comprehensive income Flashcards
comprehensive income
non-owner transactions, net income( I D E) + other comprehensive ,income=comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income
Pension adjustments
Unrealized gains and losses(available for sale securities)
Foreign currency items
Effective portion cash flow hedges F10-47
Revaluation surplus( IFRS only)
For current period
In balance sheet
net income reported
per share
comprehensive income per share?
tax effect of comprehensive income
net of tax or gross then net
the amount of income tax expense or benefit disclosed?
face or notes
Required disclosures
tax effects of each component ,
changes in the accumulated balance of each component,
total accumulated other comprehensive income in the balance sheet as an item of equity,
reclassification adjustments to avoid double counting as notes or on face
reclassification adjustment
move other comprehensive income items from accumulated other comprehensive income to the income statement
reclassification adjustment disclosure requirement
- changes in AOCI balances by component
- reclassification adjustments
- current period oci
foreign currency translation
foreign currency transaction
comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period except the resulting from
owner investments and distributions to owners
Revaluation surplus! IFRS only
Unrealized gains and losses(available for sale securities)