Commutative Algebra Ongoing BC Flashcards
defn. commutative ring?
A set R equipped with two operations + & x such that they satisfy the eight axioms.
- addition is associative.
- addition is commutative.
- a∈R ⇒ -a∈R.
- 0∈R ⇒ a+0 = a.
- 1∈R ⇒ a x 1 = a.
- multiplication is associative.
- a(b + c) = ab +ac. distributive
- multiplication is commutative.
(R,+) is an abelian group
a(b+c) ⇒ ab+bc
defn. Inverse
R is a commutative ring and x∈R, an element x¯¹∈R is an inverse of x if xx¯¹ =1
properties of inverses
they are unique,
inverse of 0 doesn’t exist
Defn. unit
x∈R is a unit if it is an invertible element of R.
Defn. Abelian Group
a commutative group
Defn. U(R)?
U(R)= {x∈R | x is a unit}
group of invertible elements
Defn. Field ?
a field is a commutative ring K such that U(K) =K{0}
ie, a field is a ring where all non-zero elements are invertible
Defn. Domain ?
a domain is R such that a,b∈R, ab=0 ⇒ a=0 or b=0
relationship between feild and domain ?
a field is always a domain.
ie a group of invertible elements excluding zero is always a domain
defn. Monomials
monomials in n variables are in one-to-one correspondence with the set ℕ^n.
ℕ^n = {α = (k_1,… , k_n) | k_1,… ,k_n ∈ℕ} the set of all n-tuples of natural numbers.
an element (α) of a set ℕ^n
the set of all monomials in n variables
addition and multiplication of monomials
addition is not defined
multiplication is defined as X³X² = X(³+²)
total degree of a monomial
= the sum of the powers
defn. Poset (partially ordered set)
(S,≼) is a partially ordered set if S is a set and ≼ is a binary relation on S which is
- reflexsive, x∈S ⇒ x≼x
- antisymmetric: x≼y, y≼x ⇒ x=y
- transitive: x≼y, y≼z ⇒ x≼z
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Dicksons Lemma
S is a sub set of M(X_1,…,X_n): then # Smin
The partial order | on M(X_1,…,X_n)
take a picture
Dickson’s Lemma
Let S be a subset of (M(X_1, . . . ,X_n), |). Then.
- S_min is finite.
- Every element of S is divisible by at least one element of S_min.
Minimal element
A minimal element of a partially ordered set (S,≼) is x∈S such that there is no y∈S with y ≺ x.
Denote by S_min the set of minimal elements of S.
Dickson’s Lemma
Let S be a subset of (M(X_1, . . . ,X_n), |). Then:
- S_min is finite.
- Every element of S is divisible by at least one element of S_min.
Monomial orderings
A monomial ordering is a partial order ≼ on M = M(X_1,…,X_n) which satisfies:
- ≼ is a total order. (i.e m,m’∈M ⇒ m≼m’ or m≻m’;
- m∈M ⇒ 1≼m
- If m’≼m then, for every m_1 ∈M, m_1m’ ≼ m1m.
Lex Ordering
Variables are ordered first X_1 ≻ X_2≻…X_n
X^a ≻ X^b if a - b > 0.
DegLex Ordering
Variables are ordered first X_1 ≻ X_2≻…X_n
totaldeg(X^a) > totaldeg(X^b)
then use Lex if the total degrees are equal.