Compete Flashcards
back to square one
back to the beginning while the current attempt was unsuccessful
be thrown in at the deep end
starting with something difficult
move the goalposts
change the rules for something so that the situation becomes more difficult
be stumped for an idea
unable to come up with an idea
be a front runner
being the first with something
be on the ropes
very close to being defeated
deal someone a knock-out blow
utterly defeat somebody
score an own goal
making a mistake that is damaging yourself
be neck and neck
be level in a race or competition with somebody
throw in the towel
to quit
keep your/his/.. powder dry
stay alert be careful
better safe than sorry
prevention is key
we lost the run of ourselves
if you can’t control yourself
to hedge your bets
inzetten op meerdere paarden or meerder plaatsen
put someone in their place
let them know what their place is
it is all water under the bridge now
Something that is over and done with especially an unfortunate occurrence.
At a rate of knots
very quickly (ships running back to the goal for a goalkeeper)
to coin a phrase
to create to invent
to get the hang of it to get knack of it
can’t understand the technique
in tatters
weak suffered a lot of damage and is expected to fail completely
It is not black and white
clear distinction without gradation
the truth lies somewhere in the middle
it is not one or the other
cut and dried
predetermined unchangeable
flip side of the coin
reverse or opposite side less popular side
the last hurrah
a final moment or occasion of glory or achievement
to embark on a course of revenge
to leave to go went on a program of
pressuring it to breaking point
the point at which a situation becomes critical
it is a tipping point
the point at which an issue idea product etc. crosses a certain threshhold and gains significant momentum triggered by some minor factor or change.
to have a head-start
an advantage given or acquired in any competition endeavor etc. as allowing one or more competitors in a race to start before the others.
the carrot-and-stick method
you both offer rewards and threaten punishments
to wipe the slate clean
to start over again