Compliance Medicare Flashcards
Progress notes only require cosigning by an ABC practitioner for evaluation and delivery appointments
A prescription or CMN is required to contain which of the following? Patient Identification Description of Services needed Physician Signature Date
All of the Above
When items are shipped to a patient, what documentation must be filed in the patients chart?
Shipping invoice and tracking #
Copy of packing slip with specific list of items
Shipping service confirmation of delivery
When items are shipped to a patient, what documents must be included in the package
Release of Information/Assignment of Benefits Form must be signed and dated by ____ and maintained in the patient’s file.
All patients seen
True/False: Billing or invoicing prior to delivery is permitted
A warranty mist be given to each patient for each device provided and a signed copy or acknowledgement dated on the date of service must be kept in the patient’s file.
The VOR must include the quantity and descriptions each procedure code provided/billed.
For cases when a patient is unable to sign and date a VOR Hanger staff may act as the patient’s qualified representative.
The date of service must always agree with the date of delivery.
Progress notes for prosthetics must also include
functional level assessment
documentation of the technologic or design feature of the specific type of foot, knee &/or ankle compensatory
Reason why a new prosthesis or replacement socket was provided
documentation as to the exact time spent & parts/supplies used when billing adjustments and repairs
True/False: On unassigned claim, you may not collect (up-front) more than 20% of the Medicare fee schedule amount & the Medicare deductible.
True/False: All prosthetic services are billed directly yo Medicare for patients residing in acute care or rehab hospitals or during a Part A covered stay in a SNF.
When shipping items to a patient what is the date of service?
The date the item is shipped out of your office
When providing a custom orthotic device documentation of the medical need for custom vs prefabricated must be included within the patient clinical record
When providing a static dynamic AFO/PRAFO for treatment of lower extremity ulcer or pressure reduction the device must be coded s A9283.