Community property Flashcards
Presumptions real estate death or divorce
Death - title reflects ownership interest
Divorce - jointly held property is CP unless clear/convincing evidence others by clear statement in deed or writing
Control and management of property
Equal management of control of personal property except 1 name bank account
Gift must have written consent, other spouse can ratify or revoke.
After gifting parties death, spouse can ratify or void 1/2 value.
Property and business requires both spouses consent
Control of title one spouse
Remember, if both alive title in one name gives no presumption
If sold to BFP, BFP is protected but community mag be reimbursed.
Fiduciary duty
Highest duty of good faith with regard to property
Breach is gross negligence or above
Joint titles
Determined by title of property during marriage but CP on divorce, unless writing states to contrary
Property bought with CP and SP funds
Lucas - before 1984, funds presumed gift
Anti-Lucas - after 1984, can rebut that property is jointly held if statement in deed or other righting. Spouse making SP contribution has right to reimbursement
CP used to improve SP
CP is either reimbursed or gets pro rata interest in SP - only includes principal, no taxes Or insurance
Capital improvements
Since 2005 is SP used to improve other SP, reimbursement without interest
SP to improve CP - available after 1984, not before
CP to improve SP - community entitled to reimbursement or enhanced value of property
In writing
Party advised to get lawyer or waived in separate writing
Wait 7 days
Explanation of all material terms certified
Unconscionable- failure to disclose asset info
Spousal support - MUST HAVE LAWYER, unconscionable possible at time of divorce if too lopsided