Compiled Notecard Vocab Flashcards





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Energy Services


Services in which energy is required to provide even the most basic resources such as food, water, air, or energy itself. Energy is used in every aspect of our economy, society, and prospects for the future, and so understanding the role of energy requires understanding how it links to all of these aspects of the world around us.

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A complete calculus of the benefits, costs, risks, allocations within a population. Distribution gives us information to help us better determine prospects for our future relationship to welfare and energy would be required in order to understand the welfare impacts of our energy choices. Welfare refers to prosperity and living standards as measured by notion of “utility”.

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Physical Risks


Risks associated with the loss of physical access to necessary supplies through depletion or supply-chain disruption.

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Economic Risks


Risks associated with dramatic changes in the cost to produce or the price to procure energy resources.

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A quantifiable and standard unit of measure for either the energy components (btu, Joules, or kWh) or the output ($ or ¥ or €). It is merely important to understand the definitional relationship among the component parts. A metric represents a benchmark, a standard of measure that enables easy comparison across different items that can be defined using the same metric.

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The 1st way to compare a metric correctly is to do so by comparing it against similarly constructed metrics

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The 2nd way to compare a metric correctly is to do so by comparing it through time against itself

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Population (P)


1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology1 of 3 components of the IPAT Framework. This framework is a general form of thinking about measuring the Impact of the various elements on our environment and its impact on society, and is designed with the form:

I=PAT ==> Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology

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Fertility Rate


A concept that can be used to analyze the trends in population growth. It’s the calculation of live births per female that can be used to explain the rate of population replacement in a country or region.

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Population Momentum Effect


This effect causes the age distribution in a currently fast-growing population to be disproportionately young, such as in many poor and developing nations. As such, these younger populations continue to reproduce faster than older populations, growing until the natural death rate equals with the fertility rate, equilibrating younger and older members of the society.

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Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


Is one the primary indicators used to gauge the health of a country’s economy. It represents the total dollar value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period - you can think of it as the size of the economy.

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Energy Intensity (E/GDP)


Energy (E) per unit of GDP. The relationship of how much output can be created with each unit of that energy. Energy Intensity has fallen over the years because we are getting more energy efficient.

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Energy Consumption


the amount of physical units of energy used (usually measured in volumes)

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Energy Expenditures


the currency required for energy consumption or to procure energy

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Energy Productivity (GDP/E)


The concept of Energy Intensity is closely related to Energy Productivity (GDP/E), which is simply its inverse. It reframes GDP as a function of energy, and it is often used as a measure of comparative productivity across countries.

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Claims that argue for optimal outcomes or best practices in a given situation are usually based on limited visibility over the entire system and/ or personal objectives. Sometimes these claims settle down into rules of thumb or “memes” that can persist over large populations and through time until they can be overwhelmingly disputed.

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Positive Analysis


fact-based and objective analysis

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Normative Analysis


subjective and values-based analysis

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Systems Thinking


Energy is best understood as a set of interconnected systems, which are collectively referred to as the Energy System. Collectively, the object of analysis becomes these system elements and within them are many parts, sub-systems, and interactions. Such Systems Thinking is a distinct from the traditional marginal analysis that populates much of economics and social sciences.

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Marginal Analysis


Simplifies a relationship to a few variables that can be analyzed by holding all other variables constant (Ceteris Paribus) has been a bedrock of analytics in these fields and is an incredibly useful tool. It explains individual behaviors very well, can be used for allocation decisions of producers, and defines the rate of change at a specific point under local conditions.

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ceteris paribus


meaning, with all other things being equal or held constant

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a constructed representations of how some elements of world operate

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Input-output Diagram


a system is just a (typically more complex) model but with some rules for integration that allow it to be consistent and useful. A basic open system will encompass some inputs, some internal transformations and processes, and some outputs. The internal transformations and processes will relate some inputs to some outputs and under what conditions those transformations will take place, otherwise called a Input-Output Diagram.

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System Dynamics


An examination of the systems and all its integral parts. It gives us information for how the system behaves and responds to stimuli, etc.

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System Structure


the system can be viewed as a collection of components at any given moment in time. These components have natural groupings and relationships and can provide a geographic “map” of the system structure

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Once the system structure is established, it is useful to understand the transformations within that structure as time passes or elements change. The strength of these relationships and the direction in which they flow can explain dynamic behaviors. Systems are best understood not in how they are, but in how they change.

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Leverage Points


because systems are interconnected, any point can be affected by many others. Not all of these will have an equal effect as the strength of the transformations may vary, particularly across a number of relationships or structural elements. Identifying where small efforts in one part of the system can create major change in other parts of the system allows for the observation of leverage points.

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Sometimes, dramatic change can occur but only after a while and in a non-linear way. Systems often exhibit the behavior of maintaining themselves until certain thresholds are reached and then system dynamics can radically alter the behavior to a very different mode. Observing and predicting these non-linearities reveals much about the system itself.

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Root Cause


When trying to explain the reason that certain observations occur, there are many levels on which that explanation can proceed. Sometimes there is an immediate reason, but that reason is usually motivated by other, deeper relationships in a system. An apt analogy is evaluating the symptoms versus the disease, and uncovering the underlying “root cause” of the observed phenomenon can be enabled using system dynamics.

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Supply Chain


This represents all of the energy in the human-industrial system – from total energy inputs to final energy consumption and energy services (outputs) –and is the basis of the energy system analysis. It also includes the physical delivery system (“Infrastructure”) to move and transform the energy from its origin to its final disposition.

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the physical delivery system (“Infrastructure”) to move and transform the energy from its origin to its final disposition.

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Open vs. Closed Systems


The technical distinction between open and closed systems is that an open system is continually influenced, informed, or constrained by the activities of elements outside the system, whereas a closed system receives its endowments at the time it is set up and then remains isolated from outside influences.

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Nested Systems


systems are both influenced and constrained by activities in other systems. The energy supply chain takes inputs (resources and capital) from the natural resource system and the economy, and sends its outputs (economic productivity and waste products) back into those systems. These systems can easily be thought of as nested systems where one fits easily inside another, both of which fit inside a third.

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Circular vs. Directional Systems


Circular systems, as the macro-economy is often modeled, has many interrelated elements that can exhibit a balance and feedback keeping the various elements in check. It is often difficult to discern the beginning and the end of a circular system process, just like the old chicken and egg problem. In contrast, directional systems tend to have a distinct beginning in a distinct end, usually with very distinct and different inputs and outputs. They start with some inputs and go through a series of transformations resulting in outputs, but the outputs don’t stay in the system or recycle in any significant way.

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Scarcity implies that our needs and wants will always be greater than our ability to procure them from the resources at hand. Basically, people constantly suffer from a lack of income or assets to meet their material needs or wants. Individuals want more satisfaction, businesses need more capital, governments want to provide more services for its citizens, but all of them are limited by the endowments available to them.

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Constrained Optimization


used to demonstrate the relationship between Objectives and Constraints. It is often the case that an actor is trying to maximize or minimize some outcome (i.e. find the “best” solution), and must do so within the limits imposed by some number of constraints.

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Objectives and Constraints


Objectives are considered a solution to problems within a energy system and Constraints are limiting factors within an energy system that make finding solutions more diffcult

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Comparative Advantage


Individuals specializing in some task for which they may be relatively well suited (technically a Comparative Advantage) create additional productivity that can be shared with others who specialize in different outputs, thereby raising the aggregate pool of outputs available for all.

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Within the system (Supply, Efficiency (Demand), Cost, or Benefit) there are many incentives and opportunities to try to procure more energy inputs and use them more efficiently to create outputs. Constraints compel people to invention and creativity in trying to create additional advantage for themselves in the form of reduced costs or increase profits.

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We tend to procure the cheapest and easiest resources first, leaving the more expensive ones for later. Competitors are constantly trying to take away market share, which keeps prices in check. This notion of Depletion (of resources or capacity or value) is a very normal economic behavior whereby we minimize costs first, but that uses up a scarce opportunity that may not necessarily be replaced or renewed.

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depletion is making things more difficult and threatening a collapse of wealth and welfare if we damage or exhaust our resource base before we can innovate to another path. The very notion of Sustainability tries to reconcile these issues.

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Present Value vs. Future Value


The easiest way to conceptualize the impact of growth rates is to understand how the value of anything today (Present Value) increases by a certain periodic rate (denoted here as compound interest, or i) over a number of periods (time, or t), to determine its value at the end of those periods (Future Value).

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Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)


It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1It is also possible to calculate the imputed growth rate by knowing the present value and future value and applying the compound annual growth rate formula also in Figure ???. It is simply a rearrangement of the future value formula to isolate the imputed interest rate. This creates a metric that is suitable for comparing relative growth rates across similar types of growth and similar periods.

CAGR = (( EV / BV)^(1 / n)) - 1

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The Photo-votaic effect


when photons of light shining on certain materials eject free electrons, which can be captured as they attempt to move toward an alternate layer. This process creates an electrical current that can power electronic devices

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Wave-particle duality


having the properties of both waves and particles. Photons exhibit these properties and when they are at a high enough frequency, transfer their energy to ejected electrons

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PV Cells


devices that convert light into electricity.

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PV modules


a package of PV cells that are strung together in order to achieve certain voltage outputs. PV modules encapsulate the components in such a way that they would be protected from water and other contaminants that would degreade module performance. Unless converted with an onboard device, electricity from PV modules are Direct Current.

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Device controller


ensure that batteries are being a charged in a way that is not dentrimental to their long-term application. Also regulates the use of electricity from both the PV module and the batteries to meet the load

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Off-grid systems


collection of technologies that provide electricity including solar lanterns, solar powered electric fences, marine applications, remote communications, and that require no access to grid electricity

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device that converts DC power to AC power. During the conversion (transformation), power losses occur as well as capital investment.

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Hybrid PV systems


PV systems that have the ability to convert DC power to AC power. Can be supplemented with a generator to ensure power is available even when sunlight is not and when batteries are depleted. Thus, Hybrid PV systems give additional assurance of electricity under a wider range of needs and ambient conditions

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Grid-connected systems


PV systems designed to accept AC power from the grid when it is available. The grid acts as an emergency backup the same way a generator is used in a PV hybrid systems. Also, grid-connected systems utilize grid connections and be configured to displace the need for (costly) on-site batteries. Grid-connected systems have become the dominant method of deploying distributed PV primarily because they reduce upfront costs/LCOE.

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Solar constant


the amount of sun hitting any perpandicular surface over time is the same

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how much sun is available for capture at any point in time on the surface of the planet

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Installed cost system


cost of a completed PV system .First, a large portion of the installed cost is in the cost of the modules themselves, which means that driving down those costs, or improving their efficiency will have meaningful impact on the overall economics of the system. Second,a large portion of the costs is not in the module costs, but is in the balance of systems, or BOS, costs and the soft costs.

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polysilicon PV


crystalline silicon semiconductor base, it is the dominant form of technology used today to produce PV modules

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PV wafers


sliced portions of polysilicon PV that are chemically treated (doped) to have specific photoelectric properties. They are used to produced PV cells

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Thin-film PVs


forms of PV modules that eliminate the use of thick PV wafers which contain polysilicon. Thin-film PVs arose due to the inherent limitations of the capital-intensive process of producing polysilicon, and in response to occasional bottlenecks in the polysilicon supply-chain.

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Amorphous Silicon (Thin-film)


uses silicon as a semiconductor, but applies it directly to the module construction. This technology can be cheaper, but has a lower relative operating efficiency, which creates an economic penalty for its use.

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Cadium telluride (CdTe) (Thin-film)


CdTe modules dispense with the silicon altogether and instead use a combination of thin semiconductor layers of cadmium and tellurium.

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Copper Indium Gallium di-Salinide (Thin-film)


the newest class of commercial PV modules. It uses a combination of materials to improve efficiency further. CIGS (and a number of related chemistries) deposition can occur directly on glass (a super-strate) or can be deposited onto a backing layer (a substrate) like stainless steel or even plastic which has the potential to further speed up manufacturing and deposition, reducing capital investment and operating costs.

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III-V cells


high-performance cells which can achieve double or even triple the efficiencies of some of the standard PV modules, but many of them are incredible difficult to manufacture and do not lend themselves to mass production.

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Champion cell


best PV cell created and tested at given time period for each technology

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Commercial efficiencies


measured on commercial production lines and sold for use by costumers. Tend to be a fraction of a champion cell, often between 50-70% but tend to climb in tandem

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Balance-of-system components


number of components necessary to configure PV modules into a working system on the customer side.

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Mounting, Racking, Wires (BoS)


the PV modules need to be affixed to a mounting structure, usually through the use of a rack on which they can be bolted.

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Rood-mounted (BoS)


when mountings and racks are placed on roof tops to maximize the access to sunlight and minimize the interference with ground level activities

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Ground-mounted (BoS)


when mountings and racks are placed on the ground with ample isolation, which can be often be cheaper and easier to install if the space is available

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Strings and arrays (BoS)


wires are connected into modules to form strings and arrays which deliver energy to the inverter.

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Inverter and Power Management (BoS)


modern grid-connected PV systems must have a DC-AC inverter to convert solar energy into a form useful for the grid which includes microconverters and large container sized inverters for significant and commercial applications. These systems function as a power management to optimize the use and synchronization of the modules for maximum electricity output. They may also have communications and testing protocol to assist in the remote monitoring of PV systems

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small inverter located directly on the back of a module

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Labor and inspection (BoS)


labor is needed to deliver materials to the site of and assembled into a completed system. This labor requires a certain amount of technical ability in the mechanical and electrical trades, and so is often higher wage then traditional manual labor. Once the systems are installed, internal and external inspection to test the system and certify it for use is required.

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move PV modules so that they are more perpendicular to the incoming solar radiation. Trackers are used for predominantly for ground-mount systems, where they can easily be accessed and maintained.

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Single-axis tracking


movement in one direction, usually west-to-east

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Two-axis tracking


constantly faces the module directly to the sun but involves more complex hardware and control than single-axis

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Soft costs


cost of components in the installation of PV systems

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determining the site specifications and the specific components required to optimize the solar array require technical talent and time. Depending on the local zoning and building inspection requirements, getting these plans and the final installation certified for use can also be a complex undertaking.

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Developers (soft cost)


people who find customers and see them through the completion of a project

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Customers acquisition costs (soft cost)


finding people who are both willing and qualified to install a solar system on their home or business represents a meaningful investment of time and money. Finding customers (through many different methods of outreach and advertising) and getting them to signal their initial interest is only the beginning, and many of them require an investment of time for designing and bidding the systems before they are determined to be unsuitable (or ultimately unwilling) to go forward. Customer acquisition costs, particularly for the smallest installation types, can end up being the single largest cost component after the cost of the module.

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Design and approval (soft cost)


determining the site specifications and the specific components required to optimize the solar array require technical talent and time. Depending on the local zoning and building inspection requirements, getting these plans and the final installation certified for use can also be a complex undertaking.

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Financing (soft costs)


the financial capital needed to purchase a PV system, whether that is the customer or some third-­‐party financial provider. Ensures that there are adequate financing solutions available and that the customers can take advantage of them requires time and expertise. Even when the direct cost of obtaining the financial solution is low, poor customer creditworthiness can result in the loss of the productive time spent identifying and developing their systems before the determination is made they cannot qualify for a loan to pay for it.

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Monitoring and billing (soft costs)


once the system is installed, it is important to continually monitor and ensure optimal performance as well as identify any faults, failures, or hazards. Depending on the nature of the billing process, accurate tracking of the system output may also be needed to determine the amount paid by a customer each month. Regardless of the billing type, sending statements and no collections must be performed, which is often complicated at the smallest and least creditworthy part of the customer base.

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Solar PPA vs. Solar Lease


PPA better for the customer. Lease is better for Finance

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Grid access


set of rules that give the permission and the contractual relationship that coordinates the activities of generators with a grid’s operation.

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Interconnection rules


specific rules about what type of equipment and performance characteristics are allowable. With the advent of smallscale distributed generation, these rules have had to be expanded to accomodate this type of equipment, and often place operating restrictions and caps on the total amount of DG that can be connected.

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Net metering


once the system is connected, the electricity flowing back and forth between the distributor generation and the grid must be fairly compensated. This is done by counting the net kilowatt-hours that flow into the house and charge the customer for just that amount. Surplus generation from the DG is used by the grid.

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Rate design


the allocation of the grid’s costs to the various users of its services is done through process of rate design. Rate design is predominantly driven by volumetric considerations, which allocates the costs over certain volume of energy used by the customers. However, the specific features and choices in the rate design can dramatically affect the economics of the DG intervention.

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Flat-rate pricing


customers receive the same volumetric charge for a kilowatt hour regardless of the time of day in which is consumed.

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Time-of-use pricing


appropriate metering technology can be charged based on the time of day customers consume electricity and the relative value of the electricity at that time. Technologies (like solar) that are correlated with peak demand would be compensated.

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Connection charge

charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.charging customers when connecting to the grid because it often creates overhead costs and expenses that need to be compensated, regardless of the amount of electricity used.
Connection charges are often the same for all customers of a certain class in size.
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Demand charge


are fixed charges to customers because providing adequate power at any time to a customer creates capacity requirements for which the grid much contract. It is based on a customer’s historical power requirements.

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Access laws


laws the restrict when and where DG solutions can be deployed. Access laws are different depending on location and fair outcomes are still being negotiated in a number of state and local venues.

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Equipment buy-downs or Rebates


help to buy down the installed cost of the system through direct rebates or other tax incentives that can reduce the LCOE of PV systems to the point where customers find it economic and compelling.

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Investment tax credit (ITC)


offered by the US government (and some states), ITCs function in a similar way to rebates through the issuance of monetizeable tax credits.

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Feed-in tarrifs (FITs)


an alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV

system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending alternate economic incentive can pay for the output of the system, rather than paying for a portion of the system itself. Germany launched the first widely successful PV FIT, which provided customers a preferential payment for the kilowatt-­‐hours they generated with their distributed PV system and fed into the grid. Customers then purchased their electricity consumption on a gross basis just as if they had no PV
system. Once this tariff was fixed at the time of installation, it provided a very steady revenue stream which made the systems easily financeable by banks and other lending partners.

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Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs)


require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other
generators.require utilities in their jurisdiction to procure a certain percentage of their supply from renewable sources. The utilities will do this through a forward contract procurement process that allow generators to get paid a competitive rate based on their cost structure, and not have to compete directly with the other

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Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)


show how much energy was produced that met the renewable standard.These can sometimes be traded through formal exchanges.

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Solar carve-outs


portions of the RPS that have to be met with solar energy

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SRECS are RECS that are specifically designed to meet solar carve-outs

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Market enablers


address barriers and obstaces of solar energy to customers through policy or market interventions. Examples include certification and verification, access to finance, and government procurement.

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different locations on the planet will have different insolation

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How much


insolation tends to be higher and more consistent near the equator, due to the perpendicular nature of incoming sunlight in this region.

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insolation rises and falls depending on latitude and time of year. In summer peaking locations, sunlight is highly coincident with the demand, but not perfectly. The further a location is away from th equator, the bigger difference between summer and winter amounts.

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How certain


potential sunlight for energy gerneration is intermittent. Affected by weather conditions and pollution.

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Devices that turn rotating energy into electrical current through electromagnetic induction

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Movement of energy to its end use through available wires. The carry high voltage electricity because losses are a function of the current (which is lower at high voltages)

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Convertor of energy into energy service

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Alternating current


Change of electric charge through transformers (low/high voltage)

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Paired technologies


Technologies that, at the same time, helped convert motion into electricity and electricity into motion (services)

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Network effect


The value of a service provided goes up with a number of participants on the network exponentially. Viewed another way, this means that the proportionate costs to provide service to each person falls as more people that are added to the network.

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Regulatory bargain


The result of the enactment of the 1930s laws that organized the electric sector: utilities got regional monopolies and state regulators could set the power tariff

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The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.The point that a generator connects to the grid (typically at an electric substation) and functions as a conductor of the electricity generated into the grid.
Because of the nature of that transformation, it is a good place to measure the quantity of energy as well as the cost or price – the place where all of the cost of generation are accounted for.

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Step up transformer/Step down transformer


Step up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution gridStep up transfomers convert the voltage of the electricity from the generator into the type that the substation can use. They are located before the busbar or at the electricity substation.
Step dow transformers transforms electricity into lower voltages to enter the distribution grid

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After a step dow transformer transforms electricity into lower voltages to be delivered to mid-size customers or transformed to further lower voltages (120V in the US) to commercial and residential facilities

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Frequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generatorFrequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
Set at the generator

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Electric meter


Measures the amount of electricity that is consumed by the end user

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Kinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value stateKinetic energy, energy in motion. It must be used while available or stored for later use. If it is not, it will likely not be retrievable afterwards in a useful form for the system. Currently, electricity is very hard, if not impossible, to store
Best cost-efficient method to convert primary energy in a higher value state

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Operating parameters of the electricity system

  • Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging* Electricity Supply must always equal Electricity Demand (“Load”)
  • Small failures in one part of the system cascade through the system
  • System failures are very damaging
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Demand side of electricity, final user

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Flow of eletric charge. DC to AC, and sometimes back to DC at the device.

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Locational marginal pricing


Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:

  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.Reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. It has two features:
  • When the lowest-priced electricity can reach all locations, prices are the same across the entire grid.
  • When there is congestion – heavy use of the transmission system – the lowest-priced energy cannot flow freely to some locations. In that case, more expensive electricity is ordered to meet that demand. As a result, the locational marginal prices are higher in those locations.
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Combination of all of the different technologies used to generate electricity to meet that Load.

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Types of load

  • Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load* Base load
  • Intermediate load
  • Peak load
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Base load


Portion of the load that is always demanded

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Intermediate load


Portion of the load that predictably rises from the low point (middle of the night in these locations and seasons) to the high point on a daily basis.

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Peak load


Load that occurs when the system is operating near its maximum. It is a load that is requiring the delivery electricity near maximum amount for any time during the year.

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Capacity factor


It is the ratio of the actual output of a power plant over a period of time to its potential output if it were possible for it to operate at full nameplate capacity indefinitely

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Frequency regulation


Maintaining frequency is vital and have to be kept within very tight tolerance. It requires the use of equipment to both add and reduce the frequency very quickly (sometimes in less than a second).

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Spinning reserves


A part of the operating reserves. It corresponds to the generation assets that are required to be available and operating in synchronization to provide very rapid replacement of any unexpectedly lost generation.

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Operating reserves


Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.Generating capacity available to the system operator within a short interval of time to meet demand in case a generator goes down or there is another disruption to the supply.
Most power systems are designed so that, under normal conditions, the operating reserve is always at least the capacity of the largest generator plus a fraction of the peak load.

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Non-spinning reserves


A part of the operating reserves. Or supplemental reserve, it corresponds to the extra generating capacity that is not currently connected to the system but can be brought online after a short delay.

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Black Start


The process of restoring a power station to operation without relying on the external electric power transmission network

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Ancillary services


Short- and long-term planning and systemic reliability services that provides a utility to maintain grid operation

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Integrated Resource Plan. Process of knowing which assets to procure, based on market characteristics and projected supply and demand conditions

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How certain in electricity



  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward marketsEnsure:
  • Economic dispatch and market governance
  • Planning and regulatory approvals
  • Billing and support services
  • Obtaining investments and working capital
  • Risk management and forward markets
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Cost of service recovery


Mechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxesMechanism to provide revenue certainty to utilities in order to ensure required investments in the system. It includes operation and maintenance costs, taxes, depreciation and a rate of return for the investment
Calculation: TR=TC=[RB-D]ROR+OE+d+T
Where TR= total revenue; TC= total cost; RB= rate base or value of capital; D= accoumulated depreciation; ROR= rate of return; OE= operating expenses; d= annual depreciation cost; T= taxes

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Rate base


Or value of the capital. It represents the aggregate investment made by utilities less any accumulated depreciation previously expensed against those assets

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Stranded cost


Cost of investing in certain assets that are no longer in use, but they were deemed necessary given the market conditions at the time the investment was decided. The regulator must compensate the utility for these investments

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Fixed charge


Fixed monthly payment for a customer to connect to the grid. It is often set at a uniform standard rate for residential households (Customer charge). Conversely, commercial and industrial customers typically see their fixed charge rise with the amount of maximum power that they will call on at any time (Demand Charge), measured by looking at their historical usage pattern.

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Volumetric charge


It is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spareIt is the portion of the bill that rises with the amount of energy customer uses, and generally is tied to the costs are utility have to incur to provide that energy. There are three types of volumetric charge:
* Bulk pricing: it starts off high and decline with scale
* Tiered rate structure: it starts off low and rise in order to deter higher usage
* Time of use pricing: it rises and falls depending on the hour of the day in order to more closely track
the costs of provision that utility my spare

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Special rate cases


Additional rates established for non-standard activities:

  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)Additional rates established for non-standard activities:
  • Non-standard capital items: technological advances (smart grid, smart metering)
  • Rate overrides (rate changes due to external conditions)
  • Extraordinary costs (pension costs, environmental costs, storm damage costs)
  • Decoupling (changing demand conditions)
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Utility inefficiency


Is caused by:

  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recoveryIs caused by:
  • Overcharging of costs
  • Incorrect depreciation allowance
  • Monopolistic tendencies of under-delivery that increase costs to consumers
  • Cross subsidization between regulated and competitive operations
  • Lack of cost discipline due to cost recovery
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How a utility makes money



  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amountThrough:
  • Increase the amount of assets in the rate base
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Increase the allowed rate of return
  • Hold expenses below certain levels
  • Increase revenues beyond the forecasted amount
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Goals of grid regulation


The goal is to ensure that:

  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliabilityThe goal is to ensure that:
  • Minimizing the system costs passed on to the customer, while providing a fair return for the utility (Cost Minimization)
  • Ensuring the highest reasonable degree of service availability for all customers. It includes: i) definition of consumers; ii) rate design; iii) level of service reliability
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Public benefits charge


A charge added to a customer billing which is intended to cover costs related to services that a utility provides in the public interest. Often, these purposes are to correct for perceived externalities in the electricity production in transformation process, including economic or social inequities, environmental damage or encourage behavioral changes

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Power pools


Formation of networks of generators to transact power and energy and back up supply during peak times or unexpected loss of power capacity. When large portions of territory are covered by these networks, it is called an Interconnection

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Reserve margins Planning


Amount of generation capacity available to meet expected demand in planning horizon.

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Vertically integrated utility


All aspects of electricity generation and delivery within a local territory are handled by a single entity or group of integrated entities

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It is the process to change the structures regulated utilities. It means to move away from the regulated utility model and to allow for the market-setting of some components of rates in electricity bills, rather than through a regulatory process.

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The separation of Distribution functions of utilities from those of Transmission and Generation

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Benefits of vertical integration

  • Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets* Reduced operational and price risk
  • Reduced transaction and information costs
  • Long-lived, transaction specific assets
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Investor Owned Utilities


It is a business organization, providing a product or service regarded as a utility (often termed a public utility regardless of ownership), and managed as private enterprise rather than a function of government or a utility cooperative.

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Public owned utility


Publicly-owned utilities are utilities owned by state or municipal government agencies.

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Main constraints of the grid

  • Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure* Physical failure: inability of the grid to deliver energy
  • Financial failure
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Energy supply risks or constraints

  • Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate* Resource availability: risk of losing access to primary energy resources at a given time
  • Intermittency: A source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control (mainly solar, wind and wave resources)
  • Resource predictability: risks that the resources will be consistently available in the future
  • Water requirements: some thermal plants require water to operate
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Demand side risks

  • Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy* Load uncertainty
  • Changing demand patterns: change in demographics, usage of energy efficient devices, change in economic activitiy
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Physical capital constraints

  • Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security* Loss of generator access: due to technical or geographical issues
  • Loss or congestion of transmission: loss of transmission or many demands on a limited asset-base
  • Cascading failures
  • Adequate reserve margins: insufficient spare capacity to make up for occuring losses
  • System security: physical or cyber security
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Environmental constraints


Air pollution, carbon emissions, water pollution, noise and visual setting, safety

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Other capital constraints

  • Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks* Financial capital
  • Human capital constraints
  • Political constraints/Regulatory risks
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stock; volume of electricity being demanded by the aggregation of all end-consumers; sets a fixed and inelastic demand for this volume of electricity at any given moment

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sums on a consistent basis all the cost elements involved in the creation, operation, and fueling of an asset and divides that total cost evenly over the output of that asset

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levelized costing of electricity (LCOE)


amortizes cost of building, operating and fueling an electricity generator over the output of that generation

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LCOE 4 components


overnight cost, fixed O&M cost, variable O&M cost, fuel cost

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overnight cost


cost of completing the generation asset and putting it into service, as if it were to happen instantaneously or “overnight;” ($/W)

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fixed O&M cost


operations and maintenance costs required to keep the asset operating at full capacity, before it is used to produce the first unit of output ($/W per year)

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variable O&M cost


cost associated with wear and tear as the plant is used; determined on marginal basis, per unit of output; (c/kWh)


fuel cost


cost of input fuel used in process of creating output, or electricity; adjusted for heat rate


discount rate


interest rate used to determine the present value of future cash flows; the cost of money


Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)


rate a company is expected to pay on average to all its security holders to finance its assets


discount period


period of time an asset or facility will be in operation; determined by expected operating time before decommissioning, financing life, or another probability-adjusted asset life


capacity factor


utilization rate, defined as the percentage time an asset is producing at its maximum rate


hours in a year




heat rate


input needed to produce one unit of output at a power plant




substation connection devise where electricity from a generator is priced and delivered into the grid


busbar price


LCOE cost


fossil fuel generators (Var Costs)


high variable costs


renewable generators (Var Costs)


low variable costs


residual value


asset value remaining beyond the discount period


decommissioning costs


costs incurred at end of life of generator (shut-down, scrap, or environmental remediation)




improving generator life or performance in the middle of the original discount period through subsequent capital investment


nominal LCOE


incorporates assumptions regarding inflation, uses nominal discount rate, denominated in current dollars


real LCOE


removes effects of inflation on O&M and fuel costs, uses real discount rate, denominated in constant dollars


market clearing price


equilibrium price where all profit opportunities from sellers and all benefit opportunities from buyers have been exhausted


market structures


formal or informal rules of engagement for market participants




sources of electricity that can be dispatched at the request of power grid operators; that is, generating plants that can be turned on or off, or can adjust their power output on demand


firm power


electricity available 24 hours a day, also known as security-constrained power


zonal pricing


when utility offers uniform market price across entire control area


nodal pricing


when utility acknowledges location is important, prices of electricity set at numerous transmission hubs within territory


economic scheduling/economic dispatch


making sure lowest cost producers are first ones called on, followed by next lowest cost


merit order


prioritization of energy generators by lowest cost


forward markets


markets in which electricity supply can be procured in long-dated agreements with producers


day-ahead markets


a forward market in which hourly prices are calculated for the next operating day based on generation offers, demand bids and scheduled bilateral transactions


real-time markets


a spot market in which prices are calculated at five-minute intervals based on actual grid operating conditions


procurement model


criteria by which winning bids for electricity generators will be selected


Dutch auction


mechanism allowing generators to bid the minimum price (setting bid price at marginal cost) they would be willing to take in order to participate–>use this to establish price that will be paid to all suppliers


supply stack


aggregate sum of the amount of electricity utilities are able to produce at their marginal cost


marginal bid


the last supplier with the lowest cost bid to achieve the desired cumulative volume


clearing price


determined by last supplier’s bid price; price paid to all operators in market who bid that price or less


average cost


total cost on a per unit basis


interconnection agreement


a contract between two parties, one who generates electricity for the purpose (the seller) and one who is looking to purchase electricity (the buyer).


purchasing power agreement


a contract between two parties, one who generates electricity for the purpose (the seller) and one who is looking to purchase electricity (the buyer).


As-Bid or Reverse option


generators will only receive price into the procurement in this bar


electricity tariff


price of electricity




a guarantee of payments to renewable energy developers for the electricity they produce. Payments can be composed of electricity alone or of electricity bundled with renewable energy certificates. These payments are generally awarded as long-term contracts set over a period of 15-20 years


standard offer contract


sets a standard price and terms for allowing providers who are willing and able to sell at the tariff rate to provide electricity


as-available PPA contract structure


generator will get paid at a given rate when it delivers electricity, but incurs no penalty if it fails to deliver that power or does so at an inconvenient time


firm-delivery PPA contract structure


generator paid on basis of electricity delivered on time at agreed upon level


out-of-merit dispatch


when higher cost generators are used in place of potentially lower-cost ones


market power


ability to profitably alter prices away from competitive levels


missing money


uncompensated positive externality resulting in a shortfall of incentives to make investments and provide electricity to markets leading to excessive system risk and unnecessary costs


capacity markets


where forward capacity (existing or speculative)–three or more years out–can be bought and sold












measurement for capacity payments








represents bulk of transfer of power from substation to substation in electricity system; moves power from areas of high supply to areas of high demand


Perfect Markets


Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)

Sellers receive a fair return for their efforts, or nomal profit, but nothing extra, excess profits or economic rents
Everyone has all the information to make a good decision.
• No Externalities
• No ability to influence Market Power
• Participants are Rational Agents (profit maximizing, utility maximizing)


Market Failure


Market failures can present:

1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulationMarket failures can present:
1) Problems of internal market structure
2) Problems of external Market Scop
3) Problems of information
4) Problesm of market design introduced government policy and regulation


Perfect Market Behavioral Observations

  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power
  • Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes
  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power

• Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes

  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers
  • Price taking: Lots of buyers, people can’t influence price due to lack of market power
  • Product Homogeneity- Fungibility. Products that share fungibility are perfect subsitutes
  • Free Entry and Exit- Lack of Market barriers

Natural Monopoly


Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure

Industry of service for which it is only economically efficient to have a single provider. The single provide continue to achive improvements through scale, which results in a falling average cost.
Decreasing Cost Industry.
Many energy structures including electricity grid distribution exhibit these characteristics
May have Incentive problem: 1) underserve ;2 ) over charge the market
Needs appropriate regulatory structure




Small number of competitors in large market. They have similar behaviors of under-delivery of services and overcharging due t othe inability to anticipate and mirror activities across firm




Representative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion

ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPECRepresentative of Intentional anticompetitive collusion
ex: OPEC


Monopsony & Olygopsony


Small number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsonySmall number of buyers as opposed to sellers

o Utilities may be the only buyer of whole sale generation, and may operate as a monopsony


Antitrust Law


a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of
business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers


Anticompetitive Behaviors


Dumping of goods: sell at below prices in another market to drive out competition.


Monopolistic competition


is a type of imperfect competitionsuch that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one another (e.g. by branding or quality) and hence are not perfect substitutes.


Price Discrimination:


producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.producers use the market power that they enjoy in order to charge customers as close
to the marginal value each of those individual customer places on that good or service.




Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge) Effects are felt outside transaction. Costs or benefits are not internalized into the transaction
(ex: pollution caused by creating a good or service)

Negative or Positive (transfer of knowledge)


Public Good:


items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.items that can be produced relatively cheaply, or already exist, but are very difficult
to prevent users from enjoying or participating in, technically referred to an economics as the inability to exclude.




Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge Common Owned Resource
ex: national defene, clean air, water supplies,
non-patentable knowledge


Free Rider Problem:


producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.producers are rarely interested in providing public goods or services, because they can never
fully recover the costs of delivering them; revenue is unsufficient to induce profit-seeking firms to participate
Solution: government provides services and collect the cost through taxes.


Informational Assymetries


A situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market functionA situation in which one party in a transaction has more or superior information compared to another.
This often happens in transactions where the seller knows more than the buyer, although the reverse can happen as well.

Lack of transparency or cost to obtain necessary info can affect market function


Principal-agents Problems


people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)people who are making decisions are not the ones who will pay the consequences.
The agent has different set of information and many options which to chose, and the principal has difficulty controlling or even monitoring all of the choices made by the agent on their behalf.

Ex: Building contractors, and owners of property/ disassociation between owners of companies (principals) and their managers (agents)

Democracy: elected official (agent), and the people he governs on behalf (principals)


Adverse Selection:


there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.
there is a difference of information between buyers and sellers. (“What” of fungibility of a good
being transacted). Seller has more info of the good than the buyer. This makes entering into transactions much more difficult, as both parties expect to be in a disadvantage.

To overcome this problem:
Signaling: sellers make a kind of commitment that binds the sellers or convince buyers that the info is credible
Screening: method to elicit information that reveals the sellers info more credibly.


Moral Hazard:


a party changes behavior after the relationship is established

ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.a party changes behavior after the relationship is established
ex: Building owner who pays energy bill, tenant who uses a lot of energy with no lack incentive to do otherwise.


Method to solve information asymmetries:


contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)contracting, performance monitoring, and alignment of incentives.
The problem is the Agency Costs (the costs of addressing the information gaps)


Non Market Failures (Government) Failures


All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.All the ways that government intervention can diminish the efficiency of the delivery of
goods and services from some otherwise ideal outcome.


Crowding out:


when a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or servicewhen a government behaves in a certain way that supplants or obviates the need for the
development of market structures and participants to deliver the same good or service


Regulatory capture:


a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
a form of political corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.


Behavioral Economis


study the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on theeconomic
decisions of individuals and institutions and the consequences for market prices, returns, and the resource allocation.


Temporal Myopia


A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates. A form of nearsightedness where things that are up close much clear than things that are far away.
People have high discount rates.


Imputed discount rates


the rate people are implicitly willing to pay by looking at choices that they will make presented in the present and in the future


Hyperbolic discounting


a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.a time-inconsistent model of discounting.
The discounted utility approach: Intertemporal choices are no different from other choices, except that some consequences are delayed and hence must be anticipated and discounted (i.e. reweighted to take into account the delay).
This is prevalent in industries with retrofit opportunities including energy efficiency.




People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.People tend to use heuristics (rules of thumb), to allow them to arrive at decisions that may or may not be
optimal from an economic point of view.




a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.a collection of anecdotes and stereotypes that make up the mental emotional filters individuals rely on to
understand and respond to events.


Revealed preferencetheory


is a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing a method of analyzing choices made by individuals, mostly used for comparing the influence
of policies on consumer behavior. These models assume that thepreferencesof consumers can berevealedby their purchasing habits.


Group dynamics


emerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressureemerging part of behavioral economics which tries to understand the effects of one person’s decision on
another’s decision-making process.
• Examination of peer pressure




conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and

metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.conceptual framings or heuristics that are conceptualized and captured in phrases, visualizations and
metaphors. Very powerful.


Market Interventions


business transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive transactions, investments, or other more coordinated attempts by the market to improve its own function.
A form of market intervention is the investment of capital in some part of the supply chain that can facilitate future market transactions. Investments in capacity changes the funciton of the overall energy system by making future energy flows easier and cheaper, while simultaneously signaling to (and modifying the behavior of) other competitive producers.


Policy Interventions


regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.regulation, governments, and establishment of open and fair markets, but can also be direct intervention such
as investment, subsidy, or risk mitigation of various desired outcomes.


Economic Rents


Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.Excess Profit.
the positive difference between the actual payment made for a factor of production
(such as land, labor or capital) to its owner and the payment level expected by the owner, due to its exclusivity or scarcity. Economic rent arises due to market imperfections; it would not exist if markets were perfect, since competitive pressures would drive down prices.


Methods of Intervention


Direct investment, codes and standards, information sharing and education, lobbying, and associations.


public choice theory


The use of economic tools to deal with traditional problems of political science


Social choice theory


A mathematical approach to aggreagation of individual interest, welfares, or votes.


social welfare functions


A function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social statesA function that ranks social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) as less desirable, more
desirable, or indifferent for every possible pair of social states


tax authority


solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.solves the free-rider problem in public goods, where some people would not choose otherwise to make the
necessary payments to achieve efficient outcomes.


Arguments for government intervention


Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.
Governments can force people into risk sharing pools. They are also good at providing information that is uesful in improving market function. They can provide product certification, safety standards, building codes, or licensing regimes that certify that the goods or services being sold meet certain minimum quality standards.


non exclusionary

available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all
available to all

evolutionary dependence


a type of path-dependence where the benefits that someone recieves initially may be thought of as incentives but may evolve into expectations, rights, or endownments that are difficult or costly to remove. Fossil fuel subsidies, farm subsidies, and trade protections are potential examples of this


social myopia


the process of policymaking rarely involve a risk assesment that would be the norm in capital allocation by banks, insurance companies or a well-informed individual, focusing instead on the analysis of the intended outcomes. This can lead to a mispricing, and therefore misincentive, in pools of insance, underestimating the cost of some intervention, and over-estimating the likelihood of success


A desirable policy should be:


Clear or transparent, Broad-based, Long term, High impact, Low burden, Achievable, Persistent


Administative burdens


Administrative Burdensare costs imposed on businesses, when complying with information obligations stemming from Government regulation.


Cost of Capital


a special form of economic mechanism of system intervention, particularly in the capital intensive energy industry, includes changing the cost of financial capital for market participants


Policy Risk


policies that are subject to change frequently, short-term or anemic interventions, transfers of power, or alterations, nearly always introduce uncertainty in the market and recues the market participants willingness to invest capital until clarity is achieved.


self-adjusting mechanisms


can automatically change incentive levels or quantities as certain thresholds of performance are reached.


Taxonomy of Policy Approaches

Regulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreachRegulation and oversight
Research and development
Insurance or guarantees
Price or quantity targets
Subsidies/Tax Breaks
Education and outreach



the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.the economic policy of restraining trade between states through methods such as tariffs on
imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow fair competition between imports and goods and services produced domestically.


Specific Energy


Measure of the amount of energy available over unit of weight of the fuel


Energy Density


Amount of energy available per volume of storage


Fueling Rate


Liquid fuels (specifically those that are liquid at ambient temperature) tend to be the easier and most cost-effective to transfer from one container to another (the Fueling Rate). Given that the fueling rate is derived by an amount of energy over unit of time, it can be thought of as a “power rating” in fuel transfer from one location to the other.


Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)


A method to calculate the cost of transportation. This method has many similarities to LCOE calculation and can be used to understand the cost of many capital assets beyond just transportation, including machinery or other devices. TCO includes: Fixed Costs, Vehicle Cost, Additional Fueling Components, WACC, Asset Life, Scrap Value


Design Efficiency


All vehicles have a relatively narrow range of the relationship between fuel used and the distance covered. This measure is usually established at the time of design and engineering of the vehicle (design efficiency) and independently tested through rigorous protocols and are generally expected to be relatively similar across all vehicles of the same type and make.


Operational Efficiency


Two vehicles have the same design efficiency and travel the same distance could still have very different fuel use, operating costs, and wear and tear on the equipment. Most of these differences result from how the vehicle is operated, and can collectively be thought of as operating efficiency.


Fuel Efficiency (MPG)


Distance traveled per unit of fuel


Fuel Consumption (L/100km)


Distance traveled per standard unit of fuel


Cost per Mile (or kilometer)


standardizing metric for the TCO calculation


Competing Objectives


between cost effectiveness and other objectives


Invisibility Problem


Where trying to figure out all of the precise variables and risks may not be worth fixing the inefficiencies that they create - particularly if the fuel bill is a small portion of the TCO or the other competing objectives seem important.


Lock-in Problem


Switching cost of moving to a different fueling type might require behavior or operational changes that customers are unable or unwilling to accommodate.


Fleet Economics


The cost of fueling infrastructure could be spread across different modes of transportation to bring down the upfront investment


Crude Oil


Naturally formed liquid hydrocarbon that is extracted from the earth




collection of molecules consisting almost exclusively of hydrogen and carbon




petroleum can include both natural crude oil and refined products




migration of oil to find a reservoir in which it can be contained




arrests the upward mobility of the migrating oil with a correctly shaped impermeable top seal, usually made of shale rock or salt


API Gravity


measured developed by the American Petroleum Institute to gauge how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is; the higher the API gravity, the less dense the liquid is.


Light Crude


higher API score of 31 or more, have a mix of shorter hydrocarbon chains relative to other crude oils


Medium Crude


crude oil with a slightly higher density and lower API score


Heavy Crudes


Lower API score of 22 or less and encompass a set of crude oils with higher density and higher viscosity due to the presence of longer and heavier hydrocarbon chains


Extra-heavy crude or bitumen


API gravity less than 10 and found in tar sands


Sweet Crude


generally has less than 0.5% sulfur by weight and makes the crude easier to manage and process into fuels


Sour Crude


tonic and corrosive with an unpleasant odor


Associated Gas


substantial amount of methane that come out of the oil well


Lease Condensate


hydrocarbons extracted from the gas stream through a process of condensing; usually captured at the well and reinvested directly in to the crude oil stream, thereby supplementing the liquids that go to the refinery.


Plant Condensate


condensate that is captured from natural gas extraction and processing facilities and is then available for use in oil processing




benchmarks exist around the world in order to establish a standard price for standardized grades of fuel at the same hub locations.


Benchmark Price


each of the benchmarks can be used to establish a standardized price that allows other crudes with slightly different quality or geographic characteristics to determine a fair adjustment to the benchmark price.




when firms collude or are forced to behave in a coordinated fashion by a government oversight body.


Seven Sisters


Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Gulf, Texaco, Shell, BP which worked to protect their profits through market share allocation, price fixing, and other anti-cooperative behavior


Oil Embargo


Refusal to sell or export oil


Dual-fuel capability


the ability to easily shift to other fuel resources if oil was unavailable




the process by which countries take over the assets of the operating entities in their jurisdiction, often without any or adequate compensation, and begin to operate them on their own behalf.




the right to explore and drill for oil is usually established through the granting of a concession; it could be granted or obtain through a bidding process


Tax or Royalty System


a system to share the revenue


Production Sharing Contract


another system to share the revenue


Royalty Lease


standard process to establish a contract with a landlord in the US who has rights over the minerals on a private property


Concentrated Energy


Oil is an incredibly compact source of energy with high energy density and specific energy, and it is also easily stored and transporter


Concentrated Financial Capital


The first the scale of capital required to discover, drill, and develop oil field lends itself to big business that has access to substantial amounts of risk capital needed to take on this. IT takes billions of dollars of capital to bring fields and region into production, and amount that is rising over time




small operations


Concentrated Physical Capital


Refineries, Pipelines, and Terminals are large and complex capital assets that need significant technical management. They also see substantial throughput of value on a daily basis, and controlling them creates incredible wealth and power for their owners and operators.


Concentrated Political Capital


High revenue allow big oil to invest in political influence to perpetuate their activities


Concentrated Governance


in the case where the government is the resource owner and issues concessions, they can extract substantial rents from the produced oil. This is even more true when those governments can collude with other producers in a cartel .


What are the three elements of the energy system used to model its systematic dynamics?

  1. Physical Dimensions
  2. Economic Implications
  3. Financial Implications
  4. Physical Dimensions
  5. Economic Implications
  6. Financial Implications
  7. Physical Dimensions
  8. Economic Implications
  9. Financial Implications
  10. Physical Dimensions
  11. Economic Implications
  12. Financial Implications
  13. Physical Dimensions
  14. Economic Implications
  15. Financial Implications
  16. Physical Dimensions
  17. Economic Implications
  18. Financial Implications
  19. Physical Dimensions
  20. Economic Implications
  21. Financial Implications
  22. Physical Dimensions
  23. Economic Implications
  24. Financial Implications



the “living force,” or the internal motion that appears to animate things


Energies arise from four fundamental forces of:

o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear
o Gravity
o Electro-magnetism 
o Weak nuclear
o Strong nuclear

Kinetic Energy


the energy of motion, includes motion at each of the particle, molecular, atomic, and sub-atomic levels


Four ways kinetic energy manifests itself:


o Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energyo Electromagnetic Energy - sub-atomic
o Electrical Energy - sub-atomic
o Thermal Energy - atomic/molecular
o Motion Energy - molecular/partical. Sound/Wave energy is an example of motion energy


Electromagnetic Energy


also called “radiant energy,” is composed of radiant waves of various lenghts that carry energy, ex: visible light, infrared, micro-waves, x-rays, etc.


Electrical Energy


created through the movement of electrons


Thermal Energy


comprises the energies of atoms and molecules within a substance. More energy increases the vibration of the atoms and molecules, increasing the temperature.


Motion Energy


the energy that is resident in an object that is in motion, ex: flowing water or blowing wind.


Potenital Energy


stored energy


Four types of potential energy


o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular o Nuclear Energy - sub-atomic
o Gravitational Energy - sub-atomic
o Chemical Energy - atomic/molecular
o Elastic Energy - atomic/molecular


Nuclear Energy


these are the bonds within an atom that hold the subatomic particles together, very difficult to access but represent vast amounts of potential energy if it can be harnessed safely


Gravitational Energy


observed as the force of the earth’s gravitational acceleration on objects. Higher and more massive objects have more potential gravitational energy.


Chemical Energy


the energy found in the bonds of atoms and molecules, and can be harnessed by either forming or breaking these bonds often in the form of combustion or other chemical reactions.


Elastic Energy


this type of potential energy can be found in the physical properties of devices like springs and polymers that can hold energy when manipulated until they regain their natural shape, or equilibrium


What are two unique features of potential energy?


Persistence and portability. These make the energy available on demand


Bi-directional relationship between potential and kinetic energy


a unique feature of energy allowing it to be both stored and available when needed; creates a number of technical pathways to manipulate energy types and availability.


Primary Energy Sources


energy sources available in nature


Available Primary Energy Source

o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.
o Biomass (potential, chemical) - used by animals and humans for food or fuel
o Fossil Fuels (potential, chemical) - includes coal, oil, natural gas; a special form of ancient biomass that has been transformed by heat and pressure underground; considered non-renewable due to the vast geoligic timescale over which they are formed
o Nuclear (potential, nuclear) - resident in all atoms but difficult to liberate
o Hydropower (kinetic, motion)
o Tidal (Kinetic, motion) - the gravitational pull on oceans creates tidal fluctuations that can be harnessed
o Wind (kinetic, motio) - air flow that can be harnessed through mechanical devices 
o Geothermal (kinetic, thermal) - heat of the earth that can be harnessed passively and actively 
o Solar (kinetic, electromagnetic) - used in both thermal and electricity generation
o Animal (kinetic, motion) - human or non-human; harnessed as kinetic energy. When used as food, they represent potential energy.

Renewable resources


those that are replenished on a constant basis


Prime Movers


machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices
machines that are used to transfer primary kinetic and potential energy sources into directed and concentrated forms to produce mechanical work.
o Early example: steam engine – James Watt in 1781
• Evolved into more sophisticated turbines and combustion devices


Secondary Energy


energy that is used but not available in primary form in the environement, includes electricity, refined fuels, hydrogen, and other synthetic fuels. Also known as “energy carriers”


Primary Energy Production

  • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time. • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time. • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time. • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time. • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time. • Aggregates the primary energy produced by all suppliers
  • World energy production over the past two centuries shows that aggregate energy use is growing dramatically but has become more diversified across various primary energy sources over time.

Primary Energy Consumption

  • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa • Aggregates the primary energy consumed by all users
  • Though identical at the global level, primary energy supply and primary energy consumption can differ for individual countries - some consume more than they produce, visa versa
  • When looking at energy consumption per capita, Canada is the highest, Then the US, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, then Russia, France. Lowest around Sub-saharan Africa

Primary energy source, maximum


All energy that is available in the energy system has to have entered as a ________. This sets the _______ of how much energy is available for conversion and eventual consumption.


Law of Conservation of Energy


suggests that in closed systems, “energy can neither be created nor destroyed.” Energy can be transformed from one type to another, but only the addition of primary energy sources will cahng ethe amount of energy in the system.


Sankey Diagram

  • Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.• Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.• Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.• Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.• Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.• Usually demoninates some unit of energy over a given period of time.
  • Illustrates the supply chain of primary energy to their final services
  • Lacks a more precise understanding of how and why energy is transformed and moved through the supply chain. This info will help determine how this will change over time.


  • a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.• a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.• a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.• a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.• a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.• a tool of trying to predict the future by deconstructing the future conditions into elements for which we may have some visibility
  • inherently wrong yet helps to reveal the dynamics at work in a system and can approximate the direction and momentum of how that system will change over time
  • Fail to ask about the availability of infrastructure to delivery the energy supply or demand. They fail to account for broader env or macroecon forces that may be feeding or limiting our behavior. They are silent about the motivations of all actors within the systems.

Energy Demand


pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.
pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.
pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.
pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.
pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.
pulls energy requirements through the supply chain
• To forecast overall demand, an easy method is to use GDP per capita, energy intensity, and population
• Expectations are that GDP per capita and population are going to continue to grow and energy intensity will continue to fall as we become more efficient in our energy use to create GDP.


Business-as-usual Scenario


suggests that if things go along at their current trajectory, things wont change much




a term different from forecast, which establisheds a relationship suggesting if the input variables are true, then the output parameters should be what the model suggests




the ability to do work; whether kinetic or potential, there is an amount of energy available in the system that can perform the work when properly directed. This is the same energy that is neither created nor destroyed once it is in the system. It is a total volume (or stock) of energy available to do work.


Name four ways energy is measured:

  1. Joules
  2. Watt-hours
  3. tons of oil equivalent
  4. British Thermal Units1. Joules
  5. Watt-hours
  6. tons of oil equivalent
  7. British Thermal Units1. Joules
  8. Watt-hours
  9. tons of oil equivalent
  10. British Thermal Units1. Joules
  11. Watt-hours
  12. tons of oil equivalent
  13. British Thermal Units1. Joules
  14. Watt-hours
  15. tons of oil equivalent
  16. British Thermal Units1. Joules
  17. Watt-hours
  18. tons of oil equivalent
  19. British Thermal Units

How does one change the order of magnitude of a unit of measurement?


through conversion factors manipulating various orders of magnitude - from tera (1 x 10^12) to pico (1 x 10^-12)




the rate at which energy is physically transformed; power is denominated as an instantaneous rate of transformation of energy


How is power measured?


Joules of energy transformed each second is defined by J/s or Watt; Barrels per day (or BPD) shows a commonly used rate at which a stock of energy is being moved, transformed, or consumed


What does a graph of Energy, Power, and Time look like?


Power is on the y-axis, time is on the x-axis. The area below the curve is the total energy. The total amount of power (also called capacity) is seen by the height of the y-axis.


What is the formula relating energy, power, and time?


Energy = Power x time


What are the units of energy? What are the units of power?


One way to measure energy is in kWh, while one way to measure power is in kW.


What are the 7 supply chain transformations?


o Exploration for and discovery of the primary source - making energy accessible to the supply chain
o Production or harvesting the energy - bringing it into the supply chain
o Preparation, transport, or storage – gathering and concentrating the energy for efficient use
o Further processing, purification, and conversion – changing the nature of the energy to be useful in creating specific work outputs with specific devices
o Distribution – transporting the energy to its eventual point of use
o Utilization - using the energy to do work
o Recovery, destruction or decontamination, or storage of by-products and waste – dealing with an undesirable effects of the energy transformations

o Exploration for and discovery of the primary source - making energy accessible to the supply chain
o Production or harvesting the energy - bringing it into the supply chain
o Preparation, transport, or storage – gathering and concentrating the energy for efficient use
o Further processing, purification, and conversion – changing the nature of the energy to be useful in creating specific work outputs with specific devices
o Distribution – transporting the energy to its eventual point of use
o Utilization - using the energy to do work
o Recovery, destruction or decontamination, or storage of by-products and waste – dealing with an undesirable effects of the energy transformations

o Exploration for and discovery of the primary source - making energy accessible to the supply chain
o Production or harvesting the energy - bringing it into the supply chain
o Preparation, transport, or storage – gathering and concentrating the energy for efficient use
o Further processing, purification, and conversion – changing the nature of the energy to be useful in creating specific work outputs with specific devices
o Distribution – transporting the energy to its eventual point of use
o Utilization - using the energy to do work
o Recovery, destruction or decontamination, or storage of by-products and waste – dealing with an undesirable effects of the energy transformations

o Exploration for and discovery of the primary source - making energy accessible to the supply chain
o Production or harvesting the energy - bringing it into the supply chain
o Preparation, transport, or storage – gathering and concentrating the energy for efficient use
o Further processing, purification, and conversion – changing the nature of the energy to be useful in creating specific work outputs with specific devices
o Distribution – transporting the energy to its eventual point of use
o Utilization - using the energy to do work
o Recovery, destruction or decontamination, or storage of by-products and waste – dealing with an undesirable effects of the energy transformations

o Exploration for and discovery of the primary source - making energy accessible to the supply chain
o Production or harvesting the energy - bringing it into the supply chain
o Preparation, transport, or storage – gathering and concentrating the energy for efficient use
o Further processing, purification, and conversion – changing the nature of the energy to be useful in creating specific work outputs with specific devices
o Distribution – transporting the energy to its eventual point of use
o Utilization - using the energy to do work
o Recovery, destruction or decontamination, or storage of by-products and waste – dealing with an undesirable effects of the energy transformations




literally - the connecting of elements between two or more parts


How much does the IEA estimate the investment in upstream exploration and resoruce capture investments of fossil fuels and the infrastructure to move the energy that enters the system to the consumer will be required by 2035?


Almost $2 trillion


What are the four dimensions of transformation?

  1. What - changing what form the energy is in
  2. Where - moving energy from where it is to where people may find it more useful
  3. When - providing energy when needed and storing it when not
  4. How Certain - how sure an energy source will be available when desired1. What - changing what form the energy is in
  5. Where - moving energy from where it is to where people may find it more useful
  6. When - providing energy when needed and storing it when not
  7. How Certain - how sure an energy source will be available when desired1. What - changing what form the energy is in
  8. Where - moving energy from where it is to where people may find it more useful
  9. When - providing energy when needed and storing it when not
  10. How Certain - how sure an energy source will be available when desired1. What - changing what form the energy is in
  11. Where - moving energy from where it is to where people may find it more useful
  12. When - providing energy when needed and storing it when not
  13. How Certain - how sure an energy source will be available when desired1. What - changing what form the energy is in
  14. Where - moving energy from where it is to where people may find it more useful
  15. When - providing energy when needed and storing it when not
  16. How Certain - how sure an energy source will be available when desired

First Law of Thermodynamics


suggests that all of the energy that enters a closed system must remain in that system as energy, heat, or work produced.


Useful Energy


When the energy input is used to create a desired amount of work it is called this:


Energy Loss


Non-useful energy in the form of heat




the least productive of the energies due to its diffuse nature


Second Law of Thermodynamics


explains entropy; suggests that in most of the transformations of one type of energy to another, the heat byproduct is lost, or rendered useless.




a process of constant diffusion from hotter to colder areas; characterizes how heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture and harness into productive work
o You are bounded by the amount of energy you have. Some will produce work and the rest will be lost as waste.
o More than 70% of the energy content in the primary energy supply is lost by the time it reaches the final customer.
o Total Final Consumption is only a fraction of the primary energy supply.
a process of constant diffusion from hotter to colder areas; characterizes how heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture and harness into productive work
o You are bounded by the amount of energy you have. Some will produce work and the rest will be lost as waste.
o More than 70% of the energy content in the primary energy supply is lost by the time it reaches the final customer.
o Total Final Consumption is only a fraction of the primary energy supply.
a process of constant diffusion from hotter to colder areas; characterizes how heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture and harness into productive work
o You are bounded by the amount of energy you have. Some will produce work and the rest will be lost as waste.
o More than 70% of the energy content in the primary energy supply is lost by the time it reaches the final customer.
o Total Final Consumption is only a fraction of the primary energy supply.
a process of constant diffusion from hotter to colder areas; characterizes how heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture and harness into productive work
o You are bounded by the amount of energy you have. Some will produce work and the rest will be lost as waste.
o More than 70% of the energy content in the primary energy supply is lost by the time it reaches the final customer.
o Total Final Consumption is only a fraction of the primary energy supply.
a process of constant diffusion from hotter to colder areas; characterizes how heat becomes more diffuse, disorganized, and difficult to recapture and harness into productive work
o You are bounded by the amount of energy you have. Some will produce work and the rest will be lost as waste.
o More than 70% of the energy content in the primary energy supply is lost by the time it reaches the final customer.
o Total Final Consumption is only a fraction of the primary energy supply.


Total Final Consumption


The total amount of energy available for consumption net of losses


Final Energy Service


examples: toasted toast, chilled beer, spinning shafts


Total System Efficiency


Ratio of the final energy services to the primary energy input




all of the energy “out there” in nature, no matter where it is and of what type, is considered our collective energy ________.




resources that can be harnessed with existing technology and profitability


6 Types of Captial Inputs in the Overall System

  1. Physical Capital – engineering and logistics – includes infrastructure and other hard assets that are necessary for procurement, transformation, or disposition of energy as it moves through the supply chain
  2. Financial Capital – finance and investment – in the form of ownership (equity) and borrowings (debt)
  3. Intellectual Capital –science and technology – knowledge and technology
  4. Political Capital – political science, law, and policy – having rules in place to permit or encourage certain transformation, as well as the ability to protect those authorities from interference by others
  5. Human Capital – labor markets
  6. Natural Capital – environmental science and natural resources – resources necessary for the complete functions of the energy system (water, land, raw materials)1. Physical Capital – engineering and logistics – includes infrastructure and other hard assets that are necessary for procurement, transformation, or disposition of energy as it moves through the supply chain
  7. Financial Capital – finance and investment – in the form of ownership (equity) and borrowings (debt)
  8. Intellectual Capital –science and technology – knowledge and technology
  9. Political Capital – political science, law, and policy – having rules in place to permit or encourage certain transformation, as well as the ability to protect those authorities from interference by others
  10. Human Capital – labor markets
  11. Natural Capital – environmental science and natural resources – resources necessary for the complete functions of the energy system (water, land, raw materials)1. Physical Capital – engineering and logistics – includes infrastructure and other hard assets that are necessary for procurement, transformation, or disposition of energy as it moves through the supply chain
  12. Financial Capital – finance and investment – in the form of ownership (equity) and borrowings (debt)
  13. Intellectual Capital –science and technology – knowledge and technology
  14. Political Capital – political science, law, and policy – having rules in place to permit or encourage certain transformation, as well as the ability to protect those authorities from interference by others
  15. Human Capital – labor markets
  16. Natural Capital – environmental science and natural resources – resources necessary for the complete functions of the energy system (water, land, raw materials)1. Physical Capital – engineering and logistics – includes infrastructure and other hard assets that are necessary for procurement, transformation, or disposition of energy as it moves through the supply chain
  17. Financial Capital – finance and investment – in the form of ownership (equity) and borrowings (debt)
  18. Intellectual Capital –science and technology – knowledge and technology
  19. Political Capital – political science, law, and policy – having rules in place to permit or encourage certain transformation, as well as the ability to protect those authorities from interference by others
  20. Human Capital – labor markets
  21. Natural Capital – environmental science and natural resources – resources necessary for the complete functions of the energy system (water, land, raw materials)

Capital Intensive Industry


an industry that requires a substantial amount of capital to generate revenue; the rate at which energy can be transformed is limited by the amount of capital available to perform the transformations.


What are the five main natural resource systems?

  1. eco-system
  2. water system
  3. Food system
  4. industrial materials system
  5. atmospheric system1. eco-system
  6. water system
  7. Food system
  8. industrial materials system
  9. atmospheric system1. eco-system
  10. water system
  11. Food system
  12. industrial materials system
  13. atmospheric system1. eco-system
  14. water system
  15. Food system
  16. industrial materials system
  17. atmospheric system



repositories of the emissions and wastes of the energy system (Every type of energy technology has its downsides and it becomes a balance between waste and gain)
repositories of the emissions and wastes of the energy system (Every type of energy technology has its downsides and it becomes a balance between waste and gain)
repositories of the emissions and wastes of the energy system (Every type of energy technology has its downsides and it becomes a balance between waste and gain)
repositories of the emissions and wastes of the energy system (Every type of energy technology has its downsides and it becomes a balance between waste and gain)


List undesireable outcomes for the following energy sources: coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectricity, renewables.

  • Coal: sulfur and nitrogen oxides, particulates, etc
  • Petroleum: well explosions, water contamination, political instability
  • Natural Gas: explosions, leaks, methane emissions, seismic issues, ground water contamination
  • Nuclear: waste, radioactive leaks, weaponization
  • Hydroelectricity: ecosystem loss, species loss, displaced people
  • Renewables: heavy metal toxicity, decommissioning, bird strikes, seismic issues, visual impairment
  • Coal: sulfur and nitrogen oxides, particulates, etc
  • Petroleum: well explosions, water contamination, political instability
  • Natural Gas: explosions, leaks, methane emissions, seismic issues, ground water contamination
  • Nuclear: waste, radioactive leaks, weaponization
  • Hydroelectricity: ecosystem loss, species loss, displaced people
  • Renewables: heavy metal toxicity, decommissioning, bird strikes, seismic issues, visual impairment
  • Coal: sulfur and nitrogen oxides, particulates, etc
  • Petroleum: well explosions, water contamination, political instability
  • Natural Gas: explosions, leaks, methane emissions, seismic issues, ground water contamination
  • Nuclear: waste, radioactive leaks, weaponization
  • Hydroelectricity: ecosystem loss, species loss, displaced people
  • Renewables: heavy metal toxicity, decommissioning, bird strikes, seismic issues, visual impairment
  • Coal: sulfur and nitrogen oxides, particulates, etc
  • Petroleum: well explosions, water contamination, political instability
  • Natural Gas: explosions, leaks, methane emissions, seismic issues, ground water contamination
  • Nuclear: waste, radioactive leaks, weaponization
  • Hydroelectricity: ecosystem loss, species loss, displaced people
  • Renewables: heavy metal toxicity, decommissioning, bird strikes, seismic issues, visual impairment

The Energy System


•all available resource and reserves given the availability of capital and the ongoing potential environmental and economic sinks
•starts with resources -> primary energy supply -> intermediate energy supply + losses -> •intermediate energy supply + more losses -> total final consumption + even more losses
includes capital and emissions/externalities
•the height of the system is bounded by the maximum of the primary energy that enters the system
BE ABLE TO DRAW THIS MAP•all available resource and reserves given the availability of capital and the ongoing potential environmental and economic sinks
•starts with resources -> primary energy supply -> intermediate energy supply + losses -> •intermediate energy supply + more losses -> total final consumption + even more losses
includes capital and emissions/externalities
•the height of the system is bounded by the maximum of the primary energy that enters the system
BE ABLE TO DRAW THIS MAP•all available resource and reserves given the availability of capital and the ongoing potential environmental and economic sinks
•starts with resources -> primary energy supply -> intermediate energy supply + losses -> •intermediate energy supply + more losses -> total final consumption + even more losses
includes capital and emissions/externalities
•the height of the system is bounded by the maximum of the primary energy that enters the system
BE ABLE TO DRAW THIS MAP•all available resource and reserves given the availability of capital and the ongoing potential environmental and economic sinks
•starts with resources -> primary energy supply -> intermediate energy supply + losses -> •intermediate energy supply + more losses -> total final consumption + even more losses
includes capital and emissions/externalities
•the height of the system is bounded by the maximum of the primary energy that enters the system




the foundation of any system, you can see, feel, count, or measure at any given time




stocks change over time through the actions of these




the communication mechanism between stocks and flows taking in data about the state of the system and communicating those to other elements of the systems, causing them to react by either maintaining or adjusting their behavior


Feeback loops

the complete cycle of these feedbacks, stocks, and flows that continually update each other. These represent equilibrium or forward moving loops that send information back through the system. 
o Sustaining Loops 
o Goal-seeking Loops (thermostat)
o Runaway Loops – avalanche 
o Reinforcing Loops
the complete cycle of these feedbacks, stocks, and flows that continually update each other. These represent equilibrium or forward moving loops that send information back through the system. 
o Sustaining Loops 
o Goal-seeking Loops (thermostat)
o Runaway Loops – avalanche 
o Reinforcing Loops
the complete cycle of these feedbacks, stocks, and flows that continually update each other. These represent equilibrium or forward moving loops that send information back through the system. 
o Sustaining Loops 
o Goal-seeking Loops (thermostat)
o Runaway Loops – avalanche 
o Reinforcing Loops
the complete cycle of these feedbacks, stocks, and flows that continually update each other. These represent equilibrium or forward moving loops that send information back through the system. 
o Sustaining Loops 
o Goal-seeking Loops (thermostat)
o Runaway Loops – avalanche 
o Reinforcing Loops

Sustaining Loop or Goal-Seeking Loop


One of the two main types of feedback loops observed in systems; exhibits properties of stability or equilibrium where if the system detects stocks are too low or too high, the system increases flow or decreases flow, causing the stocks to rise or lower


Runaway Loops or Reinforcing Loops


One of the two main types of feedback loops observed in systems; cause a system that is out of balance to go further in that direction (ex: avalanche)




changes in behavior that take a system off its current path (when observing the system in whole)


Dose-response Curve


represents how a cause and effect react to each other
o The systems thinking approach is to ask what kind of change will cause the system at equilibrium to drive to a different equilibrium?
represents how a cause and effect react to each other
o The systems thinking approach is to ask what kind of change will cause the system at equilibrium to drive to a different equilibrium?
represents how a cause and effect react to each other
o The systems thinking approach is to ask what kind of change will cause the system at equilibrium to drive to a different equilibrium?
represents how a cause and effect react to each other
o The systems thinking approach is to ask what kind of change will cause the system at equilibrium to drive to a different equilibrium?


System Purpose


the system’s outcome; Systems are not designed, they emerge from a set of stocks, opportunities to transform those stocks, and behavioral elements that determine how the stocks and flows will change based on the conditions present in the system.


What do economics and markets tell us that engineering and physics don’t?


Economics and Markets tell us WHY various actors make the energy decisions they do, thus creating motion in the system.




those willing to acquire or demand a good or service




those willing to supply a good or service




to be fungible, two things must share identical characteristics of what they are, where they are available, when they are available, and the certainty of each of those other characteristics


Benchmark Prices


to ease transactions in formal markets, these are established which always have rules about precisely what, when, where, and how certain the transaction

example: WHAT (nat gas) WHERE (Henry Hub, LA) WHEN (spot price) HOW CERTAIN (firm delivery)to ease transactions in formal markets, these are established which always have rules about precisely what, when, where, and how certain the transaction
example: WHAT (nat gas) WHERE (Henry Hub, LA) WHEN (spot price) HOW CERTAIN (firm delivery)to ease transactions in formal markets, these are established which always have rules about precisely what, when, where, and how certain the transaction
example: WHAT (nat gas) WHERE (Henry Hub, LA) WHEN (spot price) HOW CERTAIN (firm delivery)


Spot Price


price right now


Firm Delivery


highly certain delivery


What is the formula for price?


cost + profit = price = value - surplus; where the market clearing price is set between the cost of the producer and the value to the buyer is a matter of efficiency and market power.


Producer Surplus


when suppliers base their willingness to participate in a market on making an adequate profit above their costs; an economic measure of producer satisfaction


Consumer Surplus


when buyers only want to pay for services that will deliver a value to them equal to or greater than the price they have to pay; calculated by analyzing the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a good or service relative to its market price; occurs when the consumer is willing to pay more for a given product than the current market price




all the expenses that a producer has to pay to deliver their good or service end of market; In terms of supply chain dynamic, raw materials incur costs throughout the transformation and processes that they undertake through the supply chain. These costs accrued are delivered to the customer during final consumption




determined by the consumer; consumers are always trying to maximize their bang for their buck


Supply and Demand


the basic economic relationship or framework that is used to understand the market dynamics between buyers and sellers




a basic institutional structure by which different parties exchange goods and services




the rules by which trade or exchange happens within a market




the way that buyers communicate to sellers in a market




the way that sellers communicate to buyers in a market


What are the three rules in which the bid and offers of buyers and sellers are communicated?

  1. Transparency
  2. Price Setting Mechanism
  3. Buyer vs. Seller Auction1. Transparency
  4. Price Setting Mechanism
  5. Buyer vs. Seller Auction

Open outcry


sometimes referred to as ‘open auctions,’ bids (or offers) in these markets are available and observable to other bidders


Sealed Bid


type of auction in which bidders (or offerers) submit their bids in a sealed fashion, never benefitting from the information available through oberseving other bids or offers


Clearing Price


In an English Auction, bidders continue to bid until they are no longer willing to go any higher. The winning bid becomes this


English Auction


most common form of an auction where bidders continue to bid until they are no longer willing to go any higher. The winning bid becomes the clearing price


Dutch Auction


A type of auction that establishes a clearing price by starting with a high price and working down until someone accepts it


Vickery Auction


A type of auction where the winner pays the first losing bet


Forward Auctions


auctions that are conducted predominantly by a seller to solicit lots of buyers and promote the max selling price


Reverse Auctions


auctions designed and conducted predominantly by buyers, intending to max the number of potential vendors and minimize the buying price




more complex systems allowing simultaneous transactions


Bilateral Market


allows buyers and sellers to list the bid and offer prices they are willing to except and then establishing a reliable mechanism for facilitating those transactions where the bid and offer are the same




contain an intermediary market-maker who establishes a bid and offer price that buyers and sellers can transact at, and keeps the “spread” between these as compensation for establishing an efficient trading mechanism




exchanges that will not only allow for competitive bidding in price setting but will also ensure that the prices that are set are sufficient to make whole the bidders if the clearing price is too low, typically through the use of side payments


Perfect Competition


the most efficient form of a market which has the best chance of achieving an efficient outcome for buyers and sellers; has many buyers and sellers and no restrictions on the entry of additional market participants.


A System of Balance


Upstream and downstream events affect b and s. Perturbations in raw material availability will change cost structures and alter decisions much further down the energy chain. Substitutes that reduce demand or complements that increase demand will create inertia or momentum in early parts of the supply chain.




an inertia that creates difficulty in altering or transforming the relationships in the energy system




finding places where different parts of the market are failing to inform each other’s behavior, i.e., buying something at a low price and reselling it at a higher price to someone that the original seller was not able to access.


Four types of arbitrage

  1. Form Arbitrage
  2. Spatial Arbitrage
  3. Temporal Arbitrage
  4. Risk Arbitrage

What are the main takeaways from Ch2 ?

  1. Energy that enters the system does so as a primary energy source
  2. Energy transforms throughout the supply chain and these transformation determine fungibility
  3. There are several forms of capital inputs that vital for supply chain transformation, and throughout the supply chain energy is lost and creates externalities such as emissions
  4. Stocks and flow exist to either balance the system or transform it into another equilibrium
  5. Economics dominates the system, which is the interactions between buyers and sellers, who exchange via a market