Comps Flashcards
flaccid dysarthria
Hypernasality** Breathiness (continuous) Diplophonia Audible Inspiration (stridor)** Short Phrases** Rapid deterioration of Recovery with Rest (myasthenia gravis) Speaking on Inhalation Slurred Articulation
Spastic dysarthria
Spastic: Harshness** Low Pitch** Slow Rate** Strained-strangled quality Pitch Breaks** Slow and Regular AMRs Slurred Articulation (loss of precision)
Mixed (flaccid/spastic) Slow Rate** Fasciculations** Bowed VFs** Weak Tongue** Slow DDKs Slurred Speech UMN: slow mvmt with strained voice LMN: weak/breathy
PD- type?
Monopitch** Reduced Stress** Monoloudness** Reduced Loudness** Imprecise Consonants** Inappropriate Silences Short Rushes of Speech Variable Rate Increased Rate in Segments Increased Overall Rate Rapid, “blurred” AMRs Repeated Phonemes Palilalia
PSP- type
Mixed (hypokinetic, spastic, ataxic)
Mixed (hypokinetic, spastic, ataxic): Imprecise Articulation Monopitch Slow Rate Hypernasality Dysfluent Hoarse Excess and Equal Stress
Huntington’s Chorea- type?
Sudden Insp/Expiration Irregular Artic Breakdown Prosodic Changes Distorted Vowels Excess Loudness Variations Voice Stoppages/Arrests Slow/Irregular AMRs Variable rate Prolonged phonemes
Excess and Equal Stress Irregular Articulatory Breakdowns Irregular AMRs Distorted Vowels Excess Loudness Variation Prolonged Phonemes Telescoping of Syllable
(mostly prosody and articulation) Poorly Sequenced SMRs Articulatory Groping** Distorted Substitutions** Attempts at Self-Correction** Staccato** Regressive Articulatory Errors Reiterative Articulatory Errors Metathetic Articulatory Errors Articulatory Additions/Complications Automatic > Volitional Speech Inconsistent Articulatory Errors** Increased Errors with Increased Length** Difficulty Initiating Speech** Slow Sequencing** Slow Rate**
Reference for any differential diagnosis
Darley et al.
Reduce rate, speak on exhale
Yorkston et al.
Compensatory strategies including, face speaker, reduce background noise, make eye contact
Yorkston et al.
LSVT found to improve respiratory function, articulation, phonation, naturalness, vocal intensity, and have positive impact on communication
Yorkston et al. and Ramig et. al.
Contrastive articulation drills: if all labiodental instead of labials: over articulation
Yorkston et al.
Intelligibility drills: list of words that are minimally contrasting: they say it you guess. Better for milder
Yorkeston et al.