Component 2: Section B - Social Inequality - Ethnicity Flashcards
What is Net Migration? (In & Out)
Net migration is the difference between the number of people coming into a country and the number of people leaving.
What was the provisional figure for net migration in 2010?
Who are the biggest migrant groups in the UK?
Polish nationals & Indians
What are the reasons why migrants may come to the UK?
Education (university) & better paying jobs
Which groups are less likely to oppose immigration?
- Residents of London
- Younger People
- Those from ethnic minority groups
- Foreign-born whites
- People with university degrees
What are the future predictions about the size of the ethnic minority population in the UK?
Increase in growth in Europe of populist anti-immigrant, Anti-Muslim, nationalist right-wing groups, many of whom are achieving political success.
Whatever happens to the figure of net migration, it seems certain that the UK population, it seems certain that the UK population will become increasingly ethically diverse.
Evidence for: Work and Employment
The Office for National Statistics said employees in the Bangladeshi ethnic group have the
largest pay gap, earning 20% less than white British employees. (ONS)
11% of both Indian and White British workers were in ‘manager, director or senior official’ jobs, the highest percentage out of all ethnic groups. (ONS)
21% of workers in the UK were in ‘professional’ jobs – the highest percentage out of
all types of occupation. (ONS)
Evidence for: Education
85.9% of all teachers in state-funded schools in England were White British. (Department for Education)
Among the judiciary, ethnic minorities tend to be
under-represented with 92.6% of court judges coming
from white backgrounds (Judicial Statistics 2019)
Ethnic minorities are less well represented in the armed forces at officer level with only 2.5% of officers in all services (UK armed forces biannual diversity statistics)
Evidence for: Education (Secondary Level)
The highest permanent exclusion rates were among Gypsy and Roma pupils (0.36%, or 36
exclusions per 10,000 pupils), Traveller of Irish Heritage pupils (0.29%, or 29 per 10,000
pupils) and Black Caribbean (0.28% or 28 per 10,000 pupils). (Department for Education)
The permanent exclusion rate for White British pupils was 0.10%, or 10 per 10,000 pupils. (Department for Education)
Evidence for: Education (Higher Level)
The proportion of white pupils gaining university places was roughly the same as those from
black and mixed backgrounds. Since then the proportion of pupils from all ethnic groups gaining
university places has increased but at a faster rate for all minority ethnic groups than whites. Black
students in particular have pulled ahead of whites. (UCAS)
Evidence for: Health (Physical)
Between 1991 and 2011, Pakistani and Bangladeshi women had mortality rates 10% higher
than white women. (Bécares)
Long-term illness in men aged >65 years was reported by 69% of white gypsy or Irish
traveller men, 69% of Pakistani men and 64% of Bangladeshi men, compared with 50% of
white men. Women of the same minority ethnic groups reported even higher rates of long-
term illness compared with white women. (Bécares)
The average quality of life scores was lower than the national average in the Gypsy and Irish
Traveller (0.509), Bangladeshi (0.556), Pakistani (0.580), Arab (0.677), Other Black (0.679),
Chinese (0.681), Other (0.683), Indian (0.688) and Other White (0.726) ethnic groups; (GP Patient Survey)
Evidence for: Health (Mental Health)
According to Rogers and Pilgrim (2014), mental health studies show that Afro-Caribbeans display
higher levels of depression and rates of schizophrenia than the majority of the population.
According to Barry and Yuill (2011), young Afro-Caribbean men are far more likely to come into
contact with mental health services than other groups, especially via the criminal justice system.
Evidence for: Crime
The Mixed ethnic group was the most likely to be a victim of personal crime (7.4%), and the Asian or
Asian British ethnic group were the least likely (2.6%). (Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System)
It is estimated that searches only reduced the number of disruptable crimes by 0.2 per cent. (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of a policeman who shot dead an unarmed black man, Trayvon Martin in the USA. The movement has subsequently gone global and has found considerable support in the UK.
Evidence for: Housing
According to Gulliver (2017) research has highlighted that BAME communities have lower access to social housing (eg council housing and housing association properties) because of the requirement for applicants to have lived in an area for a period of time before qualifying for housing.
18% of White British households lived in a non-decent home. (English Housing Survey)
Mixed White and Black African households (27%) and Bangladeshi households (25%) were most likely to live in non-decent homes. (English Housing Survey)
What is Functionalism?
Achieving social order is impossible and social order is crucial for the well-being of society. They believe that value consensus forms the basic integrating principle in society.