Company Officer Flashcards
Company officer Importants
Company officers oversee agencies personnel training equipment and apparatus responsible for resolving issues face by their agency they are also the initial contact for many fire department customers
Characteristics of a company officer
A company officer must be a competent and ethical leader with supervisory skills To be successful supervisor new officers must also exercise humility respect for those they supervises key to a successful transition to company officer
The company officer functions
Providing leadership acting as a role model given advice evaluating firefighter performance providing presentations for members to diminished ration seeking to resolve interpersonal conflicts providing counseling coaching or discipline when necessary direct in the work in Assurant operational readiness providing company level training
Company officers most important task
Is to ensure personal safety the company officer must balance the acceptable level of risk to the unit while you fulfilling assigned objectives
New officer challenges
Leadership ethics supervision responsibility authority
Changing group Dynamics
New officer should verbalize expectations establish priorities listen to crewmembers
Personal factors changes
Commit to the responsibilities duties and requirements of the supervisory position show loyalty to the organization show loyalty to company personnel act as a liaison be a manager support all types of education and training guard Conversations Accept criticism graciously Lead by example praise and public discipline and private project a professional image
Internal expectations
Maybe the most difficult to overcome
Officer responsibilities
subordinates Chain of command, organization public, profession family and themselves
Human resource management
Level 1 officers, provide effective supervision for both emergency and Non-Emergency activities, assign tasks, evaluate personal performance, provide company Level Training activities, administer policies and procedures efficiently and equitably, recommend actions when situations exceed their Authority or ability, act as a project manager in certain situation, provides professional development opportunities for members, initiate or assist with personal transfers personal benefits changes in those benefits Awards and commendations
Scalar structure
Defined as having an uninterrupted series of steps or Chain of Command Decisions and information are directed from the top of this organizational structure down through intermediate levels to the base
Line and staff personnel
Line Personnel Those Who deliver services to the public or external customers, staff Personnel those who Provide support to the line personnel and internal or external customers
Centralized Authority
Decisions are made by one person at the top of the structure. This model works well in very small organizations such as individual Fire Company
Decentralized Authority
Decisions are made at a lower level with the effects of the decision reported through the structure in a decentralized model decision-making Authority is limited to only those tasks over which Personnel have been given Authority
Decentralized Authority
Making decisions at lower levels in an organization freeze upper management Personnel to concentrate on other areas of responsibility
Delegation of authority
Is the process of providing subordinates with the authority decision and resources needed to complete an assignment
Unity of command
Means that each person within an organization reports to one and only one designated Authority
Chain of command
Is the path of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and vice versa
Sidestepping can be destructive to organizational unity and cohesiveness
To reduce sidestepping the officer should be available, be proactive, take action, follow up
Functional supervisor
Is an organizational principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor
Span of control
Refers to the number of subordinates or number of functions that one individual can effectively supervise. The number varies between 3 and 7 is typically optimal
NIMS ics suggest an Optimum ratio of 1 to 5
Division of labor
Consists of dividing large jobs into smaller tasks that are assigned to specific individuals
Emergency services use division of labor to assign responsibility, prevent duplication of effort, make specific clear-cut assignments
Cross training
Cross training should be provided so that company Personnel are able to perform a variety of tasks with proficiency cross trainer enables different companies to work together effectively because each company officer understands the capabilities requirement in needs of the others
To Be an Effective leader company officers should
Have vision decisiveness intelligence self assurance initiative motivation and desire for Success Integrity, personal security, industrial business, Innovation and creativity, consistency, preparedness, proactiveness, supervisory skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills empowerment others and enable them to act, plan for Success, build trust, understand the system, inspire a shared Vision, recognize challenges, model desired behavior, and courage subordinates, establish priorities
Leadership skills assess
self-assessment, Mentor feedback, 360 degree feedback evaluation, annual supervisory reviews
Leadership styles
Autocratic, Democratic, laissez-faire
Transformational is leadership style in which organizational change is accomplished by followers commitment to the leaders vision and inspiration
Transactional sometimes called managerial leadership this style enforces compliance through rewards and punishments its goal is to maintain consistency
Command presence develop these qualities
Self-confidence, trustworthiness, consistency, responsibility, tolerance acceptance, expertise, accountability
Lying is unethical Behavior
Immediate gratification in four areas basic needs, affiliation, self-esteem, self-gratification,
Emotional intelligence and career excellence
Leadership skills, self-management skills, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, these skills can be learned or improved on thru self-directed coaching and mentoring
Els emotional Learning System
Step a. self-assessment Explorer Step b . Self awareness I dentify Step c. Self knowledge understand Step D. Self development learn Step E. Self improvement apply and match
Emotional skill that is useful for communication under stressful situations
Includes the process of directing overseeing and controlling the activities of other individuals
Earth refers to the administration and control of projects programs situations or organizations
Establishing priorities for the unit
3 priority levels emergency response, preparation for emergency response, organizational duties
Establishing and communicating goals and objectives
Smart acronym specific measurable action oriented relevant time sensitive
Empowering employees
Step one identify the problems the solutions must be attainable step to state that all solutions will be considered but the best 1 will be adopted step 3 explained the reality that outside forces may prevent the adoption of some solutions
Coaching employees
As a coach the company officer teaches in directs the subordinate through encouragement in advice In also positive feedback Which must be honest immediate direct in frequent
Counseling employees
Counseling assists in identifying and resolving personal behavioral or career problems that are adversely affect in in in in vigils performance sessions may be schedule annually
Counseling 4 step process
Step one describe the current performance, step to describe the desired performance, step 3 gain a commitment for change, step for follow up the commitment
Mentoring employees
Mentoring uses a positive role model to better prepare individuals for their roles and responsibilities within the organization
Management functions planning ,organizing, directing, Controlling
Planning develop tactical plans for accomplishing a specific objective
Organizing Coeordinate resources to accomplish the unit’s goals and objectives
Directing guide influence inspire and motivate employees to achieve the goals and objectives within a group
Controlling its d’ablish in implement mechanisms to ensure that objectives are attained set performance standards measure and report the actual performance
Planning function
Standing Includes policies procedures and rules that are used frequently to manage the day
Single use accomplish a specific objective such as the development of a program project or budget these plans are usually intended to reach an objective within a short period of time
Operational administrative focus on how objectives will be accomplish these objectives fact these plans the ohl with the factors that are within the control the organization
Contention sey create a turnip plans that can be implemented in the event of unforeseen events
The planning process
Step one identify Step 2 select Step 3 design Step 4 implement Step 5 evaluate
Probation. Length
6 to 18 months
Formal evaluations
Formal evaluations are always written informal evaluations can either be oral or written
When our form O performance evaluations done?
Usually annually or Semi annually
Conflict resolution
Step one recognize the conflict and stop the action from happening
Step 2 determine what the conflict is indentify who the participants are
Step 3 determine whether or not any department policies procedures rules or regulations have been violated
Step 4 determined the solution based on policy experience and supervisor input
Step 5 determine whether that issue should be resolved individually or in a group said in and when
Step 6 implement the conflict resolution plan in set the expectation
Step 7 follow up ensure resolve and keep your supervisor informed
Discipline definition
Discipline has been defined as training that corrects thus the main purpose of discipline is to educate and change behavior
Discipline definition
Discipline has been defined as training that corrects thus the main purpose of discipline is to educate and change behavior
Preventive action
Hold individual consonant interview to correct it inappropriate behavior as soon as it is discovered and prevent it from becoming a pattern progress into a more serious offense
Corrective action
Use corrective action when a member repeats a violation corrective action differs from preventive action in that it always done in writing
Punitive action
Use this action when a member either continues to exhibit an appropriate behavior despite earlier corrective efforts or commits a serious violation of organizational rules as a first offense
The company officer
The company officer is most likely to use preventive action
Interpersonal communication consist of?
Sender, message, receiver, feed back to sender, interference
5 general purposes for interpersonal communication
Number one learn, number to relate, number 3 influence, number four play entertain number 5 help
Guide for company officers verbal communication skills
Engage in dual perspective
Birth take responsibility for personal feelings and thoughts
Show respect for the feelings and thoughts of others
Tried to gain accuracy in clarity in speaking
The where of any special needs of the receiver
Voice speaking or addressing a problem while angry or otherwise experiencing strong emotion
What are good listening skills?
Attending focusing on Understanding Remember Evaluating Responding
Reflective listening to
A process in which the listener repeats back to the speakers would they have just heard to confirm understanding on the part of both parties
3 types of speeches
Persuasive, informative, instructional
Persuasive speeches are the most important speeches and officer can give
Formative speeches are the easiest to develop when supporting data is compiled and analyzed
Instructional speeches
Are used to teach the audience how to do something you normally include a visual aid or demonstration
Speech in presentation preparation
Step 1 select a topic
Step 2 determine the purpose
Speech and presentation preparation process
Step 1 select the topic, step 2
determine the purpose step 3 generate ideas step 4 develop the central idea step 5 gather supporting evidence step 6 organize the speech step 7 rehearse the speech step 8 deliver the speech step 9 evaluate the speech
Document organization
The first step in writing any document is to determine its audience scope and purpose
What are the average words in a writing document?
75 to a 125 words long the average paragraph equate into a topic sentence and 4 or 5 supporting sentences
Paragraph transitions
Show in contrast for qualification, indicating continuity, Sean cause-and-effect, indicating exemplification
Text development
Be clear and concise write in an active voice have someone proofread it Write in a conversational tone but avoid slang
What is a memo
Is a quick and simple way of transmitting a message modern memos are generally written digitally saving time and creating direct communication between the writer and audience they are considered public records
Email messages
Our formal and informal and are public records
Generally used to risk correspond with persons groups and agencies outside the organization they are longer more formal and often represent the entire organization rather than a specific branch or section
Form base reports
Should be legible accurate complete and objectives text must Express not opinions it cannot be subjective
Narrative reports are written in essay form
Examples staff reports, technical reports, detail incident report, resource allocation analysis, business Masters strategic or work plans
Steps of a narrative report
Step one determine the purpose of the report Step 2 the writer must decide who the intended audience will be
Types of narrative reports
Justification, recommendation, progress, progress and justification, description
Policy definition
Organizationally policies originate with top management they are used to determine organizational decision making
Procedure definition
Is a detail the plan of action that is similar in closely related to a policy procedures detail in writing the steps to follow in conducting organizational policy for some specific recurring problem or situation
Is the ability of a system to work with and use the parts were equipment of another system vital in instituting Incident Management System
What are the 5 c’s
Conciseness, clarity ,confidence, control , capability
Potential problem of clear text
Is that some radio operators ramble while transmitting radio messages should be short and to-the-point only essential information should be transmitted
So p’s, so g’s
Sops are treated as rules that shall be followed
SOG Zar guidelines that should be followed
Budget process steps
Number one clan number to prepare number 3 Implement number for monitor number 5 evaluate number 6 revised
How long are medical records kept for?
Thirty years
The leading cause of injuries among responders?
Sprains and strains
Chronic injuries include
Exposure to carcinogens, behavioral health issues such as P TSD
Where is the most common cause of incident fatalities
Cardiac arrest
Internal factors as far as safety
Unsafe acts are internal factors that the company officer in members of the crew before
Unsafe conditions are externally controlled and should be recognized and addressed
What is the best way to ensure that responders do not perform unsafe acts During incident
Organizational risk management plan
Step one risk identification step two risk evaluation step three establishment of priorities for Action step for risk control techniques step 5 risk management monitoring
Operational risk management process
Step 1 situational awareness Step 2 hazard assessment step 3 Hazard control step 4 decision Point step 5 evaluate
Cancer fact
Absorption rates increase 400% for every 5 degree rise in temperature areas with high absorption rate include the groin jaw forehead and back
Four-step method of instruction
Step 1 preparation step 2 presentation step 3 application step 4 evaluation
Simple training evolutions
Involves small groups performing a single pastor requires only a few skills
Officer should immediately stop and correct any performance weaknesses or errors if it is a new skill
Company officers should immediately stop and correct any performance weaknesses or errors if it is a new skill
If it is an existence killed a student may be allowed to continue to problem-solve to self-correct their performance safety and fractions must be corrected immediately
Maintain a suitable instructor to participate ratio 1 to 5 ratio given earlier may be used as a gauge
Change is perceived as what?
Step one denial Step 2 resistance step 3 exploration step 4 commitment
Problem solving model
Step 1 understand the problem step to devise a plan step 3 carry out the plan step 4 look back
Change agent
A change agent is a person who leads a change project or negative they Define research plan Bill support and carefully selected members of a change team
Five steps of change
Step one recognize the Need For Change step to identify resistance in a dress at step 3 playing the change interventions step 4 implement the change step 5 control the change
Preparing a press release
Summarize the information in the first sentence the most important facts verse in the least important last limit sentence length to no more than 20 words right no more than four or five lines per paragraph used active voice clearly and concisely be sure that all direct quotes and paraphrases statements are properly attributed
Written reports executive summaries
Executive summary is a brief review of the key points in a report technical paper bid specification or an analysis that provides an audience such as managers an opportunity to understand the main points of the report without having to read the entire document
What are the five E’s
1 education 2 engineering enforcement three economic incentives number 5 emergency response
What are the 5 E’s of risk reduction
- Education
- Engineering - most effective way to prevent property loss,injuries ,deaths
- Enforcement
- Economic incentives
- Emergency Response
Types of power
Reward, coercive, legitimate ,referent ,expert, informational power
Types of power definitions
Coercive power Relies on fear of punishment
Referent power is based on charisma perceived attractiveness
Informational power this power derives from a individual’s ability to control vital information that’s needed to accomplish goals
Group definition
Group is the Defined 2 or more persons with common goals that may be explicitly stated
Informal groups
Informal subgroups Exist within formal groups
Informal sub groups have greater influence on the productivity and success of the formal group then any other factor
Group image or identity
Images one of the greatest influences on the group’s success groups that have a positive in cell image sometimes call is spirit to court tend to be higher achievers
Sense of continuity
A sense of continuity is very important to group integrity the group’s members have doubts about the group’s continued existence then their commitment to the group may diminish
Shared values
Officers must recognize and respect these differences as long as they don’t conflict with the values of the organization
Roles within the group
The company officers Should be the leader of the formal group but not often the leader of the informal group
Behavior management
Coaching when coaching the company officers designated subordinate guys that individual through any new activities reinforces correct behaviors in re directs incorrect behaviors
Counseling guidance starts with the counseling session between the company officer and new member of the unit officers expectations are positively stated and behavioral limitations are set
Providing peer assistance may begin with assigning more experience member to work with the new member
Mentoring is supervisor or other superior acts as an advisor or guide meant toward to the member
Coaching is a process of directing the individual skills performance for the company officer coaching is a process of given motivational correction positive reinforcement constructive feedback to support its to maintain or improve their performance
Coaching model
4 steps Describe the current performance Describe the desired performance level Gain a commitment for change Follow up on the commitments
The goal of discipline
Objective a disciplinary action is to change inappropriate behavior
educate and train Correct inappropriate behavior Provide positive motivation Ensure compliance with established policies rules and regulations standards and procedures Provide direction
Types of discipline
Negative Involves corrective action when an employee violates the establishment or performance requirements
Progressive discipline
Usually starts with training or education May be used to correct the 1st instance an employee fails to meet performance standards or violates rules of conduct
Preventive action oral reprimand
Attempt to correct the inappropriate behavior soon as it is discovered and prevent it from becoming a pattern She start with a counseling interview
Corrective action written reprimand
The 2nd step is apply when an employee repeat a violation for which preventive action was taking or commits a different violation of
Corrective action is always done in writing
Punitive action
This step is used when an employer continues to exhibit inappropriate behavior despite corrective efforts or commits a serious violation Formal reprimand Suspension Demotion Determination Prosecution
What discipline is the company officer responsible for
Most company offers will only be responsible for the 1st step preventive action but they must be familiar with the remaining steps usually done by administration
Personal evaluation guidelines
Timely Are stated clearly None discriminatory Consistent Documented Conducted by trained supervisors Objective
Perservation a in documentation of evidence
Secure the scene
Reserve through the evidence in the best way possible
Photographic evidence in place
Note the time the evidence was discovered we’re was discovered the name of the person who made the discovery
Maintain and secure the area it’s on authorize entry
Area of origin determination
Investigators work from least damage area to the most damage area however the area of griese name it should not be assumed to be the origin of the fire
4 Steps for determining the area of origin
Step one exam in the exterior of the structure or vehicle
Step 2 examine The interior of the structure or vehicle
Step 3 interview witnesses and other 1st responders
Step 4 use the scientific method to analyze the information gathered
Interior fire patterns
Patterns found doing the interior examination represents the history of the fire from Ignition to extinguishment part of fire patter analysis’s is determining the order which the patterns were created
Characteristics of a surface
Rough surfaces are often more heavily damaged and smooth surfaces rough surfaces have greater surface area
Typical fire patterns
Plume generated - result of plume of gases above fire
HOT GAS LAYER-fire pattern that radiant heat forms in hot gas layer before before flash over found when fire is extinguished before flash over
CLEAN BURNS - fire pattern on non combustible with direct contact . Burns away soot
SADDLE BURNS - result of fire burning downward through floor above joist
Wild land fires fires
White ash is a product of more complete combustion in it appears on the exposed sides of the remaining debris
From the point of origin while in fires Burns outward in all directions
For when topography aspect in fuel variations effect of fires spread rate in direction travel
6 questions at a fire investigation
Who what when where why and how
Cause determination Ignition sources
Needs the re following qualities
Sufficient temperature
Sufficient heat energy transfer
Sufficient time to transfer their quiet heat to the 1st material
4 classifications of fire cause
Accidental, natural, incendiary, undetermined
ICS division
Operations within a defined geographical area
ICS group
Responsibility for individual units that are signed to perform a specified Function
ICS branch
Has functional geographic responsibility for major segments of incident operation
ICS section
Functional responsibility for primary segments incident operation is that includes operations planning logistics and finance administrative
Strategic level
The IC is responsible for the strategic level of the command structure determining appropriate strategy setting priorities develop in an incident action plan predicting outcomes
Tactical level
Tactical level supervisors are responsible for supervising the following operational activities towards specific objectives grouped resources operations in specific graphic areas or function
Task level
Refers to those activities assigned to specific resources that result in the accomplishment of tactical level requirements company officers supervise task level but activities
Span of control
Establishing division groups reduces the IC span of control and makes it feasible to communicate with those division group supervisors rather than multiple individual company officers
Task level
Refers to those activities assigned to specific resources that result in the accomplishment of tactical level requirements company officers supervise task level but activities
Span of control
In a fast moving complex operation span of control 3 to 7 division groups is recommended with 5 being optimally
When span of control is exceeded IC should establish branches or an operation section
How should communication between division group happen
Operational plans
Operational plans also call incident action plans are developed during in actual incident after the 1st operational .
Post incident critique
Occurs immediately after termineation of the incident in prior to leaving the scene
What is the greatest failure of the post answer analysis’s
Is the failure to learn from in apply the results and recommendations
Risk management 2
Identifying and analyzing the exposure to hazards
Selecting appropriate techniques to handle exposure
Implementing chosen techniques
Monitor the result of those Techniques
Risk control techniques
Risk avoidance
Risk transfer
Control measures - Implementing effective control measures risk reduction is the most common method for risk management
Risk management monitoring
Revision should be made as indentified the plan should be reviewed at least annually
Human factors
Improper Attitude
Lack of knowledge or skill
Physically unsuited
Analyzing safety and health reports
Once a root cause has been determined and documented specific policies or procedures can be developed to mitigate it
Workplace accident
R result of unsafe acts unsafe conditions or both