Community Property Flashcards
Separate Property (4)
(1) Property owned by either spouse before marriage
(2) Property acquired during marriage by gift, will, or inheritance
(3) Property acquired during marriage with the expenditure of separate funds
(4) Rents, issue, and profits derived from separate property
Community Property
Property, other than separate property, acquired by either spouse during marriage
Community Presumption
All assets acquired during the marriage are presumptively community property
Domestic partnerships
Count for community property as of 2004, retroactive to 2000
Termination of economic community (2)
(1) permanent, physical separation AND
2) intent not to resume marital relations (1 party’s intent sufficient
CP on divorce
Each asset divided equally except:
(1) economic circumstances exception
(2) one spouse misappropriated
(3) one spouse has educational debts
(4) one spouse has tort liability based on action not taken for benefit of community
(5) personal injury award unless unjust
(6) negative community –> liabilities exceed assets –> relative ability to pay debt taken into account
Gifts of CP
Requires written consent of both spouses
Election to take under will
Where will violates CP principles, surviving spouse can elect to take under will or elect half share (can’t mix and match)
Credit rules
Funds borrowed during marriage presumptively community credit but look to primary intent of lender –> if based solely on SP, then separate credit
Fiduciary duties related rules
(1) presumption of undue influence: if one spouse gains an advantage from a transaction, presumption arises and spouse must show she did not breach FD
(2) a grossly negligent and reckless investment of community funds is breach of FD.
Change in character of property from SP to CP and vice versa. Oral okay pre 1985. Post-1985, must be in writing, signed by adversely impacted spouse and explicitly state change in ownership
Premarital agreements
Must be in writing and signed by both parties. Oral agreements invalid unless (1) oral agreement executed or (2) estoppel based on detrimental reliance
Defenses to premarital agreements (2)
(1) voluntariness: agmt not voluntary unless challenging party (a) represented by independent legal counse; (b) given at least 7 days to sign; and (c) if no counsel, fully informed in writing of terms and basic effect (w/ document declaring receipt of this information and who provided it)
(2) Unconscionability
Lucas rule
Property obtained during marriage with SP, or improvements made with SP, is CP absent proof of agreement otherwise
Anti-Lucas statutes
(1) Ownership: requires express agreement or inclusion in deed that property is SP
(2) Reimbursement: contributions of SP for down payment, improvements, or principal payments on mortgage entitled to reimbursement.
Proration rule
Applies to principal debt reduction and whole term life insurance (divide CP-attributable payments from overall loan/payments)
BUT term life insurance determined by last premium
Community funds used to improve SP
Doesn’t apply to fixtures, but Court’s are split on whether addition of more substantial amenities are gifts or entitled to reimbursement
Rebutting presumption of CP with commingled bank accounts (2)
(1) Exhaustion method: show that all CP in account was exhausted so SP must have been used for given purchase
(2) Direct tracing method: sufficient separate funds available and intent to use SP to buy asset
Pereira test
Applied when spouse expends personal skills and effort. Pay interest (10% annum) on SP and then remainder is CP
Van Camp test
Applied when business is inherently valuable (little impact to personal contributions). Value community labor (market wages MINUS family expenses paid from community funds) and then the rest is SP
Employee retirement benefits
All benefits accumulated during marriage, irregardless of vesting, is CP. (Use proration rule – years service while married / total years employed to retirement)
Disability and workers comp
Treated as wage replacement, so status determined by when received, not when earned
Marriage of Hug formula
If stock options are a form of deferred compensation, divide years employment to date economic community ended by the years employment to date option became exercisable
Marriage of Nelson formula
If stock options are primarily a way to get spouse to stay at company, divide years from date options are granted to date economic community ends by years from date options are granted to date options became exercisable
Is CP and subject to division
Educational expenses
Contributing spouse entitled to reimbursement for cost of education if the education enhanced earning capacity BUT not if (1) community has already benefited from the earnings of the educated spouse (10 or more years) or (2) other spouse also received CP-funded education
Quasi Community Property
Property acquired while the couple was domiciled in a non-community property state, which would have been classified as community property had it been acquired under the same circumstances in California, is quasi community property. Treated the same as true community property on divorce
Putative spouse
When someone has the subjective belief she is lawfully married, assets are called quasi-marital property