Community Relations and Diversity Flashcards
The owner of a local convenience store told the eat officer that she was very concerned about a group of juveniles who were frequently loitering around her store in the evening. Though no crime had been committed, fights often broke out and their presence was intimidating some of her customers. The officer recommended a number of steps both he and the store owner could take. he suggested installing low pressure sodium vapor lights outside the store and piping classical music into the parking area in front of the store . He also promised to pass by the store more often while on patrol. As a result of these steps, the area became less attractive to the teens and potential criminal activity was averted in the area. This is a scenario that describes ______________ policing.
A woman had a restraining order against her ex-husband. According to the order the husband was not allowed to come within 100 yards of the woman or her home. When the ex-husband drove into the woman’s driveway, the woman phoned officers. Officers on patrol responded promptly and found the man pounding on the front door demanding return of his stereo. After confirming the restraining order, the officers arrested the ex-husband. This is a scenario that describes __________ policing.
The majority of police actions have nothing to do with ____________ law enforcement but involve service to the community.
“the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action and artifcats and depends on man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations” is
A police culture consists of some of core beliefs. Based on these beliefs conventional wisdom holds that two dominant characteristics of the police culture is:
Police are the only real crime fighters.
No one understands them or what police work is all about.
“Cop can be characterized as a comprehensive effort by local police simultaneously to ____________crime , reduce fear, reduce social disorder and provide service to the citizenry.”
Element of Community Policing consisting of taking into account each element of the organization for more effective and efficient interactions.
Organizational Dimension
Community Policing has several essential elements. These elements are described as dimensions This particular dimension consists of positive interactions partnerships and problem solving.
Tactical Dimension
Element of Community Policing Dimension consisting of reoriented operations , a geographic focus and a prevention emphasis.
Strategic Dimension
Community Policing has two vital parts. Those are:
Problem Solving Approach
One of the most effective advances of law enforcement came with the enactment of the ______________ Police act of 1829
_________________ is considered the father of modern law enforcement. He convinced English Parliament that the current social disorder was the result of poor quality policing
Sir Robert Peele
Efforts to interact and communicate with the community - team policing, community resource officers, and school liaison officers.
Community Relations
Efforts to enhance the police image - “We’ll tell you what we are doing, but leave us alone to fight crime.”
Community Relations
An organization wide philosophy and management approach that promotes community, government and police partnerships: pro active problem solving to prevent crime and community engagement to address the causes of crime, fear of crime and other community issues.
Community Policing
Community Policing has four basic principles.
Problem Solving
Organizational Transformation
Working Together
Community can be described as a group of people with similar ________ or goals “ the law enforcement community” for instance.
During this era of policing the police sought an intimate relationship with the community. Police chiefs were politically appointed and had an interest in keeping those that appointed them happy (so they could keep their jobs).
Political Era
During this era the police sought to re-establish a close relationship with the community The emphasis began to change from crime fighting to crime prevention.
Community Era
During this era the police relationship with the community they served was professionally remote. The professional model emphasized crime control by preventive automobile patrol plus rapid response to calls
Reform Era
This is a model or a way of viewing a specific aspect of life, including the Criminal Justice System
Each era in policing was brought about by a need for law enforcement to change the way they did business and delivered services to their communities . These changes as discussed in class, are referred to as
Paradigm Shift
To make community policing work there must be certain elements present. Of the below which one IS NOT one of those elements?
Philosophical Dimension
Citizen Input
Broadened Function
Personalized Service
The officer is a change agent, assisting the community in reducing fear, decay and crime. This is a description of one of the ___________ of community policing.
Community Policing has several different elements These elements are described as dimensions. This particular dimension consists of; citizen input, a broadened function and personalized service.