Comprehensive Test Flashcards
Alcian blue demonstrates
Acid mucins
ATPase enzyme histochemistry demonstrates
ATPase in muscles
Bielschowskys silver technique demonstrates
Dendrites, axons, neurofibrils
Brown & brenn gram stain demonstrates
Congo red demonstrates
Cresyl echt violet demonstrates
Nissl substance
Geimsa stain demonstrates
Mast cells or h. Pylori
Gomori burtner demonstrates
Gordon & sweet’s demonstrates
Grocott’s methenamine silver demonstrates
Fungi (eg. pneumocystis)
Hematoxylin & eosin shows
General stain
Anything an antibody can be made for
Luxol fast blue stain shows
Masson’s trichrome shows
Oil red O technique shows
Neutral fats (simple fats)
Papanicolaou technique shows
Cytology smears
Periodic acid schiff’s shows
Neutral mucin, glycogen
Perl’s Prussian blue shows
Gomori’s aldehyde fuchsin demonstrates
Elastic and mast cells
Toluidine blue stain shows
Mast cells or h pylori
Perl’s Prussian blue shows
Southgate’s mucicarmine
Epithelial acid mucins
Verhoeff’s Van Gieson
Van Kossa shows
Ziehl neelson shows
Acid fast bacilli (t.b.)
Nuclei in gomori’s aldehyde fuchsin technique
Yellow - no specific stain for nuclei
Mast cells in a gomori’s aldehyde fuchsin technique
Purple - GAF not specific for elastic
Gram positive bacteria if over differentiated after crystal violet
Nuclei in the brown and brenn gram stain if over differentiated with picric acid/acetone
Fungi in the periodic acid schiff (pas) technique
Magenta - chitin binds with schiffs
Fungi in the grocott’s methenamine silver technique
Black - silver impregnation
Neutral mucins in a pas technique if potassium permanganate is used as the oxidizing agent
Light pink - colour of background - CHO overoxidized from aldehydes to acid state
Cytoplasm in an H&E if over differentiated with acid alcohol
Pink - only affects nuclei
Epithelial acid mucins in the Southgate’s mucicarmine technique
Cytoplasm in an H&E if the blueing agent is not properly removed
Very pale pink
Nuclei in the Congo red technique
Blue - stained with aluminum hematoxylin
Calcium in the von kossa technique
Black - silver impregnation
Glycogen, after diastase in the periodic acid schiff technique
Pale pink - background colour
Mycobacterium after ziehl Nelson technique
Red - AFB stain with carbon fuchsin
Streptococcus after ziehl Nelson technique
Blue - color of background
Neutral lipids for oil red O cut on a cryostat
Red to orange
Neutral lipids for oil red O cut from wax block
Not demonstrated - removed
Hemosiderin after a perl’s Prussian Blue
Nuclei after masson’s trichrome using an aluminum hematoxylin
Red - same as cytoplasm
Fine elastic fibers in verhoeff’s van gieson (vvg) after leaving in van gieson reagent too long
Not black/not demonstrated - iron hematoxylin removed by the acid
Cytoplasm if underdifferentiated in the VVG technique
Grey to black
Reticulin fibers if iron alum is skipped in the Gordon and sweet’s
Not demonstrated
Melanin if potassium permanganate was used as an oxidizing agent in the gomori burtner technique
Not demonstrated - removed
Melanin in the luxol fast if over differentiated with lithium carbonate
Nissl substance using the cresyl echt violet technique
Carboxylated mucins after alcian blue technique ph 1.0
No demonstration - not blue
Mast cells using geimsa or toluidine blue
Violet - both metachromatic dyes
Control slide for alcian blue
Small intestine
Control slide for bielschowskys silver technique
Grey matter
Control slide for brown & brenn gram stain
Infected tissue
Control slide for Congo red
Known amyloid slide
Control slide for cresyl echt violet
Grey matter
Control slide gomori burtner
Control slide for gomori’s aldehyde fuchsin
Aorta or skin
Control slide for Gordon & sweet’s
Spleen or liver
Control slide for grocott’s methenamine silver
Known fungi slide
Control slide for masson’s trichrome
Control slide for hematoxylin & eosin
Small intestine
Control slide for luxol fast Blue
Control slide for masson’s trichrome
Control slide for oil red o
Fatty liver
Control slide for periodic acid schiff’s glycogen
Control slide for PAS for neutral mucins
Small intestine
Control slide for perl’s Prussian blue
Known hemosiderosis slide
Control slide for verhoeff’s van gieson
Aorta or skin
Control slide for ziehl neelson
Known TB lung
A pathologist is reading the gross description report and it indicates that the patient sample they are examining should uterus but under the microscope they see tissue from a breast on the slide. What could be the reason for the pathologist not receiving the correct specimen with the gross description report?
The pathologist assistant opened two specimen containers at a time and grabbed the wrong specimen while grossing.
The pathologist assistant gave the wrong requisition to the wrong specimen after grossing.
The technologist while embedding opened two cassettes at one time and put the wrong tissue in wax mold with the wrong cassette on top.
____ counteracts the shrinking of the cells that occur from picric avoid in bouins fixative
Acetic acid
What information would you find on a tissue cassette?
Block number
Year and surgical number
Number of tissue pieces
Before processing decalcified tissue, what is the next step?
Neutralize acid
The grossing area recieves a liver biopsy that appears fatty. The pathologist wants to preserve the lipids in the tissue. What is the best fixative to use for lipid studies?
Osmium tetroxide
A technologist completed an H & E stain on breast tissue and decided to check the slide under the microscope to verify if the stain worked correctly. The technologist noticed that all the lipids were destroyed in the tissue. What fixative was used in the grossing area that could have destroyed all the lipids on the slide?
100% ethanol
Which fixative is the best in providing maximum preservation of glycogen in the tissue
Picric acid 95%- 100% ethyl alcohol
Problems associated with picric acid
Yellow discolouration of tissue
Hemolyzes RBCs
Dissolves iron
Explosive when dry
Problems associated with 95%-100% ethyl alcohol
Flammable poisonous excessive hardness & shrinkage government regulated
Describe the choice of fixative to use and there reasons why you choose that fixative for immunological studies
B5 it zinc formalin
Enhances immunoreactivity
Coagulant fixative
Gives permeability
Better antibody penetration
More intense staining
Enhances nuclear detail, and good morphology
Enhances staining of both nuclei & cytoplasm
Upon microscopic examination, an H&E stained section of routinely processed spoken shows small brown to black granules evenly distributed throughout the tissue. Suggest a possible causative agent and describe how this artifact can be removed
Formalin pigment - acid formaldehyde hematin (AFH)
Formaldehyde/ formalin, acid ph, hemoglobin (blood rich tissues)
1) bring section to absolute alcohol
2) place section in saturated picric acid for 5 min to 2 hours depending on the amount of pigment present
3) wash for 15 to 20 min in running tap water
4) proceed to desired stain
Surface decalcification
Rough in to exposed the tissue
- surface of the tissue is placed in 1% HCL for 15-60 minutes
- this allows only several sections to be cut
A. Disposal of used 10% NBF
Wear appropriate PPE - mask, gloves and safety glasses. Work in a chemical fume hood. Mix with formalex in a ratio of 1:5 with formalin. Leave for a minimum of 1 hour (when a precipitate has formed, the fixative has been “neutralized”). This solution can now safely be poured down the sink with running tap water.
The 3 ingredients in B5 fixative are:
Mercuric chloride, sodium acetate, formaldehyde
Which fixative is classified as a non additive
95% ethyl alcohol
Which fixative is considered a substitute for B5
Zinc formalin
Commercial stock formaldehyde solution contains
40% formaldehyde
Formalin pigment (AFH), may be removed from tissue by: (acidic ph and blood cause formalin pigment)
Alcoholic picture acid
Non-coagulant fixatives
Creates a gel that makes penetration by subsequent solutions difficult. Example: 10% NB formalin
Formaldehyde, acetic acid
Additive fixatives (non “A” words) formalin, Mercury, osmium, glutaraldehyde
Formalin, Mercury, osmium, glutaraldehyde
Non-additive fixatives (“a” words)
Alcohol, acetic acid, acetone