COMPUTER Q2 Flashcards
What is one of the most important things to consider in programming Visual basic?
to create executable code – Exe files
It is a collection of files that make up your application to create.
Also known as standard executable program, is used to create a standardize application that will run on any
Microsoft Windows PC.
Standard EXE
It is the important part of visual basic where you put
together your application. The place where you’ll spend much of your time when you’re creating application. Also called integrated.
Visual Basic environment/ Workspace
What are the six windows that appears when you start a project in VB 6?
visual basic start-up
menu bar
project explorer
properties window
object browser
Indicates the project name, the current Visual Basic operating mode, and the current form.
title bar
Has drop-down menus from which you control the operation of the Visual basic environment. Gives you access to many features within the development environment.
Menu Bar
has buttons that provide shortcuts to some of the menu options. It is a bar that runs horizontally across an application window.
three dots in the right side: close, ______ and ________.
open, and minimize
Found in the Left side of the menus. You work with the actual files that make up your applications. You can create, open, print and save projects.
File Menu
Next to file menu, you can perform the standard Clipboard Option such as cut, copy, paste. Redo and undo. You can use the “find” to search for text in the
entire project.
Edit Menu
The heart of your project you can add or removed forms, code elements, user controls and property pages. Many of these menu options can be accessed by right-clicking the toolbox or project explorer.
Project Menu
The options on the ___________ deal specifically with the size and placement of controls and form.
Format Menu
you can stop and start your applications, set watches and break points, and perform other tasks to help monitor your applications progress.
Debug Option
You can control the whole visual basic environment from the menu bar but the toolbar gives you easy access to the menu bar commands that you frequently use.