Company structures Flashcards
What is seperate legal personality and what type of business has it?
Whereby the company and members have different legal rights and duties. Incorporated Companies have this.
What case illustrates seperate legal personality?
Salomon v Salomon Co ltd - Salomon had a boot manufacturing company, he set up a business to sell his boot company to. Invested £10,000 into it secured by a charge on company property (debenture - secured creditor). Later went into liquidation - assets not enough to cover unsecured creditors. Company claimed Salomon should not be entitled to secured loan as he was the same person as the company but held that he was a seperate person and creditors knew they were dealing with a ltd.
Macaura vs Northern Assurance - owner of timber co insured timber in own name, when set on fire he couldnt claim as him and business were seperate legal entities.
What is seperate legal entity?
can agree to legally binding contracts, sue and be sued independantly from members - applies to subsidaries and joint ventures.
When will the veil of corporation be lifted?
When court needs to treat group as single entity for clarity purposes (Adams v Cape industries), if corporation is a mere facade (hiding something) (Gilford motor company v Horne), to reveal fraud Chandler v Cape, if business continues activities (Vantan v Shanksa)
What is the case of Adams v Cape industries?
UK company mined asbestos, had a US subsidairy that had a claim brought vs them for asbestos related injuries but already ceased to trade, so brought to english court v Cape. Held Cape hadnt submitted to US jurisdiction so veil not lifted on the grounds that the body was a single unit.
What is the case of Gilford Motors vs Horne?
Contract stating Horne couldnt sell to G’s clients after leaving his business. Horne set up a company and approached G’s customers claiming the company was approaching customers not him. Veil not lifted as corporate structure couldn’t be used to evade contractual obligations.
What is the case of chandler v cape?
Normally subsidaires have seperate legal entity but because parent co assumed duty of care by overseeing H&S of subsidariy the veil was pierced.
What are the pros and cons of sole trader?
. keep all profit
.no regulations for business conduct
. unlimited liability
. subject to income tax on profits that can be more than corporation tax
. may be subject to capital gains tax
. hard to generate finance
What is in place for situations whereby partners can’t agree?
Section 24 - profit/loss shared equally, equal role in management (unless sleeping), not entitled to salary (take share of profit), consent of all partners required for decisions that change the nature of the business, majority vote cant expel a partner unless the partnership agreement gives them this power (except if break rules then they can be expelled by majority).
What are the 3 types of partners?
Salaried (dont take share of profit), equity partner (receives share of profit) and sleeping partner ( invests but no control)
What are the authority of partners?
Actions in course of business will bind partnerhsip unless they dont have authority or 3rd party believes they arent a partner.
Actual authoirty - has authority of other partners
Apparent authority - other partners make representation to third party that they have authority.
Liability for torts- if one partner liable for negligence they all are.
What is the case Dubai Aluminium v salaam?
Solicitor defrauded claimant £50,000. As action was so close to what would have been expected of his role it occurred in course of business so all partners liable.
Are new and retired partners liable for debt?
New partners arent liable for pre-existing debt
Retired partners are liable for debts incurred pre retirement unless discharged through novation.
What duties do partners have to eachother?
Disclosure - submit true accounts
Account - partners account for any benefit obtained without consent on behalf of the firm
Not to enter into competition with the org
Act in good faith by disclosing all details that could affect partnership
What is the case of Bentley v Craven?
C was a partner who beought ant sold sugar to partnership at market price of own accord.He failed to declare this to partners and was held liable to any profits made.