Comp 2 Flashcards
A male patient presents to your office complaining of exquisite pain over his distal posterior calf radiating in to the heel with a burning/tingling senstaion ofver the lateral aspect of the foot. He runs about 40 miles a week and has noticed this problem to be getting worse. WOTF would not be a likely differential diagnosis in this type of presentation
Deep posterior compartment syndrome
A 58 yo female presents with a resting tremor of her left hand of three months duration, masked faces and slowness of movement. CT scan and CBC are normal. She denies use of any medicaiton. The most likely diagnosis is
Paralysis agitans (parkinsons)
An apophysitis at the inferior patellar pole is termed
Pt presents with flexion of the MCP, DIP and PIP joints of the 4th and 5th digits. This is caused by a lesion to the __ nerve which resulted in a __ deformity
Ulnar/claw hand
How can a spinal stabilization exercise program be designed to groove stabilizing motor patterns and build endurance
Start with exercises that the patient can perform fairly easily in order to create a postiive progressive slope
Which disc level is associated with the antagonist muscle in elbow flexion
Spasmodic flank pain that radiates into the groin and is accompanied by mild hematuria is most suggestive of
Ureteral stone
A 42 yo male runner presents with right lateral knee pain. The pain is aggravated by running, especially on hills and began about 6 weeks ago as he trained for a local city half-marathon. There is no pain with walking. He also experiences pain with stair climbing, especially going up hill. There was repitus and pain with manual compression over the lateral right femoral condyle during knee motion assessment. Q-angle was 12 degrees. Most likely dx
IT tract syndrome
A 28 yo female patient complains of abnormal uterine bleeding. She states that the bleeding is excessive and she feels a pressure pain in the pelvic area. An irregular nontender mass is palpated in the uterine area. Pregnancy test is negative. Negative for CA-125. Patient is nulliparous. Most likely dx is
Uterine fibroid