Complete Dentures Opposed by Natural Teeth Flashcards
easier option
complete upper denture opposed by lower natural teeth (rather than vice versa)
Presence of the natural teeth mean that high force levels can be developed against the upper maxillary edentulous ridge (can see evidence of trauma to upper anterior maxillary ridge)
natural teeth against a denture leads to
instablity of denture
* additional forces and uneveness of natural teeth
* unable to get balanced occlusion
* loss of stability in functional movements (different from retention - denture staying in place in static situation)
trauma which can occur to maxillary denture bearing area
abuse of soft tissues (mucous membrane damage, ulceration and discomfort under denture0
alveolar resorption and fibrous tissue replacement (due to prolonged abuse of soft tissues) - fibrous/flabby ridge
fibrous/flabby ridge
tissue displacability
tipping of prosthesis
‘combination syndrome’
Bone loss from the anterior part of the maxillary ridge,
Hypertrophy of the tuberosities
Papillary hyperplasia in the hard palate
Extrusion of the mandibular anterior teeth
Bone loss under the denture base
Kelly 1972
how to reduce trauma to the maxillary denture bearing area
maximise coverage of denture bearing area by prosthesis
ensure prosthesis covers the primary load bearing sites
avoid being short in post dam area - less protection of alveolar ridge
method to optimise load of denture beading area
Use of overdenture abutments
* Element of tooth borne support to complete upper denture and reduced ridge resorption in long term basis
3 ways to ensure stablitiy of maxillary denture
Optimum border seal
* Decent primary and master imps and border moulding
Effective post dam
* Vibrating line between hard and soft palate
* 2nd post dam anterior – if cannot tolerate more posterior one
Effect of absence of the posterior teeth
* Managing partial lower harder – cannot cope, don’t wear
* Effect of absence of posterior teeth means more force against upper anterior teeth, break border seal and denture drops down
* Pt embarrassed in social situation as denture drops down
maxillary denture opposed by a bounded mandibular saddle
ensure even occlsual plane, so increase stability of opposing maxillary denture
maxillary denture opposed by mandibular free end saddle
stops tiliting on maxillary denture if provide a lower denture for saddle
hard for pt to cope with - may give up and thus decrease stabilty of maxillary denture
kennedy class 1
incisor overbite
maxillary denture, lower natural
Mandible move forward and then displace/dislodge upper denture and reduce its stability
Natural and normal when natural opposing natural or fine in C/C but not C opposing natural
2 options for managing incisor overbite
maxillary denture, natural lower
Reduction of the incisal edges of the natural teeth
* Make them shorter
* Not always possible - sensitivity
Siting of the denture teeth (higher up, so less seen on smiling)
* Improve function and stability
* But aesthetic compromised – show less teeth, and maxillary anterior key for appearance
* Compromise – what is best for individual pt`
effect of an irregular occlusal plane on stability of maxillary denture
e.g Tx periodontal pt, drifting of teeth, Upper canine teeth hang down and incisors are higher
Trauma to ridge – undulating
Likely unstable upper denture when mandible in function
assess what to ensure stability of maxillary denture
articulation in eccentric movements of mandible
points of contact can cause opposing denture to distabilise
aim for even bilateral contact in centric occlusion, regardless of unevenness in occlusal plane in maxillary denture opposed by natural mandibular teeth
* avoid concentrated force on one tooth as denture will lose stability
in C/C aim for even bilateral contacts (centric occlusion)
how to manage irregular occlusal plane in natural teeth
- No adjustments
- Minimal localised occlusal grinding
- Radical occlusal adjustment
- Extraction of teeth
- Overlay appliances
need consent - can be hard to explain to pt need to alter natural teeth
problems in complete lower denture opposed by natural upper teeth
much more severe
* stability already hard
* support area reduced due to tongue
significant trauma to lower ridge
soft linings lower denture
can help - aid discomfort
become hard with time - need replaced approx 18months
impressions for flabby ridge
Flabby ridge - displaced and so denture will move
Primary imp as usual in alginate
* Indicate where flabby ridge and draw on where it is
Request a tray with a window over the ridge
Usually close fit tray
Then master in 2 parts - ZOE or silicone material
* Cut out window material, reinsert and inject light body silicone to window
Mucostatic impression of flabby ridge
* Load applied to other areas of arch and avoid load on flabby ridge
in normal alginate impression compression of soft tissue occurs