Components of a Will Flashcards
If an integration question is raised, the will proponent must show that the pages were present when the will was executed and intended by the testator to be part of the will.
A codicil is a testamentary instrument that amends or supplements a previously executed will. To be valid the codicil must be executed with the same testamentary formalities as a will.
Republication by Codicil
Under the doctrine of republication by codicil, a will is treated as having been executed on the date of the last validity executed codicil thereto.
Incorporation by Reference
Incorporation by reference allows the testator to incorporate an extraneous document into their will. The effect of incorporation by reference is that the content of the extraneous document will be treated as though it was written into the will itself, even if the document was not witnessed or it was informally written in handwriting.
To Incorporate a document by Reference
To incorporate a document by reference:
1) the document must be in existence at the time the will was executed
2) the will must refer to the document as being in existence; and
3) the will must identify and describe the document with reasonable certainty
Exception for List Disposing of Items of Tangible Personal Property
A will may refer to a written statement or list that disposes of items of tangible personal property not specifically bequeathed by the will itself.
- may be prepared before or after the will’s execution
- may be altered by the testator at any time
Exception for Instructions to Fiduciary as to Exercise for Discretionary Powers
If a will, trust, or power of attorney gives a fiduciary the power to make discretionary distributions to beneficiaries or gives them the power to make health care decisions for the maker, a letter to the fiduciary as to how the discretionary power should be interpreted can be incorporated by reference into the will, trust, or power of attorney.
- Letter can be written before or after execution of the will, trust, or power of attorney, but it must be signed and notarized.