Computational Neuroscience Flashcards
Cognitive Flexibility through Metastable Neural Dynamics Is Disrupted by Damage to the Structural Connectome (peter J hellyer et al)
- Metastability is a dynamic regime where neural ensembles are able to coordinate rapidly, flexibly engaging and disengaging without being locked in fixed interactions
- resting fMRI to estimate metastability in healthy volunteers vs trauma
- Then use diffusion tensor imaging to estimate voxelwise and region of interest
- Then use complutational and empiricak based approaches to describe the relationship between structural connectivity, metastability and neuropsychological performance
- Widespread disruption to the structural connectome after traumatic brain injury
Define complexity in neuroscience
- The structure of the brain, brain activity, or something else
- High complexity of brain activity in the normal waking state, and low when consciousness is lost
- Can be quantified by using the Lempel Ziv algorithm. , which can zip codes by looking for repeating patterns. This can be applied to EEG data.
What is modelling?
- Biological - simulating molecules, synapses and neuronal activity
- Computational - how neurons behave in terms of computations
- Mechanistic - anatomy and physiology, describing experimental data and linking structure to function to behaviour