ADH)
- Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (collecting ducts unresponsive to ADH)
Urine that is hyperosmotic to plasma
- High ADH
- C-H2O is negative
- Produced in water deprivation (ADH release)
- Also SIADH