Complete the Sentences Flashcards
The Spanish seafarer who discovered America was ________.
Cristoforo Colombo
The term “iron curtain” separating East and Western Europe was created in 1946 by __________.
Sir Winston Churchill
The initiative of the USA to rebuild Europe after the second world war was called _____________ plan.
____________ (French foreign minister) on 9 May 1950, proposed establishing a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
Robert Schuman
The Treaties of Rome of 1957 built two European Communities:
- the ____________ based on a wider common market covering a whole range of goods and services, and
- the ____________ for the peaceful use of nuclear technologies for energy production.
European Economic Community (EEC)
European Atomic Energy Communtiy (Euratom)
The Treaty creating the European Union in 1991 named after the town in the Netherlands where it was signed is the “________Treaty”.
The major achievement of the Single European Act of 1986 was the creation of a ___________.
Single European Market
The Treaty replacing a “European Constitution” becoming effective 1 Jan. 2009 is called the Treaty of ________.
The ______ is the meeting of Heads of State and Government (i.e. presidents and/or prime ministers) of all the EU countries, plus the President of the European Commission, and is the highest-level policy-making body in the European Union.
European Council (summit)
The ______________ refers to government ministers from all the EU countries meeting regularly to take detailed decisions and to pass EU laws.
Council of Ministers
The ____________ is the ‘Guardian of the Treaties’ and has to ensure that the regulations and directives adopted by the Council and Parliament are being implemented in the member states.
European Commission
The “financial conscience” of the European Union is the ___________.
Court of Auditors
The ________________ is the European Union’s long-term lending institution supporting the EU’s priority objectives, especially European integration and the development of economically weak regions, by providing loans for e.g. large infrastructure networks of transport, energy and telecommunications.
European Investment Bank (EIB)
A „New Common Agricultural Policy“ was developed where the amount of financial support given to a farmer has been largely decoupled from the production volume and ___________ criteria for subsidizing the farming activities have been introduced.
The _____ introduced 1 Jan. 2002 is the key element of the Economic and Monetary Union.
______________ is the EU agency responsible for external border control between the Schengen region and other countries by coordinating the activities of the national border guards.
European Border and Coast Guard Agency
__________ is a multinational temporary military group set up
under the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) for peacekeeping missions of limited duration.
The European Union has now _____ million inhabitants.
The Motto of the European Union is _________________.
United in Diversity
The ______________ is the body that represents the EU’s citizens and which exercises political supervision over the EU’s activities.
European Parliament
The EU judicial system consists of 2 levels: The higher level is called __________.
The European Court of Justice
The EU judicial system consists of 2 levels: The lower level is called _______________.
The General Court
The ____________________ (Stockholm) has the task to strengthen Europe’s defences against infectious diseases.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Formally the __________ is the only body with the „Right of Initiative“.
The European Commission
Due to the stringent application of EU _____________ rules the EU has become a huge single market for air travel at moderate costs.
The “__________” for candidate countries contains strict environmental regulations leading to a great improvement of the situation in new Member States.
The ______________________ co-ordinates the EU’s foreign policy.
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
The __________ could be the nucleus of a European army.
Rapid Reaction Force
9 May is now the official “holiday” of the European Union and is called “____________”.
Europe Day
The European Union has now _____ Member States.
Pillars of the EU: The European Union takes decisions in three separate ‘domains’ (policy areas), also known as the three ‘pillars’ of the EU. The second pillar is the common foreign and security policy, where decisions are taken by the ___________ alone.
The__________ Agency (Copenhagen), is devoted to establishing a network for the monitoring of the European environment and regular reporting about the state of the European environment.
European Environment Agency
_________ is the European Union’s criminal intelligence agency covering all 27 Member States.
CCS stands for ____________.
Carbon Capture and Storage
GDP is defined as __________ + __________ + __________+ (_________ - _________)
consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)
The European Southern observatory measures relict microwave radiation from the _________.
Big Bang
The intergovernmental cooperation of 22 European States for space exploration is coordinated by the __________________.
European Space Agency
The _________________ is a major element of the Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar of the European Union covering defence and military aspects.
Common Security and Defence Policy
The „Barcelona Process“ aims at establishing cooperation between the EU and the ___________________.
countries in the Mashreq and Maghreb regions.
Development cooperation with Africa is a high priority for the EU and is based on the ____________ Agreement signed in 2000.
The institution coordinating the cooperation between judicial prosecutors in the EU is called _____________.
The European satellite navigation system presently being set up is called _________________.
The European contribution to the global earth observations system for monitoring environmental changes is called ____________.
The ECB co-operates with the _______________ which is the „lender of last resort“ for countries in financial difficulties (like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus….).
Internation Monitary Fund
The organisation assembling the most important countries in the world representing 90% of the global GDP and discussing the most important current global issues in annual meetings is called _____________.
The transatlantic military partnership is called _____________.
The temporary military deployment of European Union troops for peace keeping is called ____________.
Operation Atalanta was a most successful military operation of the EU to fight piracy off the coast of _________.
EUNAVFOR Med (Operation “Sophia”) was established to combat human trafficking from ________________ to Southern Europe.
North Africa
The population of Africa will rise from presently 1,4 billion to ____ billion by 2050.
The median age in the EU is ___ years.
The median age in Africa is ___ years.