Composition Notes and Chord Book Chord Prog and Chord Moods Flashcards
What is a popular 1950s sounding progression?
What Progression sounds good cycling round and round?
Where does a root chord with added 7th like to go (C7)?
IV Chord
Where does the iv chord usually like to go?
Return to root chord I
What mood does 1st Inversion convey
sweet and unstable
What mood does 2nd Inversion convey
more unstable and less like root
What mood does Diminished 7th convey
What mood does Dominant 7th convey
always wants to go somewhere, anticipation, Strong, Restless, Funkiness, soulfulness, moderate edginess
What mood does Dominant 9th convey
really really wants to go somewhere, Openness, optimism
What mood does Minor 7th convey
Jazzy, mellow, Moody, Contemplative
What mood does Major 7th convey
jazzy, mellow, romantic, softness, serenity, tranquillity, exhilaration
What mood does Major 6th convey
Jazzy, mellow
What mood does Sus2 convey
Bright, Nervous, bit more melancholy than sus4
What mood does Sus4 convey
Bright, Nervous, bit more upbeat than sus2, Delightful tension
What mood does C7b9 convey
Creepiness, ominousness, fear, darkness
What mood does Added Ninth
(e. g., Cadd9) convey
Steeliness, austerity
How would you invoke a bittersweet quality
use a minor 9th chord but leave out the 3rd so its not full minor
What chords and scale is great for magic score
Augmented chords and whole tone scale
What chords and scales are good for mystery
min/maj7th chord, min/maj7th/9th chord
Melodic scales
What are the substitutions for the primary chords
I - vi
IV - ii
V - iii
What can chord vii substitute for
Dominant V
What other functions can chord iii be used for
Tonic and Dominant I and V and to move away from the tonic in a moody fashion
What other functions can chord vi be used for
Tonic and Predominant
What is the most basic chord progression formula
Tonic - Predominant - Dominant - Tonic
What are the two most common pop progressions
I-V-vi-IV Major
i-VI-III-VII Minor
How can you really make a chorus sound POP
Minor verse then major Chorus (see harmony notes for example)
Name super common progression used in chorus of born to run, here i go again and mr jones
Doo- Wop Style Progression? Stand by me and sean kingston beautiful girls?
What is the chord progresion usually used to transition between sections in jazz and modulate keys and what are its variations used as songs
What is a common american songbook progression also used by ace of base
What can you do with a chord a rhythm to create tension
Put an unstable or surprise chord on a strong beat to create tension that wants to be resolved
What is a common blues progression also used in popular song
i-iv-v can also use major V
Bill withers aint no sunshine uses same also adding i-v-VII-i
What is the twist on blues progression that amy winehouse uses
You know im no good
What is a major progression with a minor feel and how can you vary it
Swap the v for V throughout the song - james brown fire and rain
I-v-IV-I —— I-V-IV-I
What is andalusian cadence and what songs use it
Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,”
Del Shannon’s “Runaway. Use this.
What are variations on adulsain cadence and what songs use these
i-VII-VI-VII from Bob Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower” and Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep.” And the i-VII-VI-VII-V sus-V from The Mamas & the Papas’ “California Dreamin’”.
What minor progression is all over american songbook
he diminished ii-V-i is a minor variant of the II-V-I
the diminished ii and the V sets up the i chord of a minor scale instead of the I chord of a major scale - generally like its major version used all over the American songbook in minor key - Cole Porter’s “Love for Sale” and Rodgers and Hart’s “My Funny Valentine.” (piano chords)
What is a half cadence
Half Cadence ?-V - is when we end a phrase or a song on the five chord denying the resolution of the I chord
What progression usually precedes a half cadance?
Usually I-ii-VI-IV precede it
What is a good way to arrange cadences?
in “question and answer style e.g weak cadence progression answered by strong cadence
What does a musical phrase that ends on a pre dominant or dominant function chord suggest?
A musical phrase that ends on a tonic substitute suggests?
“temporary repose”.
A musical phrase that ends on “I” always suggests?
What is a good way to voice 7th chords?
aking the root in the bass like a slash chord and making sure right hand inversion surrounds the root
What are the three diminished chords and how are they used in pop?
Dim Triad, Dim 7 and Half diminished (b5)
pop will connect the I+ii or the IV+V or the V+v
If i aibt got you alica keys and beyonce love on top
What functions can half dim (b5) take?
It has two main functions. As the ii in a minor ii-V-i progression, and as a substitute for a dominant chord
Can precede the V of a new key if modulating
One famous example of the minor 7 flat 5 outside the world of Jazz is it’s appearance as the third chord in “Say It Ain’t So” by Hall and Oates.
What functions can Dim 7th be used for?
- [ ] Substitue for V chord in harmonic minor
- [ ] A lot of times you will add a diminished 7th chord onto the five of the scale, creating what we call a dominant flat nine chord.
- [ ] We hear the dominant seven flat nine all the time in two-five-one progressions in a minor key.It’s a staple of the American songbook
- [ ] We also see the diminished 7th chord used as a way to imply passing harmonies between chords and songs.
- [ ] The reason this diminished 7th works as a passing chord has to do with its ability to replace the five of the harmonic
- [ ] We’ve seen the diminished 7th used as a borrowed chord as early as the music of Bach. One very famous example in pop music of this, is the fully diminished chord in the fourth bar of Michelle, by the Beatles.
What is common 80s use of slash chord?
- [ ]the fourth triad of a key played on top of the five of a key in the bass removing to tonic Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend” and 10cc’s “I’m Not in Love” not to mention countless others.
What is a common 70s and 80s slash chord?
slash chord of a triad of five over the one of a key in 70’s and 80’s music as well. Typically, we’ll hear this progression resolve to the one. Let’s look at this chord motion in C major, which will be G/C to C. well-known TV themes like The Greatest American Hero and Cheers. chorus of “Kiss is on My List” by Hall & Oates, as well as the intro to “Your Song” by Elton John.
What slash chord gives a lydian feel?
- [ ] D/C, or II/I, and it’s typically used to imply a Lydian feel on account of the F#.
What voicing conjures up a five sus chord?
- [ ] B♭/C, or IV/V. This voicing conjures up a five sus chord, and you can treat it as a suspended major chord, C major for instance, or a suspended minor chord, C minor. Listen to it resolve. This is the major, and here it resolves to the minor.
What voicing conjures up a sus2 chord?
- [ ] G/C, or V/I. This voicing can imply a sus2 feel, or a major 9 feel, depending on the context. If we’re looking at it coming from, let’s say, F/G or IV/V, which we just looked at, and then we move to a V/I, G/C, we’re going to want to resolve it like it’s a sus2 chord, right?
Where does a sus4 resolve to?
What sounds does it create?
What 7th is used as sus?
- [ ] Sus4 resolved to a major triad very common in pop (pinball wizard intro, erasure a little respect)
- [ ] Generally create moment of heightened tension or drama
- [ ] Sound bright and open
- [ ] Sus2 also common in pop sus2 and sus4 start of John Lennon happy Christmas
- [ ] 7th sus4 also used
- [ ] Often used by guitarist as can give common rock and folk sound - especially when repeatedly used in half bar rhythm and resolved straight away
What is common dorian progression?
- [ ] Dorian Progression is the cadence of a major four to a minor five to a minor one. This is a nice simple way to work a Dorian sound into a song.
What is a nice trick with mixolydian mode?
start on the five chord of the key.It’s a nice way for songs to use a five-four-one progression, but make it feel like five is the tonic
What is a great anthem power to home chord trick?
chords of same quality moving in same intervals to tonic
What is use for bIII?
Usually going to IV
What can bVII be used for?
Can go directly to Tonic or as a pre-cadence in half a beat
What is a common use of pedal tones in pop?
Double pedal tones where two or more tones are carried between chords
What is a creep chord progression?
Moving up by half steps until landing on a stable chord, usually creeping in minor and diminished chords
Where does II chord like to go and what is a common chord progression its in?
What is the 12 bar blue progression?
4 2 2 1 1 2
If playing 12 bar blues progression what is usually assumed?
Each chord has 7th added
What is a good substitute technique for any 7th chord?
Drop down a 4th and build a minor 7th chord
G7 would go down to Dm7
What is a gospel sounding chord progression?
IV of the IV chord - IV chord -I
1st INV 2nd INv Root
What is the walk on up progression?
Walk up in half steps but spread voicing so instead of 3rd use 10ths then go into another progression, maybe gospel or otherwise
What is ia plagal cadence?
What chords function as tonic
What chords function as dominant?
What chords function as pre-dominant?
What interval does a dominant 7th want to resolve to?
The IV which would probably sound like the new tonic
How can a single chord create a moving feeling if heightened tension?
Walk up a diminished 7th in its inversions to a climax
what is most common add9 chord in pop and how is it used?
IVadd9 used in ballad usually no 7th if doing a true 9th chord
For pop what is usually omitted in 7th chord?
no3 and no5
What is a common pop minor cadence?
What are major chords in minor scale?
Where does a pop iii chord like to go?
IV a lot or vi
Whats the most common and second most common borrowed chord in pop?
IV to a iv minor to I
VI borrowed to bvi usually slipped into precedence function, very effective
What do don’t speak and kiss from a rose use to setup a cracking ending?
In a minor mode after using i as the cadnace regularly they change to the I borrowed from major scale I LOVE THIS EFFECT
What are good chords to borrow from lydian mode?
II and vii
What is cadence chord in phrygian mode?
Whats a good substitute to make phrygian spanish and interesting?
change the i to a I