Company Organization And Accountability Flashcards
According to department bulletin 11-10 what is the additional radio intended for company officers to provide?
It is intended to provide company officers with increased communication ability and enhanced situational awareness during emergency operations.
According to department bulletin 11-10 what channels can a division/group supervisor monitor at an incident?
A division/group supervisor can monitor the operational tech channel and command channel without using the scan function.
According to department bulletin 11-10 what shall all officers do with the second radio?
All officers shall carry two radios during all emergency operations.
According to training bulletin 101 the five organizational levels in standardized emergency management system (SEMS) are?
Field response level, local government level, operational area, regional, state.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system, what is the field response level?
Field response level is where emergency response personnel and resources, under the command of an appropriate authority, carry out tactical decisions and activities and direct response to an incident or threat.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system, what is the local government level?
The local government level includes cities, counties, and special districts.
According to training bulletin 101 standard emergency Management systems what is an operational area?
An operational area means an intermediate level of the state’s emergency services organization which encompasses the county and all political subdivisions located within that county.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system what is a regional area?
State is divided into six mutual aid regions. The regional level manages and coordinates information and resources among operational areas with the mutual aid regions, and also between the operational areas in the state level.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is the state level?
The state level of SEMS manages State resources in response to the emergency needs of the other levels, and coordinates mutual aid among the mutual aid regions in between the regional level and State level.
According to training bulletin 101 Standardized emergency Management systems who is responsible for the overall incident?
The incident Commander is responsible for the overall incident.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is the operation section responsible for?
The operation section is responsible for directing the tactical actions to meet the incident objectives.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is the planning/intelligence section responsible for?
The planning/intelligence section is responsible for the collection, evaluation, display of incident information, maintaining status of resources, and preparing the incident action plan and other incident related documentation.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is the finance/administration section responsible for?
The finance/adration section is responsible for keeping track of incident related costs, personnel, equipment records and administering procurement contracts associated with the incident for event.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is unified command?
Unified command is an ICS management process, which allows all agencies that have a jurisdictional or functional responsibility for the incident to jointly develop a common set of incident objectives and strategies.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what will be under unified command?
Under unified command that will be a single incident action plan, operation section chief, incident command post.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system what is unity of command?
Unity of command means that every individual has a designated supervisor.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is span of control?
The span of control for any supervisor falls within the range of three to seven with five being optimal.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems how is personnel accountability managed under ICS?
Personnel accountability is managed with check-in, unity of command, resource status unit, division/group assignment list, and unit logs.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is an incident action plan (IAP)?
The purpose of the incident action plan is to provide all incident supervisory personnel with appropriate direction for future actions.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what should incident action plans contain?
Incident action plans should contain 1.Statement of objectives
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are staging areas?
Staging areas are temporary location at an incident where personnel and equipment are kept while waiting tactical assignments.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems where should a staging area be located?
Whenever possible staging areas should be located within 5 minutes travel time to the area of expected need.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what status should resources in a staging area be?
Resources in a staging area are always in an unavailable status, which means they are ready for assignment within 3 minutes.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is incident base?
Normally, the incident base is the location where all uncommitted (out of service) equipment and personnel support operations are located.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems how many Incident Bases should there be?
There should only be one base established for each incident, and normally the base will not be relocated.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is a camp?
Camps are temporary locations within the general incident area that provides sleeping, food, water, and sanitary services to incident personnel.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems how are resources described?
Resources can be described both by kind and by type.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are resource kinds?
The kind of resource describes what the resource is, e.g.helicopter, fire engine, patrol vehicle, etc.
According to train bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is a resource type?
The type of resource describes a performance capability for the kind of resource. Resources are usually typed by a number, with one being the highest capability or capacity; 2 the next highest, etc.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is a strike team?
Strike teams are a combination of resources at the same kind and type.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are task forces?
Task forces are any combination and number of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are the three status conditions for resources?
The three status conditions are assigned resources, available resources, and out of service resources.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are The Incident Commander responsibilities?
The incident commanders responsibility is the overall management of the incident.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems after the ICP is established what are the three priorities of The Incident Commander?
The three priorities are safety of the incident, incident stabilization, and determine incident objectives, strategies and tactical directions.
According to training bulletin101 standardized emergency Management systems what must the IC do when stabilizing the incident?
The IC must ensure life safety, staying command, manage resources efficiently and cost-effectively.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are the positions of the command staff?
The command staff consists of an information officer, safety officer, and liaison officer.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are the general staff positions?
The general staff positions consist of operation section chief, planning/intelligence section chief, logistics section chief, finance/administration section chief.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system what is the operation section chief responsible for?
The operations section chief is responsible for managing all tactical operations at an incident.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system what does the operation section consist of?
The operation section consists of the following components ground or surface-based tactical resources, aviation resources, staging areas.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are the three ways of organizing tactical resources on an incident?
Single resources, task forces, strike teams.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems depending on the need how can tactical resources be placed into an operations organization?
Tactical resources can be placed into an operations organization made up of resources reporting to The Incident Commander or operations chief, divisions or groups, or Branches.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are divisions?
Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are groups?
Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation. E.g. medical group
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are branches?
A branch is an organizational level that has functional or geographic responsibility for major parts of incident operations.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency management system what are staging areas?
Staging areas her location set up at an incident where resources can be placed while awaiting a tactical assignment.
According training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems who does the staging area manager report to?
The staging area manager will report to the operation section chief or The Incident Commander if the operation section chief has not been designated.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized Incident Management system the planning intelligence section is responsible for what?
The planning/intelligence section is responsible for managing all information relevant to an incident.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what are the four units within the planning/intelligence section that can be activated as necessary?
Resources unit, situation unit, documentation unit, demobilization unit.
According to training bulletin 101 standardized emergency Management systems what is the resources unit responsible for?
The resources unit is responsible for all check-in activity and for maintaining the status of all personnel and equipment resources assigned to the incident.