Compilation Engagements Flashcards
what are Limitations of compilation engagement
Relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or noncompliance with laws and regulations
what are Auditor’s Responsibilities
Must do the compilation based on ssars via aicpa
Accepting the engagement with no knowledge
Must acquire knowledge prior to issuing the report
Before issuing the report…
Read the F/S and consider if its free from obvious material errors
Information provided by client
Not required to but can make inquiries or perform analytical procedures to verify info
When to withdraw from engagement?
> Management didnt provide records or documents
> management doesnt make necessary adjustments because of departures from gaap
Accountant report in compilation report includes:
> statement that management is responsible for F/S
Date the F/S covered
Include a statement that compilation was done according to SSARS of the AICPA
Accountant did not audit or review f/s or perform procedures
No opinion expressed
Include the date
Additional Requirements
> each page states: “See accountant’s compilation report”
> Not required to be printed on letterhead or manually signed
F/S prepared other than Framework (special Purpose)
Must indicate that it was prepared in special purpose framework
Report omits all disclosures
> written down that disclosures were omitted