Complications Flashcards
smoothing the periodogram, inconsistency, truncating the autocovariance function, smoothing the raw periodogram, spectral window, spectral linkage, harmonics
Distribution of DFT for a White Noise Process
-if {εt} is a white noise process then:
Re[εj^] ~ N(0,σε²/2)
Im[εj^] ~ N(0,σε²/2)
I(fj) for a White Noise Process
I(fj) = |εj^|² = Re(εj^)² + Im(εj^)²
Distribution of I(fj) for a White Noise Process
-since I(fj) is the sum of the squares of two random variables:
2/σε² I(fj) ~ χ2²
-for 1≤j∞
Var[I(fj)] for an AR(1) Process
-if {Xt} is an AR(1) process then:
Var[I(fj)] = κ σε^4
-for some constant κ
Var[I(f)] in general
-in general, Var[I(f)] is constant as n increases
- in general, Var[I(f)] is constant as n increases
- I(f) is an inconsistent estimate for the power spectrum 𝓘(f)
- as n increases we still attempt to estimate I(f) at n frequencies
- therefore, although we have more data, the amount of data per frequency remains the same
Preferred Alternative to
- we would prefer an estimate which gets more reliable as we gather more data
- there are a number of ways to do this e.g. truncating the autocovariance function and smoothing the raw periodogram
Spectral Density in Terms of the Lag-k Sample Autocovariance
I(fj) = g0 + Σ gk cos(2πfj k)
(+ gn/2 (-1)^j if n is even)
-sum from 1≤k
Truncating the Autocovariance Function
-if we do not assume {Xt} to be periodic then the number of pairs{Xt, Xt+k} decreases as k increases so gk is less reliable for larger lags
-hence we might use:
𝓘t(fj) = λ0g0 + 2 Σ λk gk cos(2πfj k)
-where subscript t denotes that this is the truncation method
-sum from k=1 to m with m
Truncating the Autocovariance Function
Tukey Window
λk = 1/2 [1 + cos(πk/m)]
Truncating the Autocovariance Function
Parzen Window
λk = 1 - 6(k/m)² + 6(k/m)³ for k=0,1,…,m/2
λk = 2 (1 - k/m)³ for k = m/2 +1, …, m
Truncating the Autocovariance Function
Choosing m
- increasing m leads to the raw periodogram which is too noisy
- choosing m too small over-smooths, low variance but high bias
- a rule of thumb is to take m=√n/2
Smoothing the Raw Periodogram
- this technique is called Daniel smoothing, it is the default method in R
- it is based on the assumption that the power spectrum, 𝓘(f), will be ‘similar’ for values of f ‘close’ to each other
Smoothing the Raw Periodogram
-let w = 2w* + 1 be an odd, positive integer and define:
𝓘s(f) = 1/w Σ I(fj+k)
-where subscript s denotes that this is the smoothing method
-sum from k=-w* to k=w*
Smoothing the Raw Periodogram
- recall that I(f) is asymptotically unbias but has constant variance
- also, I(fj) is asymptotically independent of I(fk) if j≠k
- therefore Var[𝓘s(f)] is of order 1/w