comparative Flashcards
imperative programming
the programmer
gives an explicit sequence of steps which
are done in order. (e.g. C++, Python, PHP,
programmer describes the result they
need, and the language/compiler decides
how to best produce it. (e.g. Haskell)
high vs low level
Higher-level: more like what people want to
write/understand. (e.g. Python, Haskell)
Lower-level: more like what the computer
understands/executes. (e.g. assembly, C
is an interpreter purely interpreting code?
Most programs that appear to be interpreters
are actually both a compiler and interpreter.
what does a virtual machine represent
a virtual machine is an
interpreter for bytecode.
what are the pros for JIT
optimize machine code for the specific CPU architecture (e.g. Skylake vs generic x86);
collect usage stats and optimize output for the way code is actually being used;
create type-specific versions of functions for the types of arguments they actually receive (see “dynamic binding” , later).
what is JIT
Interpreting (byte)code at run-time always comes with a speed penalty. Even the most clever bytecode needs to be somehow processed while it’s running: that takes instructions and therefore time.
A Just-In-Time compiler starts with bytecode and either…
1. interprets but when it decides that some piece of logic will be used frequently, it…
2. for all code… … during execution, compiles that code to machine code and stores it in memory.
Then, when that code needs to execute (again), it can use the machine code version.
cons of JIT
But, JITs have to do their work during program execution. That will slow things down (at least momentarily). Performance may be less predictable.
are languages restricted to a specifc compilation method?
Any programming language*
could be compiled to machine
code, or to a VM, or interpreted
A question: does the compiler know a variable or value’s type when it compiles the program?
For statically typed languages, the answer is yes: C, Java, C#, Dart, etc.
Where the types aren’t known until runtime, the language is dynamically typed: Python, JavaScript, Lisp, Ruby, etc.
pros of statically typed langauges
In a statically typed language, you can have more confidence that the types are right.
pros an cons for dynamic typed langauges:
Dynamic typing allows more flexibility and often less code. The programmer doesn’t have to explicitly declare/allocate/type variables, which saves keystrokes/effort.
types must be checked every time a line of code is executed.
what are 3 things that always have to be checked at run time
there are some related things that always have to be checked at runtime: array bounds, division by zero, overflow, etc.
what is gradual typing definition
where values/ variables can be given static types that can be checked at compile-time, but it’s optional.
when do we know which operation has to be applied for:
Statically bound:
the compiler knows exactly which operation is going to happen.
Dynamically bound:
the details have to be determined at run-time
benefit of static and cons to dynamic when applying (add) operator
executing the processor’s ADD instruction
a type check, symbol table lookup (__add__), method call, then do the ADD.
major drawback to python
Standard python code compiles to byte code
Python is slow not because it is interpreted (compiled to byte), but it is slow because of dynamic binding
describe JIT with if else statement
if types match previous calls:
call statically-typed machine code
interpret dynamically-typed bytecode,
or maybe compile a version for the new types.
Maybe you get a statically-typed implementation of your dynamically-typed code.
when does a static typed code run dynamically
polymorphism on java, but not on C++
what type in Haskell is an example of a Generic
This will work on any arguments in the Eq typeclass, and Haskell can statically-compile any specialized version it needs.
what is the purpose of type inference
If the compiler can infer types, it can statically bind in its output.
strongly typed definition
every value has a single well-defined type, so you can do lots of checking.
weakly typed definition
single values can be treated as different types, so type checking is harder.
how to get away with strongly typed
pointer casting
C and Java are mostly strongly typed since values are explicitly statically typed, but pointer/reference casting allows the programmer to do weakly-typed things.
what is an example of strongly typed in a langauge
Python is strongly typed since the type of each value is tracked by the language (but at runtime since it’s dynamically typed).
places where imutable might be importatn
In a dictionary/map/hash table key: the data structure needs to be able to check the value when it’s inserted and know it doesn’t change while in the collection. (e.g. it always has the same hash value)
As an argument: a mutable object could be modified whenever it is given as an argument to a function. Immutability ensures it won’t be.
Sharing between threads: safe for multiple threads to access it if it can’t be changed.
places where mutable is important`
Collections: don’t want to rebuild a list of a million elements just to add one more.
State: state of a game (or whatever) changes frequently and could be shared by many parts of the code.
We want to pass an object to a function and have it modified.
what is static, heap and stack memory
Static: memory known to be needed at compile time. e.g. strings in in the program, globals, C static.
Stack: function parameters and functionlocal variables (or similar for other variables scopes).
Heap: dynamically-allocated objects. e.g. malloc in C; new in C++, Java, C#; all objects in Python, Ruby
what type of memory does dynamic uses the most
In dynamic languages, usually everything is on the heap (but there is a call stack for functions).
what are the two ways for garbage collection
Reference counting and tracing
what is reference counting and when can it be checked
garbage collection keeps track of the number of references to each object. When the number decreases to zero, delete. Can’t handle cyclic data structures; requires space and time to maintain the counters.
C++ example:
Assuming we keep the unique_ptr on the stack, it will be deleted as appropriate. When the unique_ptr is deleted, it will automatically delete the object it refers to: the pointer was unique, so “reference counting” is easy and can be done at compile-time
what is tracing
garbage collection looks for which objects are reachable from references available in the program: everything else is garbage. There are many strategies to do this quickly and without stopping execution while it happen
what is a finalizer
A garbage collector is part of a language’s runtime environment that looks for objects on the heap that can no longer be accessed (garbage) an frees them (after calling their finalizers, in languages that have the concept).
what are the 3 types of tracking heap ownership
Manual memory management
Run-time garbage collection
Compile time ownership tracking
what is concurrent programming
A concurrent program is one where several parts of the program are running together (possibly taking turns, or possibly on different cores).
what is parallel programming
A parallel program is a concurrent program where different processes or (kernel) threads allow different parts of the code to run at the same time on multiple cores.
what is a process
an instance of a running program.
what is a thread
A single process can have several points where it is executing concurrently: each is a thread.
what is thread safe
is thread safe if it can be used by multiple concurrent threads without anything going wrong.