comp2- HTML and CSS Flashcards
what is the basic structure of a webpage?
note ) = > and (=
(!doctype html) (html) (head) (title) (/title) (/head) (body) content of web page (/body) (/html)
whats is a meta tag and whats it used for?
(meta) provides meta data about a HTML document that isnt visible. can be page descriptions, authors, keywords which is used by a search engine to classify a page.
what does the (div> (/div> block-level tag do?
divides the page into sections
what does the (p> (/p> block-level tag do?
creates a paragraph( puts a empty line before and afterwards)
what does the (ol> (/ol> block-level tag do?
creates a ordered list with numbers.
what does the (ul> (/ul> block-level tag do?
creates a unordered list with bullet points
what does the (li> (/li> block-level tag do?
encloses each list item in a list.
what does the (h#>(/h#> block-level tag do?
creates a heading 1-6 with heading 1 being the biggest
what does the (hr> block-level tag do?
creates a horizontal line
what does the (span> (/span> inline tag do?
allows grouping of inline elements
eg (p>My mother has (span style=”color: blue;”>blue(/span> eyes.(/p>
what does the (strong> (/strong> inline tag do?
makes the enclosed text strong (bold)
what does the (em> (/em> inline tag do?
makes the enclosed text emphasized (italics)
what does the (br> inline tag do?
makes text afterwards go on a new line
what does the (a> (/a> inline tag do?
And a example to google saying click here
used in html links
(a href=””> click here (/a>
what does the (img/> inline tag do?
and a general example
opens a image
(img src=”filesource” alt=”alttext” width=”” height=””/>
alt is the text displayed when you hover over it and used in text only browsers.
how do you write comments in html?
note ) = > and (=
(!--comment--) which can be conditional eg (!--[if IE 8}) some html (![endif]--)
What does HTML stand for?
Hypertext markup Language
what does CSS stand for?
cascading style sheets