Company Officer 4th Edition Flashcards
NFPA 1500?
Standard on fire department occupational safety and health
NFPA 1561?
Standard on emergency service incident management system
NFPA 1581?
Standard on fire department infection control program
NFPA 1983?
Standard on fire service life safety rope and equipment for emergency services
NFPA 1852?
Standard on selection, care and maintenance of open-circuit self-cantained breathing apparatus. (SCBA)
Surveys usually result in less then ____% return rate
What two types of budgets are used by public organization?
Capital budget
Operation budget
What is a capital budget>
Capital budget includes projected major purchases.
What is a operating budget?
An organization’s operating budget is used to pay for the recurring expense’s of day-to-day operations.
What is trust fund?
Is an account whose assets are managed by at trustee or a board of trustee for the benefit of another party or parties.
What are enterprise funds?
An enterprise funds is established to finance and account for the acquisition operation and maintenance of government facilities.
What are restricted funds?
Are deposited into accounts that are created to receive money from a single source, such as building or smoking-detector inspections.
Trust can be used how many times?
Trust funds are usually intended for one-time purchases and not recurring operation expense.
Describe sinking funds.
Is an account that receives a specified amount of revenue that will be used in the future.
Describe bond sales.
A bond is a promise to repay the principal along with the interest on a specified date, the is, when the bond reaches maturity.
Two types of spending:
Describe fixed cost spending.
Mandated purchases or cost such as assessments to the sinking fund, personnel wages and personnel benefits.
Two types of spending:
Describe discretionary spending.
Sending that occurs after fixed costs are paid, may include the purchase of new equipment or the upgrade and/or implementation of a new program.
Describe interpersonal communication.
Communications that takes place between two people.
Ex. Parent/child, employer/employee, husband/wife
Interpersonal communication consists of six basic elements. What are they?
Sender, message, medium or channel, receive, interference and feedback to the sender.
Basic communication: What is a sender?
Someone that originates a message be turning thoughts and images into words.
Basic communications: what is a message?
Is the meaning, idea or concept that the speaker is attempting to communicate.
Medium or channel communication.
Is the path that a message takes between the sender and the receiver.
Explain receiver communications.
Receives a message and decodes or interprets it.
Explain interference communications
Is a factor that prevents the receiver from fully receiving a message.
Explain feedback communications
Is the response to the conversation.
Obsolete term and their replacements: Fireman Manpower To man Nozzleman Ladderman Manhole
Firefighter Personal To staff Nozzle operator Firefighter Maintenance hole.
Research indicates that nonverbal communications transmits from ____ to ____ percent of the message while the vocal tones and inflections are ____.
55 to 95% nonverbal
38% vacol tones and inflections
What is KINESIS during communications.
Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and poise.
Listen skils:
Research shows that most people remember ___% of the message 24 hours after they hear it and only ____ % after 48 hours after they hear it.
Listening skills constitutes approximately ___% of a person’s average day
Barriers of listening
Information over load
Personal concerns
Outside distractions
Logic- ethics and decision making:
What is logic?
Ability to reason and present a strong argument in favor of or against a position.
What is ethics?
Analysis of principles of human conduct in order to be able to determine between right and wrong.
What is inductive reasoning?
Is a process that arrives at a general conclusion based on a foundation of specific examples.
Ex. If a fire officer wants to convince a governing body to buy a new ladder truck, a case to be built on basic facts…. cost, hight of building, call volume, training and maintenance cost.
What is deductive reasoning?
Deductive reasoning is the process of reaching a specific conclusion based on a general or principles.
Major premise: all buildings taller then seven stories are considered a high rise.
Minor premise: bulding codes require that all high rise buildings have sprinklers.
What is casual ( or cause and effect ) reasoning?
Is a process that is based on the relationship between two or more events in such a way that is obvious one caused the other to occur.
What is analogical reasoning?
Is based on comparison between two similar things.
Fallacies: A important skill for all company officers.
Their are seven types of fallacies, What are they?
CAUSAL: Makes a faulty connection between the cause and effect.
BANDWAGON: Statement that everyone is doing something or believes something so that makes in the correct point of view.
STRAWMAN: Makes a weak, easily refuted statement to take attention away from the main point.
HASTY GENERALIZATION: Makes an argument or conclusion that is based on insufficient evidence.
RED HERRING: Irrelevant facts to distract from the main issue.
NON SEQUITUR: Simply does not follow the main premise of the argument.
SLIPPERY SLOP: Worsening consequences.
Give same examples of ethical valves.
Honesty, integrity, fairness, loyalty, responsibility & heroism
___ is the ability to use rational thinking and reasoning to determine the correct answer to a problem.
This type of reasoning uses specific examples of the data, facts and examples as the foundation to reach a conclusion___?
Inductive reasoning
The following type of reasoning is based on a three-part syllogism, major premise, minor premise and conclusion ____?
Deductive reasoning
This type of reasoning is based on establishing a factual, direct link between the cause and the effect.
Caused reasoning
______ reasoning is based on a comparison between two similar cases.
Analogical reasoning
This fallacy is built on the nation that since one event follows the other, the first event must have caused the second event ____
Caused reasoning
When using this fallacy, a member will make a weak statement to take away from the main point, thus creating a distraction from the main point.
Straw man
This fallacy when a worsening series of consequence are assumed to happen from the initial decision is taken.
Slippery slope
When classifying the problem, a ____ is one that is recurring and may even be a symptom of a problem.
Generic problem
In this psychological barrier to decision making, to much of this can lead to over confidence that causes the individual to ignore the advice of the there’s.
Ego or self-esteem
Definition of law?
Rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement or authority.
Define the legal system?
Body of rules and principles governing the affairs of the community and enforced by political authority.
Federal government structure consisting of what three branches.
Classifications of law:
Deals with actual issues by establishing principles, defining duties and obligations.
What is liability?
Liability is usually associated with being sued or taken to court by anther person or group.
Define tort.
Civil wrong or breach of duty to another person as defined by law.
Define negligence.
Failure to exercise the same care that a reasonable, prudent and careful person would under the same or similar circumstances.
What is the most civil actions against fire and emergency services or organizations.
Tort liability
What is negligence liability?
It’s a breach of legal duty.
“Standard of care”
Explain personal liability?
The duty owed to the public for a reasonable standard of care extends to all parties that are responsible for abating hazardous situations and delivering emergency care.
The “rule” established that most property owners are immune from rescuers injuries there response is due to a crime, owner’s gross negligence, or willful and warton disregard for the rescuer’s safety.
Fireman’s rule
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational safety and health administration
The environmental protective agency does what?
These laws and regulations deal with how hazardous substance are storied or shipped.
The important act eliminated discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age (40-70) and pregnancy.
Civil Rights act
What is EEOC?
Protecting the rights of all workers.
equal employment opportunity commission
This body of law is based on tradition, custom, usage and decision of the judicial courts within a particular country, society or culture.
Common law
List some of the national consensus standards.
NFPA ASTM- American society of testing and materials UL ULC- underwrites laboratories Canada DoD- U.S. department of defense
The term ______ structure is defined as having an uninterrupted series of steps or a chain of authority. ( chain of command )
Scalar structure
Define line personnel.
Those who deliver services to the public or external customers.
Define staff personnel
Those who provide support to the line personnel or internal customers.
Decisions are made by one person at the top of the structure. What authority is this?
Centralized authority
Decisions are allowed to be made at a lower level. ( basically delegation of authority )
What type of authority is this?
Decentralized authority
Is a pathway of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and vise versa.
What type of command is this .
Chain of command
Unity command states each subordinate must only have ____ supervisor.
Describe span of control.
Is the number of subordinates that one individual can effectively supervise.
3-7 personnel with 5 being the optimal number.
The ____ _____ ____ principles consist of dividing large jobs into smaller task that are then assigned to specific individuals.
Is mutual rid a request or demand?
It’s on-request basis.
Define JPR
Job performance requirements
According NFPA 1021, fire officers are placed into four categories. Level 1 is considered to be a _____ _____ _____
First line supervisor
One of the most important tasks of a company officers is to ensure the ______ of the unit’s members at all times.
The difference between the forms of supervision is that station life is ______ _____ while the emergency situation is _____ _____ and base on knowledge, skills and abilities.
Relationship base
Task base
In this leadership style, the leader includes employees in the decision making process ______
In this leadership style, the leader tells the subordinates what to do and how to do it with little to no input from them. _______
In this leadership style, the leader leaves the employee to make all decisions and does not supervise them at all.
Lassiez faire
This type of leadership style is based on a four-quadrant chart which compares the degree of job structure to the degree of employee consideration.
? P34, col 1, par 2
This theory was developed in the 1950’s and is based on the belief that there is no single best leadership style.
? P-34, col 2, par 2
Inspires follower loyalty and creates an enthusiastic vision, that others work to attain.______
This leader works to involve followers in the change process, challenge them to attain their full prtential, and create followers satisfaction and growth while still meeting organization goals. ______
Involves an exchange between a leader and followers in which followers perform tasks effectively in exchange for rewards provided by the leader. _____
This leadership style has strong organizational culture that holds common values and beliefs. _____
This leader believes that workers are inherently lazy, dislike work, and will avoid it whenever possible. The leader must coerce the worker to perform their tasks by threats of punishment. _____
Theory X
This leadership style believes that workers are not inherently lazy, and that work can be as natural as play or rest. Workers will perform adequately with self-direction and self-control, without coercion.
This leadership theory is?
Theory Y
In this leadership theory, workers are the key to higher productivity and that each worker can perform autonomously because workers are trustworthy.
Theory Z
In this leadership theory, the leader determines which leadership style to use given the situation. ( ranging from autocratic to democratic )
Leadership continuum
In this leadership theory, the leader selects either: directive, supportive, participative or achievement-oriented leadership.
On this leadership style, leadership ability should not be judged by personal traits alone.
? P39, Col 1, Par 1
This leadership style is based on the following:
Integrity, excellence, respect harmony, loyalty, faith and courage
?P 40, Col 1, Par 1
This leadership model is based on two-dimensional and situational leadership theories with the idea that the leader’s style is matched to the maturity of the unit’s members.
This leadership style is considered the model of the future. It involves placing “service” at the core and makes change for the betterment of others through leadership.
Social change
In this leadership model, the leader involves followers in the process of accomplishing a goal within the limits of the system. It’s based on four elements:
Leader, followers, system and goals
This power type involves the subordinates perceptions of the leaders authority to punish.
_____ _____ is the complex ability to identify the components of a situation! assess the need for action! determine the nature of the necessary intervention, and initiate the action.
Command presence
_____ is the ability to use rational thinking and reasoning to determine the correct answer to a problem.
This type reasoning uses specific examples of the data, facts and examples as the foundation to reach a conclusion.
Inductive reasoning
The following type of reasoning is based on a three part syllogism.
Major premise, minor premise and conclusion
This type of reasoning is based on establishing a factual, direct link between the cause and the effect.
________ reasoning is based on a comparison between two similar cases.
This fallacy is built on the notion that since one event follows the other, the first event must have caused the second event.
When using this fallacy, a member will make a weak statement to take attention away from the main point, this creating a distraction from the main point.
Straw man
This fallacy accursed when a member uses irrelevant facts to distract the listener from the main issue.
Red herring
This fallacy occurs when a worsening series of consequences are assumed to happen from the initial decision or action is taken.
Slippery slope
When classifying the problem, a ______ ______ is one that is recurring and may even be a symptom of a leader problem.
Generic problem
In this psychological barrier to decision making, too much of this can lead over confidence that causes the individual to ignore the advice of others.
Ego or self-esteem
This theory may explain why a group may go along with a decision even when they believe it to be a bad rather than dissent against group.
Abilene paradox
These laws may be revised by the body that enacted the,.
? P 98 Col 2 Par 2
This body of law is based on tradition, custom, and decisions of the judicial courts within a particular, society or culture.
Common law
This type of law is created by governmental agencies and used to enforce and implement statutory law.
This is created when a civil wrong or breach of duty has occurred against another person.
Tort law
The “rule” established that most property owners are immune from rescuer’s injuries unless there response is due to a crime, owners gross negligence, or willful and wanton disregard for the rescuer’s safety.
Fireman’s rule
This important act eliminated discrimination based on race, national origin, religion, sex, age and pregnancy.
Civil rights act
The ______ is the path a message takes between the sender and the receiver.
This type of speech uses strong arguments based on reliable data in order to create a change in belief, behavior, or attitude.
? P146 Col2 Par2
The ________ _________ is a brief review of the key points in a report! a technical paper, bid specifications, or an analysis providing main points of the document without having to read the entire document.
? P138 Col2 Par4
Knowing your _______ with help you to write a document to the needs! concerns, and level of understanding of the reader(s)._______
These customers include emergency services personnel, administrative staff and members of the bargaining unit. _______
Internal customers.
These customers are members of the general population within the service area who are beneficiaries of the services provided as well as people responsible for providing the majority of funds needed. ______
External customers.
These are members of the political body who govern the organization of influence it through legislation, non government agencies, community groups, standards-making organizations, and business. ______?
Conducting _______ is another source of information of the needs/wants/ desires of customers.
______ _______ are opportunities for supervisors to learn from employees of changes are needed in the work environment, policies, or other work related issues.
Informal interviews
A _____ is a guide to decision-making within an organization.
______ are based upon the authority delegated to the fire officer to implement organizational policies and procedures.
_______ is not based on a policy or procedure, it is more in the nature of a request.
According to the JPR of NFPA 1021, standard for fire officer professional qualifications, company officer must be able to prepare a _______ request to obtain the items needed.
The _____ budget includes projected major purchases and are expected to last more than one year.
Capital budget.
An organization’s ______ ______ is used to pay for the recurring day to day expenses.
Operation budget.
This type of revenue source includes property, sales personal income, special purpose and fees. ____ _____
Tax revenues
A _____ _____ is an account that receives a specified amount of revenue that will be used in the future to pay of a jurisdiction’s indebtedness.
Sinking funds
A _____ _____ is an account who assets are managed by a trustee or a broad of trustees for the benefit of another party or parties.
Trust fund
A ______ _____ is any event that comes close to resulting in an injury or fatality.
Close call
Willful disregard, recklessness, irresponsibility, laziness, disloyalty, uncooperative, etc.
Improper aduitent
This basic principle of organizational structure states that each subordinates must have only one supervisor. _______ ____ ______.
Unity of command
We can considered this type of personnel within the command structure. We deliver services to public or external customers, theses services include fire suppression, EMS, inspections, education and investigations _____ _____
Line personnel
Records are generally placed in storage and retained for a specific period of time. Theses records can be located in two places. How are records stored? _____ and _____
Files and archives