comprehensive assessment Flashcards
transmission of impulses from axon to dendrite is accomplished by?
a lack or inadequate amount of which two substances c an cause a disruption in neuronal function and irreversible damage?
O2 and glucose
control of the rate of respiration in the brain occurs in the?
pneumotaxic center
which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual info?
the right side of primary visual cortex deals with the left half og the field of view?
a unilaterally dilated, nonreactive pupil indicates to what cranial nerve?
if the right internal carotid artery is blocked so that inadequate blood flows to the cerebral arteries, O2 and nutrients to the brain:
can still be supported by the circle of willis
damage to the upper portion of the reticular activating system results in which condition
vegetative state
which part of the brain is responsible for hearing and memory
temporal lobe
the parietal lobe is responsible for?
integration of sensory info, awareness of bodyparts, and interpretation of touch, pressure and pain
what part of the nervous system is responsible for voluntary movement
somatic nervous system
crossing of the motor fibers in the pyramids of the medulla is called?
the spinal cord tracks lie in?
white matter
a person with an injury to her frontal lobe may have difficulty :
reasoning and making decisions
division of nervous system that controls involuntary muscles, organs and glands?
autonomic nervous system
the central nervous system consists of ?
brain and spinal cord
which of the following is part of the limbic system?3
amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus
sensory receptor involved in regulating BP?
PT with severe neurological damage to their hypothalamus may commonly present with?
hyperthermia, resistant to antipyretics
the blood-brain barrier
is permeable to H2O, CO2 and glucose.
is at the level of the brain capillaries
most important indicator of neuro function and deterioration
change in LOC
consciousness primarily mediated by
reticular activating system (RAS)
number of structures that extend from the lower brainstem to the cerebral cortex, involved in sleep/wake cycle and arousal
cerebrum reflects awareness and cognition
can be assessed by observing a PTs bhvr in response to diff stimuli
alert to deep coma
two major components of consciousness
arousal and awareness