Con Law Flashcards
Who resolves conflicts between two states?
The supreme court
To have standing a (P) must establish?
Injury in fact (P must be directly injured)
Causation (injury caused by D conduct in violation a a con or fed right)
what is interstate commerce and who regulates it? Commerce Clause
Congress has the power to regulate:
(I) channels (highways, waterways, airways)
(II) instrumentalities and people that travel and work in the channels of interstate commerce(cars, trucks, ships, airplane, pilots) and
(III) and any activity substantially affecting interstate commerce— provided the regulation does not infringe upon any other constitutional right
What is the taxing and spending power?
Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excuses to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States
When is the racing power generally upheld?
If it has any reasonable relationship to the goal of revenue production
What is the war and defense powers?
Congress has the power to declare war, raise and support atomizes and maintain a navy and make rules of law governing and regulating them.
What is eminent domain?
Congress may take private property for public use with just compensation and in order to effectuate an enumerated power
What is the general overview of the presidents power?
Has the power to enforce federal laws and manage the executive branch
What are the presidents domestic powers?
Pardon power for federal offenses
Veto power
Appointment and removal of officials
What are the presidents foreign affair powers?
Commander in chief (but only conferred declares war)
Exclusive power to negotiate treaties (can be ratified by 2/3 Of the Senate)
Enter into executive agreements with foreign nations (NO RATIFICATION power by Congress)
What does the state have power over?
Anything not assigned by the constitution to the fed gov
What happens if both the federal government and the state legislate in the same are?
The supremacy clause applies
What is immune from state taxation?
The government and its instrumentalities
What is commandeering?
Congress cannot commandeer state legislatures by commanding them to enact specific legislation or enforce a federal regulatory program. BUT Congress can encourage the state to act in a certain way through their taxing and spending powers
When can States regulate interstate commerce?
If Congress has not enacted legislation in a particular area of interstate commerce.
States can regulate so long as the action doesn’t:
1. Discriminate are against out of state commerce
2. Unduly burden interstate commerce or
3. Regulate extraterritorial activity (wholly out of state)
When is a state discriminating against out of state?
When the legislation is protecting local economic interests at the expense of out of state competitors
If a law is discriminating against out of state commerce when can it be upheld?
If the state can show:
An important local interest is being served AND
There are no other non discriminatory means available to achieve that purpose
What is the market participant exception to the dormant commerce clause?
A state may discriminate if it it’s acting as a market participant rather than a market regulator
A state can favor its own citizens in providing subsidies (ex: in state tuition)
What is the full faith and credit clause?
Full faith and credit shall be given to each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state
When can state action be found when a private person is acting?
If ther action is an activity that is traditionally performed exclusively by the state (ex: governing a company town)
What does the due process clause say?
No person shall be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of law.
**State is some but starts with “no state shall make or enforce any law that shall…”
What is Liberty?
Physical freedom
Exercise of fundamental right
Freedom or choice or action
What is property under your due process clause right?
Legitimate claim of entitlement by virtue of statute employment contract or custom
Ex rights to welfare and disability benefits, public employment, public education K-12
What is substantive due process?
Laws should be reasonable and not arbitrary.
What is the standard of review for substantive due process?
A government action that infringes upon a fundamental right is generally subject to strict scrutiny. If not fundamental then need rational basis for the regulation.
What is strict scrutiny?
The law must be the least restrictive means to achieve a compelling governmental interest.
Note hard to meet strict scrutiny and most laws reviewed under the standard are struck down
Government has the burden to prove the law is necessary to achieve a compelling gov interest under struck scrutiny
What is rational basis?
The law must be rationally related to a legitimate state interest
Rational basis generally the law is upheld
Rational basis, the challenger must overcome the presumption by showing the law is arbitrary or irrational