Competency 002 Flashcards
understanding growth and development
the teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design assessments that are
responsive to differences among students and that promote all students’ leaning
diversity is
teachers are aware that children bring to the classroom a variety of
personal and socioeconomic characteristics
factors that children bring and teachers accept, respect, and accommodate are
ethnicity, gender, language background, exceptionality
teachers create a climate of apprecitation of and respect for both the
diversity and the uniqueness of individuals and their families
ethnocentrism is
the natural tendency of viewing one’s own cultural or familial ways of doing things as best and most correct
ethnocentrism can be damaging because it is
exclusive, rather than inclusive
effective teachers learn about the cultures represented in their classrooms and some of the language represented by each and
use this knowledge to enhance children’s learning experience
teachers bring each child’s home culture and language into the shared culture of the school so
the unique contributions of each group are recognized and valued by others
teachers make sure that children see their own lives
reflected in classroom materials and activities
teachers examine their own behaviors to make sure they are not modeling
prejudicial attitudes and values or promoting stereotypical beliefs
teachers understand the legal and ethical responsibilites associated with the
development of individualized education programs (IEP)
teachers integrate goals from IEPs into
instructional activities and daily routines and work with special education professionasl and parents to address individual special needs
teachers adapt curriculum, learning materials, instructional approaches, and the classroom environment to ensure the progress of students with special needs being sure to keep the
same goals and objectives as are required of other sutdents