Complications of pregnancy Flashcards
Nasal flaring
A widening of the nostrils with breathing indicating respiratory distress
Follicular phase
The first half of the ovarian cycle, during which a follicle containing an egg matures on the ovary and which ends with ovulation
A condition of high levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Proliferative phase
The first half of the endometrial cycle, during which the endometrial lining thickens prior to ovulation.
Basal body thermometer
A thermometer with a finer scale that can sense minor fluctuations in body temperature and is often used to monitor for ovulation.
Cord prolapse
A condition in which the umbilical cord precedes that fetal head in the birth canal, increasing the risk of cord compression and hypoxia to the fetus.
Corpus luteum
A hormone-secreting structure that forms from the follicle from which an egg has been released from the ovary.
Referring to the fetal head, to descend into the pelvic cavity.
Fetal movement counts
The counting of fetal movements by the pregnant person in the third trimeters; also known as a kick count.
Folic acid
A B vitamin important in pregnancy, particularly in the earliest part of the first trimeter, for the prevention of neural tube defects
Late preterm infant
An infant born between 34 weeks o days and 36 weeks 6 days
A common benign condition in the newborn characterized by small cysts on the face, appearing as white raised spots
Nonreassuring fetal status
An abnormality of the fetal heart rate or rhythm typically caused by fetal ischemia, such as occurs in cord prolapse
A pulling in of the intercostal and substernal regions of the chest that causes the bony structures of the chest to become temporarily better defined, which can indicate respiratory distress.
Secretory phase
The phase of the endometrial cycle immediately after ovulation and before menses