CompTIA LINUX+ Flashcards
Which of the following commands will open the mainlist. txt text file in a command-line text editor?
a) cd mainlist.txt
b) rm mainlist.txt
c) gedit mainlist.txt
d) vi mainlist.txt
Which command will modify the date and time stamp of an existing file?
a) ls {hfx,tor}??
b) file [Bb}*201[4-5]
c) touch [a-z] [a-z] [a-z] 0?
Which command will allow you to replace the string red with the string blue in a text file without being asked for confirmation?
a) :%s /red/blue
b) :%c /red/blue/s
c) :%s /red/blue/c
You used to vi to open a text file and now you want to edit it. What options represent the keys you can press that will allow you to actually edit the contents?
a) a
b) i
c) v
d) w
a and b
Write the command to compress every file contained in the /images directory using the fastest compression command.
gzip -r /images
Which statement best describes the purpose of the tee command?
a) It allows you to send the output of a query to another query
b) It allows you to print query results
c) It allows you to write standard output to the screen and additional locations
Write the command that would return any files owned by the emclampett that are in the /images directory.
find /images -user emclampett
Complete the code to use the cpio command to extract the files from /images.cpio and place them in the same directory, recreating any required subdirectories.
-id < /images.cpio
Complete the command that will add the /images directory to the PATH variable
Complete the code to recursively copy all files in the current directory to the /backup001 directory. Make sure the code also returns what files have been copied.
You want to search cheese.txt for instances of string blue, but you don’t want the search to be case sensitive.
a) -c
b) -i
c) -v
You’ve opened a text file using vi and now you want to search for instances of the string mark. As mark can be a verb as well as a name you want to make your search case insensitive. Which option will perform this query?
a) \MaRk/
b) /mark\c
c) \mark/c
Write the command that will copy all subdirectories recursively in /images in the backup folder /imgbak.
cp -r /images /imgbak
What command will return the value of the variable PATH in the shell?
a) echo $PATH
b) grep -vPATH
c) | | PATH
Which operator could you use to mimic an IF statement on the command line?
a) ||
b) |
c) grep
Which option will return all files including hidden ones?
a) lS -a ~
b) ls -a ~
c) ls-ls ~
Which statement about piping of output is accurate?
a) Only one piping request can be made per query
b) Piped output must be stored in a variable before it can be used
c) Piping is accessed using the | symbol
Which command will allow you to reopen a file without saving any changes?
a) :w!
b) :q
c) :e!
You’ve run history command in the bash shell and now you want to execute the command listed 39th. Which option will do this?
a) ~/39
b) !39
c) 39_history
Which options will return the contents of the variable myVar?
a) echo $MYVAR
b) echo $myVAR
c) cat &myVAR
Which command will remove files and directories recursively from /images without prompting for confirmation before removing each file?
a) rm -rvi /budgets
b) rm - rv /images
c) rm rv-i /budgets
Using gedit as your text editor, complete the query to search the snacks directory and open the files inside.
find/ home/snacks/*.txt | _______
xargs gedit