COMPS:GULICK: Medical Screening Pt. 1 Systemic Pathology Flashcards
What is a RED Flag?
Predictor of pathology
From exam to either Initiating PT OR REFER OUT!
Dx Tests Ex’s
X-ray, MRI, CT, US, Bone Scan, DEXA, EMG/NCV, EKG, EEG, Urine Analysis, Blood Work,
Statistics: Sensitivity
SnNOUT→ If the test is NEGATIVE, it is effective @ RULING OUT dysfunction
- Sn== good ScreeNing tool
Generalized Systemic RED FLAGS!
Big picture, Key words, things that raise concern****
- Insidious, NO known MOI
- Sx’s out of proportion to injury
- NO change in sx’s, despite position, rest, tx
- NO pattern to sx’s; unable to reproduce sx’s
- Sx’s persist beyond expected healing time
- Recent OR Current fever, chills, night sweats, infx
- Unexplained wt loss, pallor, nausea, dizzy, vom, B&B changes (constitutional sx’s→ involve lots of systems)
MORE Generalized Systemic RED FLAGS
- HA/Visual changes
- *Change in vital signs→ NEED BASELINE!!
- B/L sx’s
- Pigmentation changes, edema, rash, nail changes, weakness, numb, tingle, burning→ all Endocrine***
- Hx of Cx
- >40yo gender, ethnicity, race
- Night pain
- Progressive neurology sx’s
- Cyclic presentation
- Jt pain w/ skin lesions
Dev’t of a Review-of-Systems Screening Tool for Ortho PT
23-Item tool correctly ID’d 100% of (+) responders
23 Questions:
- abnormal sensations (numb, pins, needles)?
- HAs?
- Night pain?
- Sustained morning stiffness?
- Light-headed?
- Trauma (MVA, fall)?
- Night sweats?
- Constipation?
- Easy bruising?
- Changes in vision?
- Changes in menstrual pattern?
- Balance disturbs?
- Chest pain w/ rest?
- SOB?
- MM weakness?
- Failure of conservative intervention (30d)?
- Excess sweating?
- Edema/wt gain?
- Heartbeat in abdomen when lie down?
- Cramps in legs when walk several blocks?
- Abdom pain?
- Changes in integrity of nails?
- Prolonged use of corticosteroids?→ myopathy!
Vital Signs
- MUST establish Baseline!!!!
- Standard of Minimal Acceptable Care!!!
Early Warning Signs of Cx
Mnemonic to use?
Early Warning Signs of Cx
- C: Change in B&B
- A: A sore that fails to heal in 6wks
- U: Unusual bleeding or discharge
- T: Thickening/lump (breast or elsewhere)
- I: Indigestion or diff swallowing
- O: Obvious change in wart, mole, freckle
- N: Nagging cough, hoarseness, rust colored sputum
Early Warning Signs of Cx
More on the O: Obvious change in wart, mole, freckle
- A: Asymmetrical shape
- B: Border irregularities
- C: Color→ pigmentation is not uniform
- D: Diameter >6mm
- E: Evolution (change in status)
Cx Screenings:
Many Cx’s do NOT display sx’s in early stages*****
Cx Screenings:
Many cx’s do not display sx’s in early stages!!!
Best approach?
Mammos, colonoscopy, pap smear & pelvic exam, prostate exam, skin exam
Monohemispheric Brain Tumor
Clinical Tests studied
- Spasticity of conjugate gaze
- Platysma sign
- Forearm rolling test
- Finger rolling test
- Digit quinti sign
- Souques interosseus sign
- Pronator drifting test
- Mayer sign
- Finger tapping sign
- Digit quinti rolling sign
- Foot tapping sign
- Babinski
- Chaddock sign
Monohemispheric Brain Tumor
6 of the tests that are great Dx TOOLS bc they have HIGH SPECIFICITY (SPPIN)
- Forearm rolling: Sp= 100%, PPV= 100%
- Finger rolling: Sp= 93%, PPV=92%
- Souques interosseus sign: Sp= 80%, PPV=70%
- Finger tapping: Sp= 90%, PPV= 78%
- Foot tapping: Sp= 93%, PPV=87%
- Babinksi: Sp= 100%, PPV=100%
Cerebral Lesions
What TEST was found to be MOST EFFECTIVE for this?
Cerebral Lesions!!!
Pain Patterns
- Dermatomes
- Myofascial Trigger Points
- Viscera
Visceral Referral Patterns
- Epigastric
- Suprapubic
See Anatomy notes for mnemonic!!!!!
- Pylorus, Duodenum, Liver, Rt kidney and adrenal gland, Hepatic flexure of colon, Head of pancreas
- Stomach, Spleen, L. kidney and adrenal gland, Splenic flexure of colon, Body of pancreas
- Cecum, Appendix, R. ovary and fallopian tube (female), R ureter and lower kidney pole, R spermatic cord (male)
- Sigmoid colon, L. ovary and fallopian tube (female), L. ureter and lower kidney pole, L. spermatic cord (male)
Visceral Anatomy
Say OUT LOUD where things are/what side!!!!
see pics
Visceral Referral patterns!!!! know them all/label!!!!
see pics
Slide 40…. go back and make blank one to practice!!!!
Purpose of Visceral Palpation
ID 3 things:
- Masses
- Tenderness
- Irregularities
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Modifiable, Non-modifiable, Contributing
- Phys act, smoking, alcohol
- HDL <40
- LDL >130
- Total >200
- SBP >140
- DBP >90
- Age, gender, family hx, race, post-menopausal
- Obesity
- Females: waist >88cm
- Males: waist >102cm
- stress, personality, PVD, hormones, fasting blood glu >100***
- Obesity
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Cardiac s/s
- Chest pain, irreg heartbeat (palpitations), dyspnea/orthopnea, fainting/dizzy, rapid onset fatigue, peripheral edema, cold hands/feet, DEC peripheral pulse, LE claudication, Cyanotic nail beds
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Cardiac pain referral
C= Cardiac Pain
L= Lung Pain
see pics!
HIGH Sn==> good ScreeNing test!
Heart Sounds
APT-M 2245
see pics
Systemic Patho: Cardiovascular
Frank’s Sign
- 45* angle crease in earlobe
- Risk of heart disease
Palpation of Aorta
Instructions in Pics
Red Flag:
Aortic pulse width >3cm; Back pain w/ palpation; Bruit on auscultation
NOTE: screening men or women >80yo NOT recommended*
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
- Sharp, localized pain
- Fever, chills
- Sx’s aggravated by cold air or exertion
- INC pain→ recumbent, DEC pain→ lying on involved side
- Cough w/ or w/out blood
- Sputum
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
INC pain in ______
DEC pain in _____
INC pain→ recumbent
DEC pain→ lying on involved side
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
More S/S
- Crackles, wheezes, pleural friction rub on auscultation
- Clubbing of nails
- Pain w/ deep inhale
- DEC O2sats
- Weak/rapid pulse w/ DEC BP==> Pneumothorax
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Pancoast Tumor referral pattern
See pics (highlighted dark gray area)
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
see pics and note lobes
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
ALL FIRST in table
see table
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: White
Possible Patho:
Bronchitis, CF
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Rusty
Possible Patho: PNA
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Hemoptysis (bloody)
Possible Patho: PNA, acute bronchitis, lung Cx, TB
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Presentation: Stringy mucous
Possible Patho: After Asthma attack
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Integumentary System we think 3 things:
Integumentary Screen:
Includes ALL of the following:
- Color
- Integrity
- Temperature
- Moisture
- Texture
- Mobility
- Shape & Size
- Hair
- Nails
Integumentary Screen:
- Yellow→ jaundice
- Red→ irritation, pressure
Integumentary Screen:
- Wounds
- Ulcers
Integumentary Screen:
- Palpate w/ dorsum of hand
- Cold vs Warm
Integumentary Screen:
- DRY→ arterial insuff., absent sweating
- WET→ venous insuff.
Integumentary Screen:
Smooth & Soft vs.
Thick or leathery
Integumentary Screen:
Turgor= “tenting” of dorsal hand= dehydration
- skin stays up when pulled on
- Stemmer Sign= inability to lift skin= fibrotic or lymphedema
Integumentary Screen:
Shape & Size
Edema→ pitting
Stretched or shiny
Integumentary Screen:
Decd or absent
Integumentary Screen:
Capillary refill*
Beau’s, Spoon, Clubbing
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Integumentary Screen:
Beau’s Lines
- *ASK: “Tell me about illness 1-2mos ago”
- Temporary arrest of nail growth due to systemic insult, fever, infx, renal/hepatic px
- *Appears 1-2mos AFTER systemic problem
Systemic Patho: Pulmonary
Clubbing aka
Chronic hypoxemia
- Respiratory/CV patho, thyroid, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis, Cx
Malignant Melanoma we are looking for ______ in the nails
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Cologuard (talked about in class)
Just know its a GI screening checking for blood in stool as an indicator of Cx
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
GI anatomy
Know sides of everything!!!!
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Rebound Tenderness test aka
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
Rebound tenderness aka Blumberg Sign
Red Flag:
- (+)= pain on release
- (-)= no pain
NOTE: tells us something is going on, will not tell you what
See pics for instructions
Liver and Gallbladder pain referral pattern
Li= Liver
GB= Gall Bladder
see pics
Systemic Patho: Hepatic (liver)
RUQ pain
- Referred pain to T-spine (scapula, R shoulder, R upper trap, R subscap region)
- Wt change
- Ascites/LE edema (see pics for distended stomach)
- White (not pink) fingernails
- Cold hands/feet
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Talk about Referred pain
Referred pain to T-spine**
- Scapula, R shoulder, R upper trap, R subscap region
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Weight change
talk more about this
- Weight change: lots of fluid OR
- Gain→ fluid
- Loss→ muscle mass
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
More Facts
- Jaundice (BIG one for liver)/Bruising; Yellow sclera (eyes)
- CTS sx’s→ B/L
- Intermittent pruritus (itching)
- Weakness & fatigue
- Dark urine/Clay-colored stools
- Brain fog
- Chronic fatigue
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Asterixis aka
Liver flap or Flapping Tremor @ wrist or hips (exactly what it sounds like!!!)
see slide 65 and watch videos again!!!
Systemic Patho: Hepatic
Asterixis aka Liver flap
- Flapping TREMOR @ wrist or hips
- Has to do w/ ammonia lvls
- No sig. correlation bw number of flaps & MELD scores
Liver palpation
*can go from front OR scoop from behind
Gallbladder Palpation
Red Flag:
Sudden pain & abdominal muscle tensing that ceases inspiration is suggestive of gall bladder pathology; Pain also INC w/ FB
Murphys Sign
Palpating on RIGHT side (scooping from behind) either Liver or Gallbladder (tough to do one and not other)
Red Flag or (+) Test:
Sharp pain OR unable to complete inspiration
Sn= 97%= good SCREENING tool!
Gall Bladder Patho:
Risk Factors===== what rule should you remember about Gallbladder patho????
8 F’s!!!!!
Gall Bladder Patho
Risk Factors== 8 F’s***
8 F’s:
- Female, Fair, Fertile (inc likelihood during pregnancy), Flatulent, Family hx, Fatty foods (bring on sx’s), Fat (overwt.), Forty
8 F’s for Gallbladder patho
Female, Fair, Fertile, Flatulent, Family hx, Fatty foods, Fat, Forty
Spleen side
Spleen palpation and pain referral
Sp= splenic pain
E= Esophageal pain
see pics
Patho HERE can result in Esophageal pain
Spleen can refer pain to
Kehr’s Sign is for the
Kehr’s Sign for Spleen
- Pt supine→ raise foot of bed (Trendelenberg)
- Kehr’s Sign occurs 30mins AFTER spleen injury & can take days to subside
- Red Flag: Presence of blood or other irritant in the peritoneal cavity will result in severe L shoulder pain a few mins AFTER LEs elevated***
Systemic Patho: Gastro-Intestinal
- Sx’s influenced by eating, swallowing→ Generic
- Epigastric pain w/ radiation to the back
- Blood or dark, tarry stool
- Fecal incont/urgency, diarrhea/constipation
- Nausea, vom, bloating
- Wt loss, loss of appetite
- (+) Blumberg (rebound tenderness) Sign
Gastro-Intestinal pain referral patterns
Ga= Gastric pain
Duo= Duodenum pain
J= Jejunum pain
I= Ileum pain
Ce= Cecum pain
S= Sigmoid colon pain
see pics
Bowel Changes
see pics
Bowel Changes
Presentation: Melena (black, tarry)
Possible patho: Upper GI bleed (loss of >150-200 ml of blood)
Bowel Changes
Presentation: Blood-red
Possible patho: Colon-rectal tumor, colon diverticulitis, hemorrhoids
Bowel Changes
Presentation: Silvery*
Possible patho: Pancreatic Cx
Bowel Changes
Presentation: Pencil-thin, ribbon stools
Possible patho: Distal colon/anal cx
Role of Appendix
Houses GOOD bacteria
When you see McBurney’s Point think…..
McBurney’s Point for Appendix
- SUPINE→ ID pt ⅓ distance bw ASIS & Umbilicus
- apply vertical pressure to this point
- Red Flag: (+) test is INC abdom. pain
RLQ Pain
McBurney’s Pt. test
*MOST discriminating feature of pts hx
Sn & Sp= ~80%
+LR= 3.18
-LR= .5
RLQ Pain aka McBurney’s Point Test for appendix
Further explanation
Read, be familiar
2 “Stretch” Signs for Appendicitis
- Psoas Sign (go into hip EXT)
- Obturator Sign (go into hip IR)
Psoas Sign for Appendicitis
- In L. S/L, hyperEXT R LE
- Red Flag: (+) test= INC abdom pain
Anatomic Basis for Psoas Sign for Appendicitis
see pics
Obturator Sign for_______
Stretch the R. ERs into IR
Obturator Sign for Appendicitis
- In SUPINE, raise pts R LE w/ knee in flexion
- Rotate RLE into IR @ hip
- Red Flag: (+) test is INC abdominal pain
Anatomic basis for Obturator Sign for Appendicitis
see pics
Systemic Patho: Renal
- (+) Percussion over kidneys***
- Fever, chills
- Dull aching pain aggravated by prolonged sitting
- Blood in urine** (hematuria)
- Cloudy/foul smelling urine
- Painful/freq urination
- Pain constant (stones)
- Back pain @ lvl of kidneys** (costovertebral angle tender)
- Skin hypERsensitivity
- Bleeding tendencies; ecchymosis
- HA
- Pruritus (itchy)
Systemic Patho: Renal
Renal pain patterns
K=kidney pain
T=testes pain
Pr=prostate pain
U=ureter pain
B=bladder pain
see pics
Right Kidney palpation
see pics
Kidney Percussion
see pics
NOTE: make sure you just REACH hand over when doing opp side!!!!
½ way bw last rib and iliac crest ***
Urinary Changes
see pics
Urinary Changes
Presentation: Red
Possible Patho: Glomerulonephritis, TB, trauma, lupus, renal cystic disease
Urinary Changes
Presentation: Orange/Brown
Possible Patho: Dehydration, INC bilirubin
Urinary Changes
Presentation: Milky/Casts
Possible Patho: Infx*
Urinary Changes
Presentation: DEC Flow
Possible Patho: Obstruction, UTI, Prostate hypERplasia
Urinary Changes
Presentation: Fruity Odor
Possible Patho: Ketosis
QoL Issue
- Embarrassment; decd socialization
- burden of care, risk of falls, cost
- 40% from 60-80yo
- 36% after 3+ children
- 26% w/ BMI >25
- 26% diuretics
- 18% after hysterectomy (prostate)
- Diuretics→ INC freq/urge
- Ca+ channel blockers→ INC retention
- Antidepressants→ Cause INcomplete emptying
- Men >50yo w/ LBP or suprapubic pain
- Diff starting/stopping urine flow
- Change in freq; DEC urine flow
- Nocturia, hematuria
- Incont/dribbling
- Sexual dysf.
PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) lvl >4 ng/ml
- Easily confused w/ Prostate cx bc PSA lvls inc in BOTH
Gynecological S/S
- Cyclic pain → “comes and goes” and WHEN specifically?
- Abnorm bleeding
- Nausea, vom
- Vaginal discharge
- Chronic constipation
- LOW BP (blood loss)
- Missed or irreg. periods
- Pain w/ cough/intercourse
Evan’s Sign MOST COMMON in _________
Cervical Cx !!!!
Cervical Cx and MOST COMMON sign associated w/ this????
Evans’ Sign
Evans’ Sign
MOST COMMON in Cervical Cx***
- AKA “Hot Foot Syndrome”
- Sx’s→ warm, dry foot
- Etiology→ Sympathetic disruption from lumbosacral plexus via tumors or other lesions (vasodilation w/ loss of perspiration)
Evans’ Sign aka
Hot Foot Syndrome
Location of 9 Endocrine Glands
and more info on Endocrine system
- *Hair, skin, nails
- Sets our “meter”
- Homeostasis regulation
Endocrine S/S
- Joint pain, muscle pain, parasthesia, dry, scaly skin, constipation, fatigue, dyspnea
- Brittle nails/hair, heat/cold intolerance (remember thermostat), wt change, periorbital edema, hoarseness, polydipsia/polyuria (thirsty, abnorm lg amts urine)
Vitamin Deficiencies
Sunshine Vitamin= Vitamin D
- Recommended exposure: 10-15mins few times a week***
- 6.5lbs mushrooms
- 150 egg yolks
- 3.75 lbs salmon
- 30 servings fortified cereal
- >2lbs sardines
- 30 cups fortified OJ
Vitamin D Insuff.
- How MUCH skin exposed
- UV index:
- >/= 3 bw 10:30-12:00 req’s 50-75% of skin exposed
- <3 means INCd risk of UVA rays w/out benefit of UVB
- Early morning & evening sunlight provides only UVA rays while mid-day has UVB
- Darker skin req’s INCd exposure
Vitamin D Insuff.
Clarifying Info:
- When exposed to sunlight, you produce a mechanism to repair DNA which LOWERS risk of Cx
- It is the sunburning that is the culprit for causing skin Cx
*NOTE: Vitamin D and Ca++ are “threshold nutrients” i.e. Deficiencies are bad, BUT once you reach adequate amt, higher doses are NOT beneficial
Vitamin D. Insuff.
- LOW serum lvls of Vitamin D are associated w/ clinically sig. sx’s of Depression
- Ex. Healthy women followed x1mo
- >⅓ had depressive sx’s
- ~½ had vitamin D insuff.
- Depressive sx’s were predicted by vitamin D lvls
Trinity College in Dublin
LOWER lvl of Vitamin D, the HIGHER # of COVID-19 infx’s & the GREATER mortality ***
Adding 4000 IU of Vitamin D to anagesic regimens in pts w/ MSK pain
Adding 4000 IU of Vit. D may lead to faster decline of consecutive VAS scores & a DEC in lvls of inflammatory & pain related cytokines
Vit. D Supplementation
- ~10% of our Vit. D comes from food
- Body only makes Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
- Abate jt pain, mm cramps, illness, fatigue
- Enhance bone health
Type of Pain: Severe & Intense
Possible Etiology: Meningitis, aneurysm, brain tumor
Type of Pain: Throbbing/Pulsating
Possible Etiology: Migraine, fever, HTN, aortic insuff.
Type of Pain: Temporal
Possible Etiology: Eye or ear px, migraine, w/ visual changes→ temporal arteritis
Type of Pain: Occipital
Possible Etiology: Herniated disk*, eye strain, HTN
Type of Pain: Parietal
Possible Etiology: Meningitis, constipation, tumor
Structured Migraine Interview
Sn= 87% (good SCREENING tool)
60% migraine sufferers not aware they had migraine*
- Have you ever had recurrent HAs?
- Have you ever had mod-severe HA accompanied by nausea and/or vom?
- Have you ever had mod-severe HA accompanied by hypersensitivity to sound or light?
- Have you ever had visual disturbs lasting 5-60mins f/b HA?
- NOTE: if answers to ALL Q1-Q4 are “NO” then finish here***
- Typically what kind of HA do you get?
- Typ are your HAs mild, mod, severe?
- What makes HAs worse?
- What do you do to relieve HAs?
- Typ how long HAs last?
- Have you been given a medical explanation and/or dx for recurrent HAs?
Visual Changes
Visual Changes
Presentation: Spots
Possible Patho: Impending retinal detachment, fertility drugs
Visual Changes
Presentation: Floating spots
Possible Patho: Diabetic retinopathy
Visual Changes
Presentation: Flashes
Possible patho: Migraine, retinal detachment
Visual Changes
Presentation: Loss of Peripheral vision, haloes around lights
Possible Patho: Glaucoma (Ocular HTN)
Visual Changes
Presentation: Cloudy or Fuzzy vision
Possible Patho: Cataracts
Amsler Grid for_______
Visual Changes!!!!
Things the Eye Can Show you
- PD
- DM
- Autoimmune disorders
- High CHO
- Thyroid dis.
Things the Eye Can Show you
Parkinson Disease
Thinning of walls of the retina
Things the Eye Can Show you
Capillary leaks (retinopathy)
Things the Eye Can Show you
Blood vessel kinks/tears
Things the Eye Can Show you
Autoimmune disorders
Inflammation (Lupus)
Things the Eye Can Show you
High CHO
Yellowish cornea OR plaques in blood vessels of retina
Things the Eye Can Show you
Thyroid Dis.
Bulging of eyes (Graves Disease)
Substance Abuse can include________
Tobacco, Caffeine, Alcohol, Food
Risks of Patho assocd w/ Tobacco
- Cerebrovascular Dis.
- Tobacco amblyopia
- COPD, PVD, Ischemic heart disease
- Peptic Ulcer
- Small babies; obstetric or fertility probs
- Impaired insulin absorption***
- INC risk of Cx→ mouth, lung, bladder, kidney, breast, cervix
- Poor recovery from LBP, Sx
- Premature aging***
Risks of Patho assocd w/ Caffeine
- INC blood fats, INC BP
- Stimulates CNS→ tremors, irritability, nervousness
- Irreg heart beat
- INC Urinary Ca++, Mg++ losses (DEC bone mineralization)
- INC stomach acid secretion
- Disrupted sleep patterns→ anxiety & depression
- INC sx’s of PMS***
Coffee Perks???
- Reg coffee drinkers live longer (2-3cups/day)
- 3 cups caffeinated reduced risk Alzheimer’s & dementia**
- Several cups w/ post-exercise meal==== faster muscle recovery***
Caffeine use in Sport
>/= 3mg per kg of bw ==> Ergogenic effect***
Excess Caffeine??
>350 mg/day
Caffeine Content
FYI but COOOOOOOOL and good to know
Risks of Patho assocd w/ Alcohol
- Alcoholic dementia
- Subdural hematoma from falls
- Convulsions from w/drawal
- Delirium tremens
- Cardiomyopathy**
- Hepatic cirrhosis
- Pancreatitis
- Dupuytren’s contracture **
- Myopathy
- Peripheral Neuropathy**
Alcohol Use Disorders ID Test: Interview Version
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Common Signs
see pics
Risks of Pathology assocd w/ Obesity
- Arteriosclerosis & HTN
- CVA & MI
- Sleep apnea
- HypOventilation & exertional breathlesness
- Gallstones**
- DM
- OA
- Abdominal striae & varicose veins
- Impaired fertility
- Dependent edema