Complete Patterns Flashcards
Palpitation, feeling of oppression and heat of the chest, chest pain, rapid breathing, thirst, red face, bitter taste, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental restlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrollable laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, mental depression and dullness and manic behavior
PC Phlegm Fire
Tremor, facial tick, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, backache, scanty urination, night sweating
Wind Due to LV Yang Rising/LV and KD Yin Def
Poor Appetite, dry mouth, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, dry stools, dry lips, slight nausea, tiredness, uncomfortable feeling in the epigastrium, lack of taste sensation
ST and SP Yin Def
Feeling of stuffiness and discomfort of the chest, very slight shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, dream disturbed sleep, poor memory, propensity to be startled, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, cold hands, scanty periods, amennorhea
PC Blood Def
Irritability, propensity to outbursts of anger, tinnitus, deafness, temporal headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation, with dry stools, dark, yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
Liver Fire Blazing
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale, sallow complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency towards obesity, blood spots under the skin, blood in the urine or stools, excessive uterine bleeding
SP not Controlling the Blood
Tremor, dizziness, tinnissi, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia
Wind Due to LV Yang Rising/ LV Blood Def
Fullness and distention of the hypogastrium with pain which refers downwards to the scrotum and testis and upwards to the hypochondrium, the pain is alleviated by warmth, straining of the testis or contraction of the scrotum, vertical headache, feeling of cold, cold hands and feet, vomiting of clear watery fluids, or dry vomiting, in women there can be shrinking of the vagina
LV Stagnation due to Cold
Frequent Pale Abundant urination, incontinence, enuresis, lower backache, dizziness, nocturia, white urethral discharge, a feeling of cold
UB Yang Def
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, dull, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, thin body, scanty periods of amenorrhea, insomnia, dizziness, numbness of limbs, blurred vision, floaters in eyes, diminished night vision, pale lips, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, dry hair and skin, slight depression, a feeling of aimlessness
SP and LV Blood Def
Cough that is dry or with scanty sticky sputum, weak and/or course voice, dry mouth and throats, tickle throat tiredness, dislike of speaking, thin body or thin chest, night sweating
LU Yin Def
Dry stools that are difficult to discharge, dry mouth and throat, thin body, found breath, dizziness
LI Dryness
Tremor, irritability, propensity to outburst of anger, tinnitus and/or deafness (with sudden onset), temporal headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark, yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
LV Fire Generating Wind
Chronic Diarrhea, prolapse anus, hemorrhoids, tiredness after bowel movements, cold limbs, lack or no appetite, mental exhaustion, a desire to drink warm liquids, a desire to to have abdomen massage
LI Collapse
Palpitations, mental restlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, lower backache, nocturnal emission with dreams, a feeling of heat in the evening, dry throat at night, thirst with a desire to drink in small sips, night sweating, five palm heat, scanty dark urine, dry stools
KD and HT not communicating
Chronic cough coming in bouts with profuse white sticky sputum that is easy to expectorate, pasty-white complexion, a feeling of oppression in the chest, phlegm in the throats, shortness of breath, dislike of lying down, wheezing, nausea, a feeling of heaviness, muezzins and dizziness of the head
LU Damp Phlegm
Sudden swelling of the eyes and face gradually spreading to the whole body, bright, shiny complexion, scanty and pale urination, aversion to wind, fever, cough, slight breathlessness
LU Wind Water
LU Yang Edema
Discomfort or dull pain in the epigastrium, better after eating and better with pressure or massage, lack of or no appetite, preference for warm drinks and foods, vomiting of clear fluid, lack of thirst, cold and weak limbs, tiredness, pale complexion
ST Yang Def
Fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech or aphasia, delirium, body hot, hands and feet cold
PC Heat
Looks like Yin Def
Wen Bing Lun Pathology
Cough with expectoration of white watery sputum, breathlessness, splashing sound in the chest, vomiting of white water frothy sputum, a feeling of oppression in the chest, a feeling of heaviness and fuzziness of the head, dizziness, a feeling of cold, coughing that may be elicited by a scare.
Phlegm Fluids Obstructing LU
Aversion to cold, fever, cough, itchy throats, slight breathlessness, stuffed/blocked or runny nose with pearl watery discharge, sneezing, occipital headache, body aches
LU Wind Cold
High Temperature, convulsions, rigidity of the neck, tremor of the limbs, opisthotonos, in severe cases coma
Extreme LV Heat Generating Wind
exterior invasion like Menigitis
Hypchondrial pain, fullness, and distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digest fats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark, yellow urine, fever, thirst without a desire to drink, bitter taste, dizziness, yellow sclera, tinnitus, irritability, a feeling of heaviness of the body, numbness of the limbs, swelling of the feet, burning of urination, difficulty in urinating, excessive yellow vaginal discharge, loose stools or constipation, alternation of hot and cold feelings, feeling of heat, genital papular skin rashes and itching, swelling and heat of the scrotum
GB and LB Damp Heat
Fullness of the hypochondriac, abdomen or hypogastrium, bitter taste, sticky taste, poor appetite, nausea, feeling of heaviness of the body, yellow vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vulvar or vesicular skin rashes and itching, urinary difficulty, burning on urination, dark urine, dysuria
Liver Damp Heat
Abdominal pain and distention, bad taste in mouth, sallow complexion:
vomitng of round worms cold limbs
desire to each strange objects
itchy anus, worse in evening
constant hunger
SI Worms
Palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, propensity to be startled, dull, pale complexion, pale lips
HT Blood Def
Slight shortness of breath, slight cough, weak voice, spontaneous daytime sweating, dislike of speaking, bright-pale complexion, propensity to catch colds, tiredness, dislike of cold
Constipation with dry stools, a burning sensation in the mouth, dry tongue, burning and swelling in anus, scanty dar urine
LI Heat
Palpitations, shortness of breath, weak and shallow breathing, profuse sweating, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips, grayish white complexion, in severe cases coma
HT Yang Collapse
Feeling of fullness of the epigastrium and/or lower abdomen, epigastric/abdominal pain, poor appetite, a feeling of heaviness, thirst without desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, loose stools with offensive odor, burning sensation in the anus, a feeling of heat, scanty dark urine, low-grade fever, dull headache with a feeling of heaviness of the head, dull, yellow complexion like tangerine peel, yellow sclera of the eyes, oily sweat, bitter taste, itchy skin or skin eruptions (papule or vesicles), sweating which does not relieve the fever and does not lead to the clearing of heat
SP Damp Heat
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, tendency towards obesity, a bearing down sensation in the abdomen, prolapse of stomach, uterus, anus, or bladder, frequency and urgency of urination, menorrhagia
SP Qi Sinking
Compromised holding and lifting of organs
Fine Tremor, Facial Tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty periods
LV Blood Def Generating Wind
Uncomfortable bladder pressure, bladder pain, urinary frequency and urgency, burning sensation, urinary hesitancy, suprapubic pain and distention, occasionally slight incontinence
UB Interstitial Cystitis
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, dull, pale, complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, thin body, scanty periods or amenorrhea, insomnia, joint ache
SP Blood Def
dont diagnosis as LV Blood Def
Severe, stabbing epigastric pain that may be worse at night, dislike or pressure, nausea, vomiting, possibly vomiting of blood, vomiting of food looking like coffee grounds
ST Blood Stasis
A feeling of fullness and pain of the epigastrium, a feeling of heaviness, facial pain, blocked nose or thick sticky nasal discharge, thirst without a desire to drink, nausea, a feeling of heat, dull, yellow, complexion, a sticky taste
ST Damp Heat
Dizziness, low sound tinnitus, vertigo, poor memory, hardness of hearing, night sweating, dry mouth and throat at night, lower backache, ache in bones, nocturnal emissions, constipation, dark scanty urine, infertility, premature ejaculation, tiredness, lassitude, depression, slight anxiety, five-palm heat, a feeling of heat in the evening, mauler flush, menopausal hot flashes, thirst with desire to drink in small sips, pronounced anxiety in the evening, nocturnal emissions with dreams
KD Yin Def
Epigastric pain and distention, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, irritability
ST Qi Stagnation
Sudden cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea with pain, a feeling of cold, a cold sensation in the abdomen
Cold Invading LI
Mental confusion, unconsciousness, lethargic stupor, incoherent speech, slurred speech, aphasia, vomiting phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental depression, very dull eyes
HT Phlegm Misting the Mind
Palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or to the shoulder, a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots
PC Blood Stasis
Nausea, difficulty in swallowing, belching, vomiting, hiccup
ST Qi Rebelling
Edema especially of the legs and ankles, cold feeling in legs and back, fullness and distention of abdomen, soreness of lower back, feeling of cold, scanty clear urine, palpitations, breathlessness, cold hands
KD Yang Def with Water Overflowing to the HT