Comprehensive Review Flashcards
Identify this parasite of swine

Haematopinus suis
The sucking louse of swine
Neurocysticercosis is associated with which parasite?
Which form is ingested by humans?
Taenia solium
Humans ingest the oncosphere

Which swine parasite causes “milk spots”?
Ascaris suum

What is the common name for Amblyomma americanum?
Lone Star Tick
Though Balantidium spp. is not considered a primary pathogen, what is the key clinical sign?

What is the infective stage for Ascaridia spp?
Egg with L2

Which cestode is associated with the term “Nodular Tapeworm Disease”?
*Raillietina *spp.
Isospora suis is associated with which age group of pigs? What is the main clinical feature?
1-2 week old piglets, yellow diarrhea
Which species transmits Habronema spp. to horses?
Stomoxys calcitrans
(Stable fly)
Which ruminant parasite has developed resistance to all groups of anthelminthics?
Haemonchus contortus
What are the sites of infestation for the horn fly? What is the scientific name?
Haematobia irritans
Back, sides, and abdomen of cattle
What is the common name for Linognathus vituli?
Long-nosed cattle louse
This protozoan is a major cause of abortion in dairy cows all over the world:
*Neospora *spp.
What is the infective stage for Teladorsagia circumcinta?
In which species is Gamma radiation used for control?
Cochliomyia hominovorax
What is the infective stage for Balantidium spp?
What is the most severe clinical sign?
What is the infective stage for Leucocytozoon spp?
What is the infectivestage for *Sarcocystis neurona *in the final host?
Mature sarcocyst
What is the most common route of infection for Toxocara canis?
Which parasite is responsible for causing the most severe cutaneous larval migrans in humans?
Ancylostoma braziliense

What is the most common lungworm in cats?
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
What is the most common tick on dogs in most of North America?
Dermacentor spp.

Which parasite is considered to be the most important parasite of cattle in the USA?
Ostertagia ostertagi
Together with Ostertagia, this parasite is the most common nematode of weanling age cattle in North America:
*Cooperia *spp.