Compilers Flashcards
SDT: Synthetized and Inherited attributes
Are evaluated in rules where the associated symbol is on the left side of the production.
(Once all the symbols in the production have been evaluated).
Example on simple declarations:
T -> int {T.type = integer} | float {T.type = real};
Are evaluated where the associated symbols is on the right side (A production is evaluating symbol by symbol)
Example on simple declarations:
D -> T L {L.inh = T.type}
L -> id {addtype(L.inh, id.entry)}
L -> L1, id {L1.inh = L.inh; addtype(L.inh, id.entry);}
Syntax-Directed Definition is a context-free grammar in which:
- each symbol can have set of attributes
- each production can have set of semantic rules
- evaluating attributes, interacting with the symbol table, writing lines of intermediate code to buffer …
SDT: Evaluation orders for SDD’s
- An attribute at a node cannot be evaluated until all attributes upon which depends are evaluated.
- the dependency relations in a parse tree define a dependency graph
- any topological sort of the dependency graph is an allowable order of evaluation for an SDD
- any DAG has at least one topological sort
- checking the dependency graph for cycles is NP-hard
- it is possible to define classed of SDD’s in such a way that
- cycles are not allowed (S-attributed: no inherited attributes)
- translation is performed in conntection with top-down or bottom-up parsing, without explicitly creating the tree nodes (L-attributed)
- it is possible to define classed of SDD’s in such a way that
SDT Schemes
Syntax-directed translation can be performed:
- createing a parse tree
- visiting the parse tree and evaluating an SDD accordint to a topological sort of the dependency graph
A syntax-directed Translation Scheme in an SDD with action of each semantic rule embedded at some positions in the right side of the associated production:
- an SDT implementation executes each action as soon as all the grammar symbols to the left of the actions are processed
- an SDT having all actions to the right ends of the production is called postfix SDT.
- the action a in the rule A → X {a} Y should be performed:
- as soon as this occurrence of X appears on top of the stack if the parser is bottom-up
- if the parser is top-down:
- if Y is non-terminal: just before attempting to expand this occurrence of Y
- if Y terminal just before checking fro Y on the input
S-attributes SDD
- A syntax-directed definition is S-attributed if every attribute is synthetized.
- all semantic ruels use only attributes of symbols in the right side of the associated productions
- S-attributed definitions can be evaluated in any bottom-up order.
- The evaluation order of function post_order(rootNode) corresponds to the the order in which the bottom-up parser creates the node.
S-attributed SDD’s conversion to postfix SDT
- S-attributed SDD’s can be converted to postfix SDT’s by placing each action at the right end of the associated production
- actions in postifix SDT can be exectued by a bottom-up parser with analog reductions
- Stack implementation of postfix SDT:
- synthetized attributes can be placed onto the parser stack together with grammar symbols.
- when a handle β is on top of the stack, all of its synthetized attributes have been evaluated
- when a reduction of β occurs, the associated action can be executed
- synthetized attributes can be placed onto the parser stack together with grammar symbols.
L-attributed SDDs
- an SDD is L-attribyted if any production A -> X1 X2 … Xn has:
- synthetized attribytes
- inherithed attribytes Xi.a computed in terms of inhertihed attribytes associated with A
- and inherited or synthetized attributes associated with symbols X1 X2 … Xi-1 located at the left (L) of Xi
- conversion to SDT:
- action that compute an inherited attribute for a symbol should be performed before the occurrence of that symbol
- action that compute synthetized attribytes should be performed at the end of the production.
Bottom-up evaluation of L-attributed defintions
a bottom-up parser is aware of the production it is using only when it performs a reduction, therefore can be executed only at the end of the production
But, action that compute inherited attriutes are not placed at the end of productions… we need to transform L-attribyted defintion into equivalent defintion where all actions are executed at the end of the production.
Inheriting attributes on the parser stack:
- A -> X { Y.i = Xs} Y where:
- X.s is synthetized
- Y.i is inherited defined by a copy rule
- X.s is already on the parser stack, thus, we can eliminate the copy rule (Y.i = X.s)
- The above is possible only if the grammar allows for the position of the attribyte value to be predicted
- the value of A.s in the image can be either one or two positions before the stack
- to work around this issue we should insert a marker non-terminal M with synthetized attribute M.s in rule(2) in order to have A.s always one position before C.
Simulating the evaluation of inherited attributes:
- A → X {Y.i = f(X.s) } Y
- X.s is a synthetized attribute
- Y.i is an inherited attribyte not defined by a copy rule
- since Y.i is not a copy of X.s the value is not already inside the stack prior to the reduction to Y
- it is possible to insert the new maker non terminal M before Y with:
- inherited attribute M.i = X.s
- a synthetized attribyte M.s to be copied in Y.i and to be evaluated in a new rule M → ε {M.s = f(M.i)}
Markers make possible to evaluate L-attributed translation schemes with bottom-up parsing, but:
- LR(1) grammar may not be an LR(1) grammar anymore after the insertion of markers.
- That is not the case for LL(1) grammars, that are a proper subset of LR(1)
LL(1) grammars
A grammar is said to be LL(1) if its predictive parsing table has no multily-defined entries:
- whenever A → 𝛂 | β then
- First(𝛂) ⋂ First(β) = ∅
- at most one of 𝛂 and β is nullable
- if 𝛂 is nullable then First(β) ⋂ Follow(A) = ∅
No ambiguos or left-recursive grammar can be LL(1).
LL(1) parser:
- scans the input from left to right (L)
- constructs a leftmost derivation (L)
- uses 1 lookahead input symbols in making parsing decisions.
The class of languages that can be parsed with LL(1) parsers a proper subset off the deterministic CFL’s.
SA: left recursive grammars
- a production like A → A 𝛂 is called left-recursive
- a grammar is left recursive if it can generate a derivation A => *A 𝛂
- a left-recursive gramma can cause a top-down parer to go into an infinite loop
Replacing left-recursive productions:
A → A 𝛂 | β ===
- A → β R
- R → 𝛂 R | 𝛆
SLR parsing tables for the same languages are much smaller respect to LR(1) parsing tables (several hundred states) but can contain conflicts.
LR parsers
- LR(0) parser
- scans the input from left to right (L)
- constructs a rightmost derivation in reverse (R)
- uses 0 lookahead input symbols in making parsing decisions
- parsable langagues are a subset of deterministc CFL’s
- LR(1) parser
- scans the input from left to right (L)
- constructs a rightmost derivation in reverse (R)
- uses 1 lookahead symbols in making parsing decisions
- parsable languages are exactly the calss of deterministic CFL’s
- parsing tables can be very large (several thousand states) for grammars generating common programming languages
- A grammar is LR(0) if the table generated by lr0Table(G) doesn’t include conflicts
- non-ambiguos
- A grammar is LR(1) if the table generated by lr1Table(G) doesn’t include conflicts
- LR(1) grammars are non-ambiguos.
- LR(1) grammars are non-ambiguos.
LALR(1) parsing
- Look-Ahead LR parser is a simplified version of a canonical LR parser, to parse (separate and analyze) a text according to a set of production rules specified by a formal grammar
- LALR(1) parsing tables have the same states of SLR tables and can conveniently express most programming languages
- two LR(1) items have the same core if they are identical except for the lookahead symbols
- a set of LALR(1) items is the union of sets of LR(1) items having the same core.
- merging state with common cores can never produce shift/reduce conflict which was not present n one of the original states.
- merging may produce reduce/reduce conflicts
- class of parsable languages is a proper subset of the deterministic CFL’s
Predictive parsing
- backtracking can be avoided if it is possible to detect wich rule among A → 𝛂1 | 𝛂2 | … | 𝛂n has to be applied, by considering the current input symbol.