Compare the layers of the OSI and TCP/IP models Flashcards
Compare the layers of the OSI and TCP/IP models
Name the 7 Layers of the OSI Model in the proper order
Layer 1 – Physical Layer 2 – Data link Layer 3 – Network Layer 4 – Transport Layer 5 – Session Layer 6 – Presentation Layer 7 – Application
What is the Physical Layer responsible for?
Identifies the Network’s physical characteristics such as Hardware Devices and Network Topology
Name the Device associated with the Physical Layer?
Network Interface cards (NICs),
Cables and Connectors.
What is the Data Link Layer responsible for?
The Data Link Layer is also responsible for logical link control, media access control, hardware addressing, error detection and handling and defining physical layer standards.
It provides reliable data transfer by transmitting packets with the necessary synchronization, error control and flow control.
The Data Link Layer is divided into What to sublayers?
Media Access Control (MAC)
Logical Link Control (LLC)
What is Media Access Control (MAC)
Controls how computers on the network gain access to the data and obtain permission to transmit it
What is Logical Link Control (LLC)
Controls packet synchronization, flow control and error checking.
What is the Network Layer responsible for?
This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as addressing, internetworking, error handling, congestion control and packet sequencing.
What is the Transport Layer responsible for?
It is responsible for maintaining reliable end-to-end communications across the network. It provides full-duplex virtual circuits on which delivery is reliable, error free, sequenced, and duplicate free.
What are some of the protocols that operate at the Transport Layer?
TCP (transmission control protocol)
UDP (user datagram protocol)
RTP (real-time transport protocol)
SCTP (stream control transmission protocol).
What is the Session Layer responsible for?
It establishes, manages (including providing security) and terminates connections between applications at each end.
What are some of the protocols that operate at the Session Layer?
DLC (data link control) PAP (printer access control), SMB (server message block), ASP (AppleTalk session protocol), NetBIOS (network basic input/output system) ZIP (zone information protocol).
The Session Layer protocols are useful mainly in what type of applicaions?
multimedia applications for which it is necessary to coordinate the timing of two or more types of data, such as voice and moving images, with a high degree of precision. Examples include video conferencing and streaming
What is the Presentation Layer responsible for?
It translates data from programs and protocols in the application layer above it to formats that can be transmitted over networks and used by other applications on other hosts. It is also responsible for the delivery and formatting of information to the application layer for further processing or display.
What are some of the protocols that operate at the Pesentation Layer?
ASCII (American standard code for information interchange),
EBCDIC (extended binary coded decimal interchange code),
MIDI (musical instrument digital interface),
MPEG (moving picture experts group), SSL (secure sockets layer),
TDI (tabbed document interface),
TLS (transport layer security)
XDR (external data representation).