Component 1: Democracy and Participation Flashcards
the legal right to exercise
power, for example, a
government’s right to rule
following an election.
Direct democracy
all individuals express their
opinions themselves and
not through representatives
acting on their behalf.
An example of direct
democracy is a referendum.
a form of democracy in
which an individual selects
a person (or political party)
to act on their behalf to
exercise political choice.
Pluralist democracy
a type of democracy in
which a government makes
decisions as a result of the
interplay of various ideas
and contrasting arguments
from competing groups and
Democratic deficit
a perceived deficiency
in the way a particular
democratic body works,
especially in terms of
accountability and control
over policy-making.
Participation crisis
a lack of engagement with
the political system, for
example where a large
number of people choose
not to vote, join a political
party or stand for office.
the ability, or right, to vote
in public elections.
Think tanks
a body of experts brought
together to investigate and
offer solutions to economic,
social or political issues.
someone who is paid by
clients to seek to influence
government or parliament
on their behalf, particularly
when legislation is being