Complications of the Obstetric Patient Flashcards
PPH definition
EBL >500 for vaginal delivery or >1000mL for c section
PPH is the result of (6)
uterine atony (80%) uterine abnormalities placental retention lacterations uterine inversion coagulation abnormalities
uterine atony is associated with (4)
prolonged oxytocin infusion
multiple gestation
PPH treatment includes
surgical intervention
intrauterine balloon
PPH uterotonics used to stimulate uterine contractions include (4)
prostaglandins (carboprost, hemabate)
MOA and dosage of methergine
ergot alkaloid with strong vascular effects, administered SQ (.2mg)
MOA and dosage of prostaglandins (carboprost, hemabate)
initiate strong intramuscular contractions
250mcg IM or directly into uterine muscle
route of admin and dosage of misoprostal
administered rectally, vaginally, orally
what other meds can be considered for PPH especially during surgical intervention
can give antifibrinolytics, transfuse, can give nitroglycerin during surgical intervention to relax muscles and get retained placenta out if thats the problem. hysterectomy may happen
preeclampsia is characterized by 4 things you usually always see and 4 more things in worst case scenarios
SBP >140mmHg after 20w gestation DBP >90mmHg after 20w gestation proteinuria plt count <100,000 impaired liver fx and/or RUQ pain renal insufficiency pedema cerebral or visual disturbances
preeclampsia results in/can result in (4)
increased vascular tone and sensitivity to catecholamines
pronounces upper aw edema during labor
hepatocellular necrosis
preeclampsia CNS effects
HA, hyperexcitability, hyperreflexia
management of preeclampsia: pharmacological
magnesium sulfate
management of preeclampsia directed at
avoiding ureteroplacental hypo perfusion
HTN managment, delivery is only way to end disease process
what kind of anesthetic is preferred for the pre eclamptic patient
regional preferred over GA