Computing in an office environment Flashcards
DSE (Display Screen Equipment)
-Analyse workstations and assess and reduce risks
-Plan work so that there are breaks or changes of activity
-Arrange and pay for eye tests and glasses (if special ones are needed)
-Provide health and safety training and information
General work environment
-Have the appropriate workplace facilities, including toilets and washbasins, drinking water and somewhere to rest and eat meals.
-Be a healthy working environment.
-Be a safe workplace.
The data protection act
-Used fairly, lawfully and transparently
-Used for specified, explicit purposes
-Used in a way that is relevant and necessary
-Accurate and kept up to date
-Kept no longer than necessary
-Handled securely. Including protection from unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.
White hat hacking
-Ethical hackers
-Given permission, often for a fee to test an organization’s security system
-Find vulnerabilities
-Conduct penetration testing
Black hat hacking
-Supports criminal activities through their hacking skills
-Illegally attack computer systems for personal gain and ransomware
-Using malware to gain access sensitive information, steal data and corrupt documents
Grey hat hacking
-Does not have malicious intentions
-Simply trying to gain something for their own findings
-May try to compromise an organisation’s computer system without permission
-Reports back findings and asking to allow them to fix it for a fee
-Social Engineering