Competency 001 Flashcards
Rios vs. Reed
- 1977
- Action suit due to program quality for ELL’s
- Against Patchogue-Medford School District in New York
- Called for L1 for content areas while developing English proficiency
- foundation for many bilingual programs founded after the 1980’s
Lau vs. Nichols
- 1974
- Action suit against the San Fransisco Unified School District
- Due to Chinese students falling behind due to no bilingual education
- Court ruled in favor of plaintiffs for district to provide bilingual-bicultural education to students with limited English proficiency
Aspira vs. New York
- 1974
- went on during Lau vs Nichols
- Demanded city wide identification of students who needed special language services
- District wide bilingual education program was implemented
Serna vs Portales
- 1972 and 1974
- First successful court case seeking support for bilingual education
- Court mandated bilingual and bicultural curriculum
- procedures to monitor Hispanic student’s academic achievement
- recruit bilingual personnel
Annual measurable achievement objectives
State education agency
Local education agency
Title III
Title III is officially known as the English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act. Title III is a part of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 proposed and signed into law by the George W. Bush Administration. It is specifically targeted to benefit Limited English Proficient (LEP) children and immigrant youth. The Act states that LEP students must not only attain English proficiency but simultaneously meet the same academic standards as their English-speaking peers in all content areas.[1] Federal funding is provided to assist State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in meeting these requirements.
Title VII
The Bilingual Education Act
- Provide funding for programs to address the needs of ELL’s
- Replaced with Title III in 2003 NCLB
Language Proficiency Assessment Commitee
- Composed of at least one administrator, teachers, and parent representative
- regulates admission, treatment, dismissal, and follow up services to students in the bilingual or special language program
- evaluates the results of a state developed criterion referenced test and norm-referenced achievement test
- follows students progress for two years who have been exited from the program
ESL Pullout
- students spend most of the day in mainstream classes and are “pulled out” of their classes for one or two periods
- Limitations= students fall behind academically, get embarrassed, no support in native language
- most expensive
- least effective
- The process in which members of different cultural groups within the same society reciprocally adopt and appreciate the attitudes, values, and language patterns of each other
No Child Left Behind
- 2001
- Two components: Title I & Title III
- promote English language development
Transitional Bilingual Education
- Early Exit Program
- Length = approx 2-3years
- subtractive and remedial
- program of choice bc it mainstreams students as soon as possible
- use native language in conjunction with ESL instruction
Developmental Bilingual Education
- Late exit
- length = 4-5 years
- additive and enrichment
- late exit allows proficiency in L1 which students can then transfer literacy skills from L1 to L2
- designed to mention L1 and L2
Two or more letters representing one sound
Ex: gh- ; kn- ; sc- ; sch-
Basic unit of sound
The study of sound system of a language
The meaning system of a language is based on the culture and context of the conversation
The vocabulary of a language
Organization of words in a sentence
Units of meaning which make up words
Ex: cars = 2 morphemes
(1) car = single
(2) s = plural
The study of the structure of words or word formation