Computer Technology Theory Flashcards
W2 Describe how the LMC performs the Fetch and execute cycle (8 marks)
W2 Briefly describe how the operating system allows programs to interact with a computers hardware (4 marks)
W6 Describe, using an example, what is a the stack data structure and how/where it can be used in the execution of a program . (6 marks)
W7 Describe, using examples, what is a queue data structure and give two examples of where it may used in operating systems. (6 marks)
W8 Briefly describe the elements of a PCB (4 marks)
W8 Explain the steps a process can undergo as through the job and process scheduler. (8 marks)
W8 Describe the process of context switching as it applies to process control blocks (PCB). (5 marks)
W8 In linux a process is created using the fork() command. Explain the steps that occur if a fork() command is called (8 marks)
W8 The wait () command is another important associated with processes: Explain, using a suitable example, exactly how the wait functions works (10 marks).
W8 The execvp command has the following format:
int execvp(char *prog, char *argv[])
Explain what values are stored in the prog and the argv parameters if the two command line argument are: gcc and file1.c (4 marks)
W8 What is a thread control block (4 marks).
W8 Distinguish between a single and a multi-threading system. (4 marks)
W8 Give two examples of multi-threading (2 marks)
W8 What are the main states that a thread can undergo (8 marks)
W8 To create a thread in posix C programming a number of parameter are required. Explain in your own words what each of the following parameters of the thread function mean:
int pthread_create(pthread_t *tidp, const pthread_attr_t *attr, *start_rtn, void *restrict arg) (8 marks)