Comp 1002 Pre-Midterm Flashcards
What are the 4 steps in the data processing cycle?
Input -> Process -> output ->Storage
Describe the “input” step in the data processing cycle
raw data is inputted from periphery devices, hardware, network etc in a format the computer understands. This data is not usable by humans
Describe the “Processing” step in the data processing cycle
Software program receives data stream and uses pre-programmed instructions that tell the computer how to convert the raw data into useful information
Describe the “output” step in the data processing cycle
Depending on software instructions various types of output and information can be generated such as a picture, editable text file, graphics
Describe the “storage” step in the data processing cycle
Data has been processed by the into information can be stored as a data file for future re-use
What are the 3 characteristics of data so that it can be stored?
Unambiguous - mist be able to ifferentiate between different states
Consistent - must be able to consistently represent data using different elsectronic and mechanical components
flexible - Must be able to represent all the desired data types
What are 3 ways that values/states can be represented via electronic or mechanical methods?
Electronic - circuits
Mechanical CD/DVD/Blueray and disk drives
What is a bit and how is it denoted?
one binary digit - either a 1 or a 0 (b)
What is a byte and how is it denoted?
8 bits (B)
Whats the difference between hardware and software?
tangible vs intangible
What does the motherboard do?
Central element of a computers main processing hardware (also known system board or main board). The motherboard hosts the CPU, memory, clock, storage controllers an expansion slots as well as connecting circuitry betweeen them
What is read only memory (ROM)?
non-volatile memory used to start up a computer using either BIOS or EFI that is stored in the CMOS
What does BIOS stand for?
Basic input output system
What does EFI stand for/ what it is???
Extensible firmware interface - used for starting up a computer
What is the difference between BIOS and EFI?
EFI is more advanced and supports 32 bit an 64 bit operating sytems where BIOS was designed for `16 bit. BIOS is text interface only where as EFI can you use GUI interfaces
What is CMOS and what does it stand for?
Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor - Stores system configuration and is run by a battery on the main board
What are 3 storage hardware options?
Magnetic, Optical and Solid state storage
What are some examples of magnetic storage options?
Hard Drive, Floppy Disk or Tape. Stores the equivalent on 1s and 0s as as positvely or negatively charged particles
What is an example of circuit storage?
Solid state drives, USBs or memory cards. Stores the equivalent of 1s and 0s as open circuits and closed circuits
What is an example of Optical storage?
CDs, Blurays and DVDs. Stores data as light and dark spots on the disk. Lasers reflecting off the pits an lans provides the equivalent of 1s and 0s
What is RAM?
Temporary “working area” for processor. Since reading off the hard drive is too slow RAM is used to load program files when launching programs. From the RAM instructions or data is sent to the cache memory on the processor.
What is the micro-processor?
Teh brain of the computer (also known as CPU). Performs the arithmetic computations and logical comparisons to manipulate data into information. The CPU contains two parts - Control unit and Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)
What does the Control unit (CU) and Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) do?
in the CPU the CU fetches instructions and data and the ALU performs the instructions
What is cache memory
Memory inside the processor, very fast, expensive and temporary memory used to hold instructions for processing. The processor predicts what data is needed and load it from the RAM onto the cache. Cache memory. Often the biggest difference between expensive and cheap processors
What is clock speed?
The number of transactions per second a CPU can perform
What is turbo boost?
allows a CPU to temporarily increase clock speed - creates more heat which if allowed to buil up will cause the computer to crash
What is hyper threading?
duplicates certain part of the processor to allow parallel proccessing ie when feeding info to the processor there is sometimes very small (billio9nth of a second lags), by adding another “feeder” to the processor it increase processing speed becasue during the lags the second “feeder” will give data
What is 64 bit vs 32 bit
determines the amount of data that a processor can process
What is a thudnerbolt port?
Combines PCI express and DisplayPort to allow simple connections of external harddrives and extra displays with 20+ GBPS speed
Why do we need an operating system>?
Manages acces to the computer hardware so programs can use it without developers having to worry about it. The oS provides a consistent environment for applications to run in a varietyy of hardware configurations
What does API stand for?
Application Programming Interface
What does the OS do?
Provides a user interface, Manages system harware for the applications, manages memeory allocation and protection, manages system hardware, managers processor resources such (multitasking), Manages aditional peripheral devices, manages system security and integrity, returns messages to the user as needa bout the system
What are some examples of user interfaces?
Command line interface (CLI) such as powershell or DOS - inputs are done through the computer
GUI - input via mouse
What does “pre-emptive” refer to in relation to multitasking an the processor?
tasks can be interrupted (no matter what the task was trying to perform) so that other tasks can be processed
What’s the difference between hyper threading and multi-threading?
They are not related.
hyper threading allows comps to process a little faster via reducing downtime between feeding inputs to the processor
Multi threading allows tasks to run independently so that independant threads can handle separate parts of a process ie load different elements of a web page or manage screen redraws/ mouse inputs while other processes are happening - each of these threads can be multitasked
Whats multiprocessing?
Supported by modern OS’ but traditionally was done by the motherboard with multiple processor slots but now multiple processors are incorporate into single packaeges referred to as cores, individual processes or threads can be run simultaneously on each processor/core
Whats a benefit of virtualization?
Virtualization creates a a virtual instance of an OS so you dont have to worry about corrupting computer settings
What is a windows domain account?
An account created on servers and can be used to access computers belonging to that company
Microsoft accounts are created online T or F?
What is a jump list?
list from the start bar or task bar that lets you “jump” to other apps etc
What is continuum?
The concept that applications and OS can adjust their interface and functionality to suit the device
What is tablet mode?
implementation of continuum in windows for convertible devices that to adjust when the keyboard is disconnected
In windows what is timeline?
shows all your past activities and can sync between your devices if you have a microsoft account
What are some benefits to virtual machines?
Allows you to extend your workplace to organize and access groups of windows. Using Timeline you can button you can add and switch desktops and move applications between desktops
How does the snap feature work when you drag a window to the edge versus the the corner of the screen?
Drag to the edge re-sizes to 50% and the corner resizes to 25%.