Competencies Flashcards
Accounts Payable
Money and organization owes its vendors and suppliers.
Accounts Receivable
Money the organization’s customers owe the organization.
Active Listening
Communication technique to increase the engagement between communicators and their audiences. It involves two-way communication and attention to nonverbal signs that indicate interest in reactions to the message and speaker.
Affiliative Leadership Approach
Leadership approach in which the leader creates strong relationships with an inside the team; team members are motivated by loyalty.
Affinity Diagramming
Data-sorting technique in which a group categorizes and subcategorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn.
Analytical Processing
Applications that can analyze data faster and in more ways than traditional relational databases, offering a multidimensional analysis of business data.
Financial, physical, and sometimes intangible properties and organization owns.
Attribution Theory
Motivation theory that states that the way a person interprets the causes for past success or failure is related to the present level of motivation; includes theories of Heider and Weiner.
Ability to stay true to values and maintain integrity in both personal and professional lives and, from an organizational perspective, approach to forming and maintaining relationships with colleagues and others in the organization.
Authoritative Leadership Approach
Leadership approach in which the leader proposes a bold vision or solution and invites the team to join this challenge.
Balance Sheet
Statement of an organization’s financial position at a specific point in time, showing assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.
Balanced Scorecard
Performance management tool that depicts an organizations overall performance, as measured against goals, lagging indicators, and leading indicators.
Behavioral Theories
Category of leadership theories that states that leaders influence group members through certain behaviors; includes Blake-Mouton theory.
Exchange of anything of value to gain greater influence or preference.
Business Case
Presentation to management that establishes that a specific problem exists and argues for a proposed solution.
Business Intelligence
Ability to use information to gain a deeper understanding of an organization and make sound business decisions.
Cash Flow Statement
Statement of an organization’s ability to meet its current and short-term obligations, showing incoming and outgoing, cash, and cash reserves in operations, investments, and financing.
Civil Law
Legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations)