Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Flashcards
What number of people in hospital are over 65?
Frailty is not an illness itself, it is what?
A susceptibility state - frail individuals are more at risk of disability and multi-morbidity
What does progressive accumulation of damage to a complex system result in?
Aggregate loss of system redundancy
What happens as systems age?
The ability of the body to repair minor damages in its redundant state becomes reduced, resulting in more multi-morbidities, disability and medical intervention
What does age-related decline lead to?
Impairment of individual organ function
Breakdown of the complex interplay between organ systems (dyshomeostasis)
Increased susceptibility to environmental stress resulting in frailty
What is the definition of frailty according to Rockwood?
A reduced ability to withstand illness without loss of function
What methods are there to help identify frail people?
Frailty index
Frailty phenotype
Frailty syndromes
HIS ‘Think Frailty’
How is frailty identified?
Can use methods such as frailty index, but largely it is something that can be seen on observation and examination
3 of the 5 criteria in the frailty phenotype are needed to identify someone as frail, what are these criteria?
Unintentional weight loss Exhaustion Weak grip strength Slow walking speed Low physical activity
What are some frailty syndromes?
Functional loss
What does dyshomeostasis lead to in illness?
Multiple body systems being involved in one illness
What are frailty syndromes?
Essentially presentations of system failures
What are the criteria of HIS ‘Think Frailty’?
Functional impairment in context of significant multiple conditions (new or pre-existing)
Resident in a care home
Acute confusion, diagnosis of dementia or history of chronic confusion
Immobility or falls in last 3 months
List of six or more medicines (poly pharmacy)
Rather than a binary concept, what should frailty be viewed as?
A spectrum, ranging from minimal frailty to severe frailty
Repeated insults result in what?
Gradually decompensated frailty
Axis of increasing complexity (i.e. more multi-morbidity and disability)
People with physical frailty are often frail in what domains?
Multiple health domains