Computer Systems Flashcards
What is binary code
Any data that is stored inside a computer ends up as a collection of 0’s and 1’s.
•This is called binary, but is sometimes referred to as machine code.
What is floating point representation
Floating point representation involves using two parts to store a number, the mantissa and the exponent.
What is the mantissa and exponent
The mantissa is used to store the accuracy/precision of a number.(number after decimal)
The exponent is used to store the range of a number.(2°) the ° is the exponent
What are bitmap graphics
A bitmap graphic is one that stores every single pixel on the screen.
•Bitmaps are simple images that do not contain any layers, are resolution dependent and do not resize well.
Disadvantages of bitmap graphics
Bitmaps are simple images that do not contain any layers, are resolution dependent and do not resize well.
Pros of bitmap graphics
They can be very detailed in quality so are good for storing photographs and detailed editing but can have large file sizes.
What is a vector graphic
Vector graphics are made up of shapes
Vectors are stored by their objects and attributes using a mathematical formula.
What are objects and attributes
An object would be the shape that is being drawn. For example, rectangle, ellipse, line, polygon.
An attribute would be how to draw the object. For example, starting x and y coordinates, fill colour, line colour, thickness, curve.
Examples of objects and attributes
There are several common objects that you need to know how they are represented. These are:
For each of these you need to know how the attributes of:
line colour
fill colour
Pros of vector graphics
Vector graphics can be layered.
They can be resized without loss of quality
They are resolution independent.
They tend to have smaller file sizes.
Disadvantages of vector graphics
Cannot edit individual pixels.
Complex graphics with lots of layers can take up a lot of storage space.
Best suited to logos, line drawings, cartoons, simple illustrations.
Components computers need to run
Input, Output and Backing Storage Devices
What are Backing storage devices
Backing storage devices are used to store data and programs when it is not being used.
Hard drive
What is the processor
A Processor is the ‘brain’ of the computer and it carries out the operations the computer performs.
This is usually done on a single microchip.
What is the arithmetic and logic unit(ALU)
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) – Performs arithmetic calculations, logical functions and makes decisions. (IF AND OR NOT < >)
What is the control unit
Control Unit – Controls other parts of the processor, the timings of operations and sends out signals to fetch, interpret and execute instructions from main memory. It makes sure everything happens in the correct place at the correct time.
What are registers
Registers – Temporary storage locations for data being used by the processor, this includes data being processed and instructions being carried out.
The 3 parts of the processor are
Arithmetic and logic unit(ALU)
Control unit
What is memory
The purpose of memory is to store programs and data currently being used by the processor. The more programs/data that can be held at one time, the faster the computer can operate.
What are the two types of memory
There are two types of memory:
RAM, Random Access Memory
ROM, Read Only Memory
What is RAM
RAM is volatile, which means it holds data for as long as the computer is turned on. It is lost when the computer is turned off.
RAM holds programs and data being processed. It also holds the Operating System when the computer is running.
What is ROM
ROM – Read Only Memory
ROM is non volatile, which means it is not lost when the computer is turned off.
Used to store data and program permanently and cannot be altered - It is usually set when the chip is manufactured.
Stores the bootstrap loader of the Operating System, one of the most important programs on a computer. When the computer is turned on the bootstrap loader makes the OS load so that you can use the computer.
Purpose of unique addresses
Every item that is saved in memory has a unique location so that it can be opened and found again.
What are buses
Different parts of the processor communicate using buses, which are the sets of wires connecting the processor to other parts of the computer system.
Different buses have a different job to do.
Purpose of data bus
Carries data to and from the processor, main memory or any other devices attached to it.
Purpose of address bus
Address Bus – Pinpoints a memory location in memory. It is a uni-directional bus, which means it can only go one way, from the processor to the memory location.
Purpose of control bus
Control Bus – is a collection of different wires which all have separate functions, including clock, reset and write. These functions will:
Clock: carry the clock pulses to keep the processor running at the correct speed.
Reset: Stop the current program and cause the computer to reboot.
Write: To write data from the processor to a memory location.
Methods of translating program
What is an interpreter
An interpreter works by translating and excuting one line of code at a time.
This means that it can help the user to identify coding errors.
If this method is used the program will need to be translated every time it is run.
This means that the interpreter will also need to be present in memory every time the program is run.
What is a compiler
A compiler works by translating all the code at once.
The program is called the source code and when it has been translated it is called the object code.
The object code can be saved and used over and over again.
This means that the compiler does not need to be present in memory every time the program is run.
But if changes are made to the program it will need to be retranslated.
how can the negative effect of computer systems be offset?
Adjusting the settings on monitors
Using automatic power down settings
Not leaving devices on standby
What is malware
Malware is short for malicious software and it is a type of software that is designed to disrupt computer operations, or the running of a computer. Malware is a general term used to describe any software or code that exploits a computer or the information on a computer without the user’s consent. Malware includes viruses, worms and Trojan Horses.
What is a virus
A virus is a small piece of software that piggybacks on real programs. Piggybacking means that it attaches itself to the piece of real code and gets downloaded or opened when the real code is downloaded or opened. For example, a virus might attach itself to a program such as a spread sheet program. Each time the spread sheet program runs, the virus runs, too, and it has the chance to reproduce (by attaching to other programs) or wreak havoc.
What is phishing
Phishing is a way of trying to get information like usernames and passwords or log in details from users.
Phishing emails are often of a very high quality and they will pretend to be from a well-known bank or Internet site. When the user clicks on a link in the email they will be taken to a fake website and encouraged to enter their personal information and bank or credit card details. These details can then either be sold to other companies or used to take money from your bank account
What is a firewall
A firewall is either software or hardware and is used to try and maintain the security of a network. Its aim is to monitor and control the data that comes in and out of the network and to identify any data that should not be there, or might be a threat.
A firewall forms a barrier between the internal secure network and any other network, such as the Internet. You can imagine it as a type of wall that will stop data such as a virus, or a hacker from entering into the network.
What is encryption
Encryption is where a code is applied to a file or email before it is sent.
This means that if the email is intercepted it cannot be read by someone else unless they have the code to decipher the email or file.
If they try to read the email it will appear scrambled and mean nothing.
Public/private keys encryption method
Everyone has a key that they make public – so any one can use it.
If you want to email a person you encrypt the email using their public key. Then you send it.
They are the only person that can open the encrypted email – using their private key.
No one else ever knows their private key!