Comptia Pentest+ Flashcards
What is Threat Hunting?
Threat hunters use the attacker mindset to search the organization’s technology infrastructure for the artifacts of a successful attack. They ask themselves what a hacker might do and what type of evidence they might leave behind and then go in search of that evidence.
How would you describe WHOIS tools?
WHOIS tools gather information from public records about domain ownership. WHOIS allows you to search databases of registered users of domains and IP address blocks and can provide useful information about an organization or individual based on their registration information.
How would you describe FOCA?
FOCA (Fingerprinting Organizations with Collected Archives) is an open source tool used to find metadata within Office documents, PDFs, and other common file formats. FOCA scans using a search engine—either Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo—and then compiles metadata information from files like Microsoft Office documents, PDF files, and other file types like SVG and InDesign files
How would you describe Hping?
Hping is a command‐line tool that allows testers to artificially generate network traffic.
What is Metadata?
Metadata is not the data itself that’s contained within the file though such as the report you wrote for your college English class but instead it is data about the data in that file. Metadata provides information such as the author, the company who created it, title and subject
What is Certificate Pinning?
This means that if the certificate changes, the remote system will no longer be recognized and the client shouldn’t be able to visit it. Pinning can cause issues, particularly if an organization uses data loss prevention (DLP) proxies that intercept traffic. Pinning can work with this if the interception proxy is also added to the pinning list, called a pinset.
How would you describe Master Service Agreement (MSA) ?
How would you describe MITRE ATT&CK Framework ?
MITRE provides the ATT&CK Framework (which stands for Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge), a knowledgebase of adversary tactics and techniques. The ATT&CK matrices include detailed descriptions, definitions, and examples for the complete threat life cycle from initial access through execution, persistence, privilege escalation, and exfiltration. At each level, it lists techniques and components, allowing threat assessment modeling to leverage common descriptions and knowledge.
How would you describe Statement of Work (SOW) ?
document that defines the purpose of the work, what work will be done, what deliverables will be created, the timeline for the work to be completed, the price for the work, and any additional terms and conditions that cover the work.
How would you describe GLBA?
GLBA, the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, regulates how financial institutions handle personal information of individuals. It requires companies to have a written information security plan that describes processes and procedures intended to protect that information, and covered entities must also test and monitor their efforts.
How would you describe Rules of Engagement (ROE) ?
The scope of engagement (ROE) is a document that outlines the scope, objectives, and limitations of a penetration testing engagement. One of the most important aspect that should be included in the ROE is the testing restrictions, which is a list of specific systems, networks, or devices that are out-of-bounds for the testers.
How would you describe methodology in Pentesting?
In terms of penetration testing, it refers to the systematic approach that a penetration tester is going to use before, during and after a test, assessment or engagement. A methodology is simply a structured approach to penetration testing. There are different penetration testing methodologies available.
What is Metagoofil?
Metagoofil is a Linux-based tool that can search the metadata associated with public documents located on a target’s website. This tool relies on the Python scripting language to locate metadata with the different types of files including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
What is Censys?
Censys is a website search engine used for finding hosts and networks across the Internet with data about their configuration. Much like Shodan, Censys is a security‐oriented search engine. When you dig into a host in Censys, you will also discover GeoIP information if it is available, a comprehensive summary of the services the host exposes, and drill‐down links for highly detailed information
What is Maltego?
Maltego is a piece of commercial software used for conducting open-source intelligence that visually helps connect those relationship. It can automate the querying of public sources of data and then compare it with other info from various sources