Con Law Flashcards
content based speech
strict scrutiny unless its symbolic speech (conduct) or unprotected/less protected speech
- symbolic: narrowly tailored, important govt int, unrelated to suppression of message
- unprotected = FIDO (fighting words/threat-incitement-defemation-obscenity)
- less protected = commercial, school, sexual indecent speech
Less protected speech
* regulation can proghibit false/misleading/unlawful activity speech
* type of intermediate scrutiny: serve substantial govt int, directly advance that interest, narrowly tailored
School speech: public school / reasonably related to legitimate educational concerns
Sexual Indecency: based on nature of community and based on national standard of lacking serious value to social, sceintific, or political value
can limit location of adult entertainment establishments but cant ban entirely
Public official or figure suing must show = falsity and actual malice i.e., knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for truth.
Priv individual suing on matter of public conern: falsity and at least negligence
Priv individual suing on private matter: no malice needed
Cant punish truthful reporting of true fact lawfully obtained from public record