Comparisons Flashcards
if a comparison is equal it involves what?
tan(to/a) como
if a comparison is unequal it involves what?
menos que
inequality of characteristics: “you are smarter than my dog”
eres más intelligente que mi perro
inequality of characteristics: “you are less lazy than my dog”
eres menos perezoso que mi pero
inequality of amount (more/less than): “Mirte eats more than me”
Mirte come más que yo
inequality of amount (more/less than): “Mirte eats dinner less than me”
Mirte cene menos que yo
inequality of numbers: “there are more than 500 students in Tabor”
Hay más de 500 estudiantes en Tabor
inequality of numbers: “there are less than 600 students in Tabor”
Hay menos de 600 estudiantes en Tabor
for inequality of characteristics we use what?
más/menos (adjective) que
for inequality of amount we use what?
más/menos que
for inequality of numbers we use what?
más/menos de
equality of characteristics: “he is as tall as my cousins”
a él es tan alto como mi sobrinos
equality using “as…as”: “August has as many days as July”
agosto tiene tantos días como julio
equality using “as many as”: “my family does not have as many people as your family”
mi familia no tiene tantas personas como tú familia
equality using “as much as”: “Mirta eats as much as me”
Mirta come tanto como yo